Cultural life
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Manitoba’s diverse population has created a rich and varied cultural life. Ethnic groups—European, Asian, and aboriginal—maintain vigorous attachments to their traditional cultures through schooling, dance, art, music, and crafts. Winnipeg exhibits a variety of cultures; the towns and villages of the southwest have a strong, uniformly British tradition; and ethnic enclaves throughout the province reflect the pattern of initial settlement. Manitoba is noted for its efforts to retain minority languages.
Arts and cultural institutions
Manitobans have a reputation for supporting cultural agencies. Winnipeg is home to a number of major artistic institutions: the internationally famous Royal Winnipeg Ballet, the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Manitoba Theatre Centre, Prairie Theatre Exchange, the Manitoba Theatre for Young People, Rainbow Stage, Le Cercle Molière, and the Winnipeg Art Gallery. A major centre in downtown Winnipeg houses a concert hall and a planetarium, as well as the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature.
Manitoba also played an important role in the development of rock music in Canada. In the mid-1960s community clubs in Winnipeg provided crucial venues for a generation of aspiring musicians that included Neil Young and the quintessential Canadian rock band the Guess Who.
Important modern writers include Margaret Laurence and Gabrielle Roy. Painters of note include Ivan Eyre and William Kurelek. Manitoba’s most distinguished composer was Sophie-Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatté.
The province maintains a strong sense of its past. The Manitoba Historical Society is the leading agency in that regard. The Archives of Manitoba is a major repository for historical documents, including the collection of the Hudson’s Bay Company. There are dozens of historical museums in the towns and cities of the province, as well as a number of historic sites, including the Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, located just north of Winnipeg, and York Factory National Historic Site on the shores of Hudson Bay.

Manitobans sponsor and support an exceptional array of community and cultural festivals. Among the more important are the Winnipeg Folk Festival; Folklorama, also in Winnipeg; Gimli Icelandic Festival; the National Ukrainian Festival at Dauphin; the Festival du Voyageur in St. Boniface; and the Northern Manitoba Trappers’ Festival at The Pas.
Sports and recreation
Professional sports franchises include the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the Canadian (gridiron) Football League and a minor league baseball and hockey team. Curling is an important winter sport. In addition to hockey, other major participant sports include baseball, football (soccer), cross-country skiing, fishing, and hunting. Manitoba has one national park, Riding Mountain, and numerous provincial parks.
Media and publishing
Manitoba is served by a number of daily and weekly newspapers, of which the most important are the Winnipeg Free Press and the Brandon Sun. There is a small but lively publishing industry centred in Winnipeg.
The fur trade era
Aboriginal (First Nations and Inuit) peoples, who had lived in the Manitoba region for thousands of years, first came in contact with Europeans through the fur trade. Explorers searching for the Northwest Passage reached Hudson Bay in 1610, when Henry Hudson navigated the east side of the bay to which he gave his name. He was followed by a number of adventurers, including Thomas Button (1612), Jens Munk (1619), and Luke Fox and Thomas James (1631). As a result of the opening of the fur trade in Hudson Bay by French Canadian adventurers Pierre Radisson and Médard Chouart des Grosseilliers, the Hudson’s Bay Company was incorporated in England in 1670 and granted a monopoly over the fur trade in an area designated as Rupert’s Land. The Hudson’s Bay Company established a number of posts along the bay. The company faced tremendous competition from French traders, who, led by Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de la Vérendrye, reached the Red River in the early 1730s and established a series of posts in the area, including Fort Rouge on the present site of Winnipeg. The French forced the Hudson’s Bay Company to expand inland, but the British traders were unable to compete successfully with other traders based in Montreal who eventually organized as the North West Company. That company’s agents, known as Nor’westers, came overland into the region and wintered with the aboriginal peoples to facilitate fur trading with them. The agents also worked closely with the Métis and resisted the British company’s attempts to establish an agricultural colony at Red River. Several decades of intense competition between the British and French Canadian traders ensued. The bitter, often violent competition culminated in the Seven Oaks Massacre of 1816. Increasing violence and declining profits forced the two firms to merge into the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1821.