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Djibouti’s title as a regional trade hub is built upon its modern international port and the Djibouti–Addis Ababa railway. There is also much unrecorded transshipment, via camels, dhows, and trucks, to bordering countries.
Djibouti’s road network comprises about 2,000 miles (3,000 km) of roads, of which less than half is paved. Primary routes include a paved road linking Tadjoura and the north with the capital, and the Grand Bara road, which links the capital with the south.
The Djibouti–Addis Ababa railway was historically an important source of revenue for Djibouti. Built in the early 20th century, it was jointly owned by the governments of Djibouti and Ethiopia and was upgraded with the financial support of the European Union. Despite these improvements, however, the line continued to deteriorate, affecting both passenger and freight traffic. Eventually the railway fell into disuse, but a new electrified rail line was built parallel to the existing track. Financed largely by the Export-Import Bank of China, the $3.4 billion project was completed in October 2016. Capable of accommodating freight trains at speeds of up to 75 miles (120 km) per hour and passenger trains at speeds of up to 100 miles (160 km) per hour, the electrified rail line promised to greatly reduce the transit time between Addis Ababa and Djibouti city.
The port of Djibouti is a free-trade zone with modern container and refrigeration facilities and a rail link to Ethiopia. The international port provides capabilities for bunkering and the transshipment of goods to other countries in the region. Attempts at diversification—including the construction of new container terminals, the refurbishment of docking berths, and the inauguration of a new port with a deepwater container facilities and an oil and gas terminal at nearby Doralé—have centred on capturing a larger share of the worldwide transshipment of goods along the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
Djibouti has several small airports throughout the country that provide access to domestic air service. There is an international airport located at Ambouli, near Djibouti city.

Djibouti’s international telecommunications services are some of the best in sub-Saharan Africa, designed to support the country’s position as a financial and business hub. An earth station links Djibouti to the Arab Satellite Communication Organization (Arabsat). Djibouti is also linked to the submarine South East Asia–Middle East–Western Europe–3 (SEA-ME-WE-3) telecommunications system.
With regard to personal communication, mobile phone use is far more prevalent than landline use and continues to increase. Internet usage outside the business realm is limited but growing.
Government and society
Constitutional Framework
Djibouti did not adopt a constitution until 1992, 15 years after having achieved independence. Prior to that the country was governed by nine constitutional articles that had been adopted in 1981. Under the constitution the president, who serves as head of state and head of government, is elected by universal suffrage for a term of five years, without any limitation on the number of terms served. The president nominates and is assisted by a prime minister. The National Assembly is the legislative arm of the government and comprises 65 members who are presided over by the prime minister. Assembly members are elected by universal suffrage for a period of five years. A constitutional amendment in 2010 provided for the creation of a Senate, although one was not immediately established.
Local government
The country is divided into six administrative units: five régions (Ali Sabieh, Arta, Dikhil, Tadjourah, and Obock) and Djibouti city.
The judiciary is divided into three separate court systems. A customary court system maintains a trial level in Djibouti city and each region, as well as an appellate level in Djibouti city. These courts are responsible only for civil matters. A second court system, based on Sharīʿah, deals with family matters that fall under the jurisdiction of the Islamic faith. Although presided over by a kadi (a Muslim judge), this system is similar to the customary court system in that it includes both trial and appellate levels. The third court system is Western in origin, heavily patterned after the French judicial system. The Supreme Court constitutes the top court of appeals for this system. Its jurisdiction includes appeals from both the customary and Sharīʿah court systems.
Political process
From 1981 until 1992 Djibouti had a single-party system, with the Popular Assembly for Progress (Rassemblement Populaire pour le Progrès; RPP) being the sole legal party. During this time deputies to the National Assembly could be elected only from a list supplied by the RPP; abstention from voting was the only legal form of opposition.
The 1992 constitution officially inaugurated a multiparty political system that authorized competition between four political parties. Although it was a significant departure from the single-party rule of 1977–92, critics noted that Djibouti largely remained a de facto single-party political system, with the ruling party maintaining wide powers. In 2002 the restriction on the number of parties was lifted, allowing for the creation of many new legally recognized political parties.
Women and minorities are able to participate in the political process, although representation tends to be disproportionate. In the mid-2000s, women held one-tenth of National Assembly seats. Women have also served in cabinet positions and as president of the Supreme Court. Minorities have held National Assembly seats as well as a number of cabinet positions.
Djibouti’s army and security forces fall under the direct control of the president as commander in chief. The Djiboutian Armed Forces comprise army, navy, and air force contingents as well as a National Security Force; the army is by far the largest branch. There are also paramilitary forces. Djiboutian forces have participated in missions as United Nations Peacekeeping Forces.
Djibouti also hosts international forces. France has long had a military presence in the country stemming from when Djibouti was a French colony. In the wake of the September 11 attacks in the United States in 2001 and the subsequent international campaign to combat further acts of terror, the Djiboutian government has allowed the United States to station troops in the country. Germany also has a small number of troops stationed in Djibouti.
Health and welfare
Historically, Djiboutians on average have been better off than the populations of their immediate neighbours. There are still problems, however. Many Djiboutians live in poor housing with inadequate water and sanitation. The infant mortality rate is high because of diarrhea, acute respiratory infections, malaria, and nutritional deficiencies. For the general population, tuberculosis is a major health problem, as are other respiratory diseases, diarrhea, and HIV/AIDS. About four-fifths of the country’s population has access to health care; that figure is considerably lower in rural areas. Djibouti city has a hospital and several primary care clinics, and local dispensaries serve the rural areas.
The widespread chewing of khat in Djibouti presents some health and societal problems. There is the obvious issue of physical side effects associated with prolonged usage that have a negative impact on one’s health. Some studies have indicated that most adult male Djiboutians spend more than five hours a day chewing khat, with the country’s high level of unemployment thought to be partially to blame for the pervasive habit. There is also a problem with khat usage by the portion of the Djiboutian workforce that is gainfully employed, as it is widely recognized that use of the drug severely hinders labour productivity.
Six years of primary education begin at age six. This is followed by seven years of secondary education that begin with a four-year cycle and continue with an additional three-year cycle. Although efforts have been made to increase school enrollment and attendance, it is estimated that fewer than half of primary-school-age children obtain an education. The University of Djibouti (2006) offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs. More than two-thirds of the adult population is literate.