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Atlanta is not only the cultural centre of Georgia but also a major cosmopolitan hub of the South. As such, it is home to numerous museums and attractions. Its Woodruff Arts Center includes the High Museum of Art (1905) and a school of the visual arts, with performing facilities for its symphony orchestra and a professional resident theatre, both of which have premiered new works. The city’s Fernbank Museum of Natural History (1992) was in 2001 the first to display a specimen of Argentinosaurus, believed to be the world’s largest dinosaur, and the Georgia Aquarium opened in Atlanta in 2005. Atlanta also has cooperative galleries run by painters and sculptors, and there is an active group of filmmakers.
Elsewhere in the state there are regional ballet companies and numerous community theatres. In addition to instruction in theatre, dance, the visual arts, and music in many colleges, Georgia Institute of Technology has a school of architecture, and the University of Georgia has a school of environmental design. Dozens of public museums and college galleries exhibit art, and Clark Atlanta University has a notable African American collection. In 1988 Atlanta hosted the first National Black Arts Festival, a major annual event that has continued into the 21st century.
Georgia is rich in traditional arts and crafts, especially in the mountainous north. The craft of tufted fabrics was a major factor in attracting the carpet industry that developed around Dalton. A mountain arts cooperative has a store in Tallulah Falls, and craft shops are attached to several art galleries. Country music conventions are held in northern Georgia—with some tension between purists and users of electronic equipment. In rural churches of northwestern Georgia, unaccompanied singing from the Sacred Harp shape-note hymnal remains strong, and throughout the area many prayers and sermons are delivered melodically.
The state has produced some of the best-known figures in American popular music. Ray Charles helped forge soul music from rhythm and blues, jazz, and gospel, and his hit rendition of “Georgia on My Mind” helped establish it as the state song. Little Richard was one of the early stars of rock and roll, and the Allman Brothers Band pioneered the Southern rock genre. Gladys Knight and the Pips recorded numerous chart-topping songs in the 1960s and ’70s that have become soul and rhythm-and-blues standards. From the 1990s, Atlanta has been a influential locus of hip-hop music, producing standout artists such as OutKast.
A number of Georgia natives have achieved international recognition in literature. Two of the most notable authors are Alice Walker, whose novel The Color Purple (1982) on African American life in the South won a Pulitzer Prize and was made into award-winning cinema and stage versions, and Margaret Mitchell, whose enduringly popular American Civil War epic Gone with the Wind (1936) was adapted into one of the great classics of American cinema. In the late 19th century Joel Chandler Harris wrote a series of stories based on African American trickster tales (collected as Uncle Remus: His Songs and Sayings [1880]) that have remained a vital part of American folkloric tradition.

Numerous buildings, districts, and archaeological sites across the state have been designated national historic landmarks. Among these is the Old Governor’s Mansion in Milledgeville, dating from the period (1804–68) when Milledgeville was the capital of Georgia. Similarly, the Savannah Historic District embraces much of the original town layout and architecture of the 18th century. In the state’s mountainous northwest region, the Etowah Mounds of 10th-century Mississippian culture have been granted landmark status.
Georgia has a wide range of outdoor recreational opportunities. Stone Mountain Park near Decatur (eastern suburb of Atlanta) is noted not only for its natural environment but for the massive Confederate memorial relief carved into the mountain’s open granite face. The mountainous north is dominated by Chattahoochee National Forest, which includes the Cohutta Wilderness Area. On the coast is Cumberland Island National Seashore, which comprises part of that large barrier island. Numerous other national wildlife areas and refuges are found throughout the coastal zone. The unique character of Okefenokee Swamp is nurtured and preserved through the administration of Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge and Wilderness Area, as well as the Stephen C. Foster and Laura S. Walker state park facilities found there. Georgia maintains a system of state parks that offer a wide range of outdoor recreational experiences, from ocean surf bathing to mountain hiking and climbing.
Georgia holds a place of prominence in national and international competitive sports. Atlanta is home to various professional sports teams, including the Braves (baseball), the Falcons (football), the Hawks (basketball), and Atlanta United FC (soccer). On the international circuit, Atlanta hosted the 1996 Summer Olympic Games, an undertaking that not only drew thousands of world-class athletes to the city but also attracted millions of visitors to the state. In professional golf, Augusta National Golf Club hosts the prestigious Masters Tournament each April. Collegiate football is a popular fall pastime, with the University of Georgia typically fielding a strong squad.
More than 100 newspapers, most of them weeklies, are published in Georgia. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is the state’s most widely read newspaper and has a national reputation. Georgia has hundreds of radio stations and several dozen television stations. Cable News Network (CNN), the first cable television channel to offer continuous broadcasting, was established in Atlanta in 1980 and later became one of the leaders in domestic and international television journalism.
Prehistoric period
The first inhabitants of what is now Georgia found their way into the area about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Equipped with finely worked flint projectile points, these migratory hunters of the Paleo-Indian period appear to have built small, seasonally occupied camps as they followed the movements of their large animal prey. Members of the cultures that arose between 8000 and 1000 bce—during the Archaic period—developed a more diversified food supply but continued the seasonal migration of their ancestors. Permanent to semipermanent village settlement in Georgia came with the emergence of the Woodland culture in the period 1000 bce to 900 ce. Small, widely dispersed, permanently occupied villages were inhabited by the Woodland agriculturalists, who supplemented their harvests with a variety of wild foods. The area’s Woodland peoples left their most lasting mark in the form of large mounds built of thousands of basketfuls of clay and earth. Some mounds contained human burials and elaborately worked jewelry, pottery, and figurines. Others did not contain burials but were built in the shapes of animals. The best-known of these is Rock Eagle in central Georgia, a large complex of quartz rocks laid out in the shape of a bird.
The Mississippian culture, named for the river valley in which it flourished, succeeded the Woodland culture and continued the tradition of building mounds, which were used for ceremonial purposes and as sites for the homes of chiefs. This culture developed hierarchical social orders, with powerful, centralized governments headed by chiefs. Its reliable and productive system of agriculture, based on corn, beans, squash, pumpkin, and tobacco, often provided surpluses. The Mississippian culture was dominant in the area when the Europeans arrived in the 1500s.