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The Atatürk Cultural Center, situated in Taksim Square, is an important centre for the arts where opera, ballet, and theatre performances are staged. The municipal theatre operates several playhouses, and there are many theatre companies.
A large number of learned societies and research institutes are headquartered in the city, including the Turkish Law Association (Türk Hukuk Kurumu), Turkish Historical Society (Türk Tarih Kurumu), German and French archaeological institutes, and the Turkish Language Institute (Türk Dil Kurumu). There is a nuclear research centre at Küçükçekmece.
There are many public and private libraries. The small, specialized Köprülü Library (1677) has books from early Ottoman presses and handwritten works more than 1,000 years old. Many of the city’s mosques, palaces, and monuments, as mentioned earlier, contain museums. Other museums include the Archaeological Museums of Istanbul (İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri), the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art (Türk ve İslam Eserleri Müzesi), and the Military Museum and Cultural Center (Askeri Müze ve Kültür Sitesi Komutanlığı).
The Hippodrome is now a public garden; there are also numerous other public parks. A unique feature of the city is its market gardens, which are associated with the open cisterns that formed early Constantinople’s water-supply system. The cisterns have been partially built over and are called Çukur Bostan (Hollow Gardens).
Football (soccer) is a popular sport, and Istanbul has a number of stadiums, including BJK İnönü, Vefa, Fenerbahçe Şükrü Saracoğlu, Atatürk Olympic stadium, and Türk Telekom Arena. Florya and Ataköy are popular beaches on the Sea of Marmara.

The early period
Byzantium was one of the many colonies founded from the end of the 8th century bce onward along the coasts of the Bosporus and the Black Sea by Greek settlers from the cities of Miletus and Megara.
The Persian king Darius I took the settlement in 512 bce; it slipped from Persian grasp during the Ionian revolt of 496, only to be retaken by the Persians. In 478 an Athenian fleet captured the city, which then became a rich and important member of the Delian League. As Athenian power waned during the Peloponnesian War, Byzantines acknowledged Spartan overlordship. Although Alcibiades besieged and retook the city, Sparta reasserted its domination after defeating Athens in 405 bce.
In 343 bce Byzantium joined the Second Athenian League, throwing off the siege of Philip II of Macedon three years later. The lifting of the siege was attributed to the divine intervention of the goddess Hecate and was commemorated by the striking of coins bearing her star and crescent. Byzantium accepted Macedonian rule under Alexander the Great, regaining independence only with the eclipse of Macedonian might. In the 3rd century bce the city’s treasury was drained to buy off marauding Gauls. A free city under Rome, it gradually fell under imperial control and briefly lost its freedom under the emperor Vespasian. When in 196 ce it sided with the usurper Pescennius Niger, the Roman emperor Septimius Severus massacred the populace, razed the walls, and annexed the remains to the city of Perinthus (or Heraclea, modern Marmaraereğlisi), in Turkey.
Subsequently Septimius Severus rebuilt the city on the same spot but on a grander scale. Although sacked again by Gallienus in 268, the city was strong enough two years later to resist a Gothic invasion. In the subsequent civil wars and rebellions that broke out sporadically in the Roman Empire, Byzantium remained untouched until the arrival of the emperor Constantine I—the first Roman ruler to adopt Christianity. Overcoming the army of the rival emperor, Licinius, at nearby Chrysopolis, on September 18, 324, Constantine became head of the whole Roman Empire, east and west. He decided to make Byzantium his capital.