Warfare and feuding
The cultural orientations of many Melanesian peoples were shaped by a warrior ethic—an ethos of bravery, violence, vengeance, and honour—and by religious imperatives that promoted aggression. Large-scale armed confrontations between warriors were common in parts of New Guinea and some parts of island Melanesia. Evidence from the New Guinea Highlands and other parts of the island suggests that warfare, or in some areas clandestine raiding, had a high cost in human life: among the Mae Enga of the western Highlands, as many as 15 percent of male deaths occurred in war, and periodic resumptions of armed combat took a substantial number of lives. Victorious groups often displaced their enemies. Homicidal raiding was widespread and was associated with headhunting in such regions as the southern New Guinea coast (Asmat and Marind-anim) and the western Solomons (Roviana and Vella Lavella) and with cannibalism in others (southern Massim and New Caledonia).
In some areas, such as Malaita in the Solomons and much of Vanuatu, large-scale combat was rare, but feuds across kin groups were endemic. Death was often attributed to sorcery, accusations of which typically triggered vengeance murders; so too, in some areas, did ritual insults or accusations of seduction, adultery, or theft. Vengeance killings usually continued to be perpetrated by each side of a feud until the murders balanced out or blood money was paid.
Political leadership
In both Papuan- and Austronesian-speaking Melanesia, leaders of local groups characteristically emerged on the basis of success in the prestige economy, warfare, or some combination thereof. This type of achieved (as opposed to inherited) leadership, based on status gained through entrepreneurial success and accompanying influence and obligations, has been referred to by the stereotypical term Big Man.
There is a serious problem with the Big Man stereotype because, in many parts of island Melanesia, societies were led by hereditary chiefs, at least at the time of first European contact. This was true for parts of Austronesian-speaking coastal New Guinea, parts of the Solomons, parts of Vanuatu, and most of New Caledonia. In other areas leadership was based on conceptions of rank but with succession to leadership based on a complex relation between hereditary right and demonstrated ability. In much of precolonial island Melanesia, particularly in the coastal areas, hereditary rank and demonstrated achievement typically operated together to confer leadership, with each reinforcing the other. The power of these local leaders often derived from monopolies over trade or prestige exchange systems or from regional domination based on war, both of which were disrupted by Europeans.
Production and technology
The ancient root-crop cultivation systems of Papuan and Austronesian peoples depended on swidden or slash-and-burn horticulture, a practice of shifting cultivation whereby rainforest gardens are cleared, planted, harvested, and then left fallow for periods of up to a generation. Fire and ground stone tools—and, in some coral-island areas, shell tools—were used to clear forests. Wooden digging sticks were used for cultivation.

The primary plant domesticates were yams (Dioscorea species) and taro (Colocasia esculenta), with other domesticates such as plantains (Musa paradisiaca), sago (Metroxylon species), pandanus (Pandanus species), leafy greens (such as Hibiscus manihot), and sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum). In swampy areas of New Guinea, sago production continues to support dense populations. Sweet potatoes, an American domesticate that reached New Guinea through the Moluccas around the 16th century, allowed an intensification of production and dense settlement of higher altitudes, where species of Pueraria (a genus of root vegetables) and taro had been cultivated earlier. Over centuries, the expansion of intensified cultivation in the great highland valleys of New Guinea transformed the island’s montane forest hunting territories into tracts of Imperata grass, further accelerating the residents’ reliance on pig husbandry and intensified production, particularly of sweet potatoes.
In island Melanesia, yams and taro have traditionally been the major staple crops. The two have quite different methods of production as well as symbolic meanings, and a community’s focus on one or the other tends to structure social life. For example, yams are planted and harvested seasonally. The plants’ edible tubers, if unblemished and dry, keep for several months. Hence, communities that focus on yam production tend to have an annual cycle and to emphasize communal labour and common enterprise.
Taro corms, on the other hand, rot quickly after harvest, and taro has no seasonal cycle. Taro shoots are replanted after the corms have been cut off, so that both harvest and planting are continuous throughout the year. This promotes forms of cultivation that emphasize individual families and other flexible local groups. The traditional importance of this crop was especially apparent in areas where people expended considerable amounts of labour to maximize its production. In New Guinea and parts of island Melanesia, for instance, people increased taro production by investing time and energy in creating various combinations of water control, soil mounding, composting, and terracing. Taro’s importance in parts of Vanuatu and New Caledonia was similarly evident in these regions’ terraced and irrigated fields. Likewise, the mounded and composted gardens of parts of highland New Guinea, associated with water control, allowed for the intensification of production and the continuous use of land.
The production of root and tree crops was augmented by the raising of domestic pigs, fishing, the hunting of marsupials and birds, and sometimes the gathering of insects and grubs. Wild vegetable foods, including tubers, greens, nuts (notably the canarium almond), and fruits, were used to augment diets or to provide emergency rations.
A range of cultigens used for purposes other than food complemented Melanesia’s food crops. The areca nut and accompanying betel pepper, for example, continue to be widely chewed as a mild stimulant and were a crucial medium of sociality in large zones of Melanesia. Kava, a drink derived from the roots of a pepper plant (Piper methysticum), served a similar purpose in parts of Vanuatu and in Fiji. Plants such as ginger and ti (Cordyline fruticosa) were used in ritual, magic, and medicine.
Although swidden horticulture typified the region, many peoples of montane New Guinea relied heavily on hunting and gathering and had low-intensity food-production systems. Competition for hunting territories was a major factor in warfare and raiding, particularly among the peoples of the ecologically marginal zones of the southern regions of the Highlands.
In island Melanesia, coastal zones offered rich environments for the exploitation of fish, shellfish, and sea turtles. Coastal zones were rich in sources of shell used for valuables and ornaments, in salt and lime, and in marine food products, which coastal groups traded with peoples of the interior. In some areas, the trade of root crops for marine products was institutionalized. In northern Malaita, in the Solomons, coastal dwellers and residents of the interior bartered fish for root vegetables at regular markets. Other Solomons coastal communities specialized in manufacturing and exporting shell beads, which were widely used as valuables. Similar arrangements occurred in the Admiralty Islands and other areas of island Melanesia.
Peoples of New Guinea and the islands to the east commanded a broad range of Neolithic technology, including the manufacture of ground stone adzes and axes. They also made bags and nets from bush fibres, using them for fishing, hunting, trapping, foraging, and carrying. Bark cloth was widely manufactured. Giant bamboo served a multitude of purposes, providing cooking vessels, water containers, torches, and carving knives. Melanesian peoples also constructed canoes that could range in size and complexity from small dugouts to elaborate composite seagoing vessels. Their weapons included bows and arrows, spears, and clubs.
Although these various forms of technology were distributed throughout the region, particular peoples specialized in the production of certain items. To some extent, specialization followed the distribution of resources, such as clay for pottery, chert or greenstone for tool blades, and trees for canoes or weapons. However, systems of trade and regional exchange seem to have depended on political and cultural imperatives as well as the local availability of resources.