- Related Topics:
- Korean Provisional Government
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance
- Singanhoe
- Related Places:
- North Korea
- South Korea
- Goguryeo
- Silla
- Baekje
South Korea began to organize a police constabulary reserve in 1946. In December 1948 the Department of National Defense was established. By June 1950, when the war broke out, South Korea had a force of 98,000 troops equipped only with small arms, which was barely enough to deal with internal revolt and border attacks. The U.S. occupation forces completely withdrew from Korea by June 1949, leaving behind them about 500 soldiers as a U.S. Military Advisory Group to train the South Korean armed forces. In October 1949 the United States granted South Korea $10.2 million for military aid and $110 million for economic aid for the fiscal year 1950, the first year of a contemplated three-year program. In addition the U.S. Congress approved about $11 million for military aid in March 1950. The military equipment committed under the U.S. military assistance program was still en route, however, when North Korean troops invaded the South in June. South Korea was thus unprepared to resist the total invasion from the North.
Military preparations in North Korea had been much more extensive. Early in 1946 the Soviet authorities had organized a 20,000-member constabulary and army units, and in August the North Korean army was established (its title changing to the Korean People’s Army in February 1948). The Soviet occupation forces left North Korea in December 1948, leaving behind for training purposes 150 advisers for each army division. In March 1949 the U.S.S.R. concluded a reciprocal-aid agreement with North Korea, in which it agreed to furnish heavy military equipment, and by June 1950 North Korean forces numbered 135,000, including a tank brigade. As early as 1946 the Soviets were sending thousands of Koreans to the U.S.S.R. for specialized training, and during 1949–50 China transferred about 12,000 Korean troops from its army to the North Korean forces. The North Korean forces were thus far superior to those of South Korea in training and equipment when, on June 25, 1950, North Korean troops launched a full-scale invasion of the south.
UN intervention
On June 26 (June 25 in New York City) the UN Security Council approved a resolution condemning the invasion of South Korea. The Soviet Union was unable to impose a veto, because its delegate had been boycotting the meetings to protest the fact that the People’s Republic of China had no representation in the United Nations. On June 27 U.S. Pres. Harry S. Truman issued the order for U.S. air and naval forces to resist communist aggression in Korea; that afternoon the UN Security Council ratified Truman’s decision to send air and sea aid to Korea, calling upon UN members to render such assistance to Korea as might be necessary to restore peace. But Seoul fell on June 28, and most of the South Korean army was destroyed. On June 30 Truman ordered U.S. ground forces in Japan into Korea; the first U.S. troops reached the battlefield on July 4. The UN approved the creation of a unified command in Korea, and Gen. Douglas MacArthur was appointed commander. Sixteen member countries sent armed contingents, but the United States furnished the great bulk of the air units, naval forces, supplies, and financing.
The North Koreans continued to advance, despite the presence of U.S. troops in the field. In early August the UN retreat came to an end in a defense perimeter along the Nakdong River, forming a semicircular beachhead around Busan in Korea’s extreme southeast. On September 15 MacArthur counterattacked, catching the communists on the flank by an amphibious attack on Incheon (on the coast west of Seoul). North Korean forces were trapped and either surrendered or fled in panic. By October 1 the UN forces were back at the 38th parallel. On September 27 the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff had ordered MacArthur to destroy the North Korean armed forces, and two days later Truman authorized him to advance into North Korea. On October 7 the UN General Assembly approved the resolution to permit entry into North Korea and created a UN Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea. On October 20 the UN forces entered Pyongyang, and on October 26 they reached the Chinese border at the Yalu River.
Chinese intervention
The Chinese, who had moved troops along the Yalu after the Incheon landing, entered Korea in November in overwhelming numbers. By late 1952, 1.2 million Chinese were engaged in the war under the command of Peng Dehuai. They forced the UN troops to retreat in disarray, and Seoul was reevacuated on January 4, 1951. But the Chinese were halted near Pyongtaek (about 30 miles [48 km] south of Seoul), and in February the UN General Assembly formally condemned China as an aggressor. The UN counteroffensive began in late January. By March 31 the UN forces had again reached the 38th parallel. MacArthur now publicly advocated an extension of the war to China because of the Chinese intervention, but this advocacy was regarded as a challenge to the U.S. president’s conduct of foreign policy. Consequently, in April Truman dismissed MacArthur from all of his commands, and Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway took his place. From then until the armistice, the UN forces fought a holding action along the 38th parallel; indeed, in many places the UN forces were slightly north of the line.