Economy of Inner Mongolia
- In full:
- Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
- Official Chinese:
- Nei Mongol Zizhiqu
- Pinyin:
- Nei Menggu Zizhiqu
- Wade-Giles romanization:
- Nei-meng-ku Tzu-chih-ch’ü
Inner Mongolia, with almost one-third of China’s grassland and about one-fourth of its pasture area, has been traditionally renowned for its livestock. The condition of the livestock industry improved markedly after 1950 through the use of such measures as large-scale wolf hunting to reduce herd predation, the immunization of cattle, and improved pasturage and animal husbandry. Weather stations were established to forewarn herders of major storms. Crossbreeding by artificial insemination, such as between domestic and Tsgaisky pedigreed sheep, greatly improved stocks. Sheep are the main livestock raised, and cattle, horses, pigs, and camels are also important.
The harsh climate severely restricts intensive agriculture. In some areas, particularly around the great loop of the Huang He, oats, spring wheat, kaoliang (a variety of grain sorghum), millet, and other grains are cultivated. In irrigated areas sugar beets and oil-bearing crops such as linseed, rape, and sunflowers are important. Rice production is also important in the eastern part of the region. Measures to improve agricultural output have included greater implementation of water conservation and irrigation programs (including the use of plastic-film mulching in some drier areas) and the use of chemical fertilizers.
Resources and manufacturing
Inner Mongolia’s industry is based on the territory’s great and varied mineral wealth: some 60 different types have been found in the region. There are rich iron-ore deposits at Bayan Obo (Baiyun Ebo), about 75 miles (120 km) north of Baotou, and Inner Mongolia has one of the world’s largest deposits of rare-earth metals—some two-thirds of known reserves. Coal, mined near Baotou and at other locations, is in thick seams and easy to extract, thus providing a ready energy source for industrial development. The inland drainage of the Mongolian Plateau once contained a number of salt lakes; most have dried up, leaving behind deposits of salt and natural alkali (soda). These resources are important for the chemical industry, especially for the manufacture of chemical fertilizers. There are also significant deposits of niobium, beryllium, and gypsum.
Industrial development advanced rapidly after 1950, centred around Baotou, which developed into one of the major iron-and-steel producers in China. The city has numerous other plants, including those making ceramics, cement, machinery (including heavy trucks), textiles and leather products, chemical fertilizers, and electronic equipment. Other major industrial centres include Hohhot, Chifeng, and, to the west, Wuhai.
Also important to Inner Mongolia’s economy is the processing of nonferrous and rare-earth metals, timber, and forest and animal by-products and the fabrication of building materials. Inner Mongolia has been working to develop an industrial system with ethnic and regional features. Handicrafts like carpets, saddles, and cashmere and camel hair fabrics are sold throughout China.
The rail system links the region to the remainder of China. Major railway junctions are Baotou, Hohhot, and Jining. With the advent of industrial development, several new railways were constructed in Inner Mongolia. The Jining and Ulaanbaatar International Railway (completed in 1955) connects China with Mongolia and with Russia. This route shortened the rail distance between Beijing and Moscow by some 700 miles (1,130 km). The most important line constructed since 1949, however, is that from Baotou to Lanzhou in Gansu province, which completes the rail link between northern and northwestern China. Another major line from Jining east to Tongliao completed in the middle 1990s connects the region with northeastern provinces.
In addition to the rail network, thousands of miles of highway link most areas. An express highway connecting Baotou, Hohhot, and Jining runs all the way to Beijing, and another extends northward to Wuhai from Yinchuan in Ningxia. Inland waterway navigation is somewhat limited. Only the upper course of the Huang He, from Lanzhou to Baotou, is navigable. Hohhot is the hub of international air travel, but there are regional airports in most of the larger cities.
Government and society
Constitutional framework
The administration of Inner Mongolia somewhat differs in name and composition from that in other parts of China. The region is divided into three leagues (meng), similar to subprovincial units in China proper, and nine prefecture-level municipalities (dijishi). Below that level, the local administrative units are subdivided as banners (qi) or autonomous banners (zizhiqi) in the Mongolian and some other minority group areas and counties (xian), county-level cities (xianjishi), and districts under the municipalities (shixiaqu) in the predominantly Han area.
Health and welfare
The nomadic Mongol pastoralists still live in traditional tentlike structures called yurts, or ger, that are inadequately ventilated. In the past, this, added to chronic shortages of drinking water and traditional hygiene patterns, contributed to the spread of epidemic diseases. Syphilis and bubonic plague caused a continuous decline in the Mongolian population in the mid-19th to mid-20th century. In 1947, for example, more than three-fifths of the pastoral population suffered from syphilis, and the infant mortality rate in 1949 was as high as one in three live births. Public health has since greatly improved, and the spread of infectious diseases has been brought under control. Energetic promotion of new midwifery methods significantly reduced the rate of infant mortality, and the population began increasing.
Education was introduced after 1949, mainly through mobile schools and a “half-study, half-work” scheme in which study time varied according to the requirements of agricultural and pastoral activities. More than three-fifths of the population has received at least a primary-level education, and illiteracy has been reduced. A number of vocational schools, colleges, and universities are also in operation, including Inner Mongolia University (founded 1957) and Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (1952), both in Hohhot.