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The accession of Peter II as vladika in 1830 heralded an era of modernization and political integration, in spite of further wars against the Ottoman Turks. The authority of tribal chieftainships was significantly attenuated after a brief civil uprising was suppressed in 1847. The position of “civil governor” was replaced by a senate, and much progress was made in the suppression of blood feuding. After Peter’s death in 1851, his nephew and successor, Danilo II, introduced major changes in governance. Because he was already betrothed, Danilo was precluded from becoming vladika; therefore, he assumed the title of gospodar (prince) and, by making it a hereditary office, separated the leadership of state from the episcopal office. Danilo also introduced a new and modernized legal code, and the first Montenegrin newspaper appeared in 1871.
A turning point in the fortunes of Montenegro came when Serbia declared war on the Ottoman Empire in 1876. (See Serbo-Turkish War.) Montenegro, under Prince Nikola Petrović (Nicholas I), joined Serbia immediately and Russia the following year. Although the territorial gains awarded to Montenegro by the initial Treaty of San Stefano were reduced at the Congress of Berlin in 1878, the state virtually doubled in area, and for the first time its borders were set down, however vaguely, in an international treaty. Most significantly, Montenegro secured vital access to the sea at Antivari (modern Bar) and Dulcigno (Ulcinj). Although the hostility of the other great powers to a Russian naval presence in the Mediterranean tended to restrict the use of these ports, Montenegro was now far more open to communication with the developing industrial economies of western Europe. Trade expanded, tobacco and vines were cultivated, a state bank was founded, motor roads were built, a postal service was initiated, and in 1908 the first railway (from Antivari to Virpazar on Lake Scutari) was opened. The majority of the investment was by foreign (especially Italian) interests. Economic openness had another side, however, as a flow of emigrants began to leave Montenegro, especially for Serbia and the United States.
The steady expansion of educational opportunity and contact with the outside world produced further pressure to modernize governance. The legal code was thoroughly revised in 1888, and parliamentary government was introduced in 1905. Prince Nicholas’s autocratic disposition nevertheless made for frequent conflict between parliament and the crown. He took the title of king in 1910.
The peaceful economic expansion that the country experienced after 1878 ended with the Balkan Wars of 1912–13. Montenegro sided with Serbia and the other Balkan League states to oust the Ottoman Turks from their remaining European possessions. The Treaty of London (1913) brought territorial gains on the Albanian border and in Kosovo, and it also resulted in a division of the old Ottoman sanjak, or military-administrative district, of Novi Pazar between Serbia and Montenegro. This brought Montenegro to its greatest territorial extent and for the first time gave the two states a common border. Discussions began about a possible union between the two countries, but these were interrupted by World War I, when Austrian troops drove Nicholas into exile in Italy.
Following the end of hostilities in November 1918, a national assembly in Cetinje deposed the king and announced the union of the Serbian and Montenegrin states. Although Montenegrin representatives had had little contact with the Yugoslav Committee—a group of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes who advocated the establishment of a unified South Slav state—or with the Serbian government-in-exile of Nikola Pašić during the war, Montenegro was taken into the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes on Dec. 1, 1918. Of all the constituent parts of this newly unified state (renamed Yugoslavia in 1929), Montenegro had suffered the greatest proportionate loss of life during the war.
Montenegro in the two Yugoslavias
In view of the dominant place of the Serb-Croat conflict in Yugoslav politics, almost no attention has been given by historians to the development of Montenegro between the two World Wars. Economic development—including foreign investment—followed the lines of political patronage, and therefore little of it filtered into Montenegro. No new railroad building took place, no new mineral extraction was initiated, and there was little road construction. Having few large estates to expropriate, it was almost untouched by agrarian reform. Port development in the Gulf of Kotor was largely confined to military facilities; in the words of one historian, Bar in 1938 was “of very little importance.” By almost all indicators of economic well-being, the Zetska banovina, the administrative district in post-1929 Yugoslavia that roughly corresponded to Montenegro, vied for the lowest level of economic development with the banovina of Vardarska, which comprised parts of Macedonia. Montenegro’s most important export in this period was probably emigrants.
It is difficult to determine whether this neglect had a lasting effect on the Montenegrins, as Yugoslav politics was centralized and multiparty politics was proscribed under the royal dictatorship after 1929. It is perhaps indicative that the Communist Party drew support as much in such marginalized areas as Montenegro as it did in the large industrial centres of Zagreb (Croatia) and Belgrade (Serbia).
During World War II, after Yugoslavia was invaded and partitioned by the Axis powers in April 1941, Montenegro was occupied by the Italians under a nominally autonomous administration. Spontaneous armed resistance began within a few months; it was divided in its aims and loyalties between communists and their sympathizers and noncommunist bjelaši (advocates of union with Serbia). At the same time, many Montenegrin nationalists (zelenaši), disappointed by the experience of Yugoslav unification, supported the Italian administration. Notwithstanding this local conflict, which was soon entangled within the wider Yugoslav struggle, the local strength of the Communist Party gave the communists an effective base in Montenegro. In addition, the area’s remoteness and difficult terrain made it an important refuge for Josip Broz Tito’s communist Partisan forces during the most difficult stage of their struggle, and it became a relatively safe haven after the fall of Italy.
The Montenegrins’ traditional Pan-Slavism made them natural allies of the communist plan to reunify Yugoslavia. Consequently, after the war many Montenegrins found themselves in high positions within the military, political, and economic administration—in contrast to their former marginality. That same devotion to the Communist Party and to Soviet leadership, bolstered by Montenegro’s pro-Russian tradition, helps to explain why a large number of Montenegrins sided with Joseph Stalin in the 1948 dispute between the Soviet-backed agency of international communism, Cominform, and the Yugoslav leadership. Many of those people who backed Stalin were victims of subsequent Yugoslav purges.
Nevertheless, Montenegro’s elevation to the status of a republic—part of the communist strategy of unifying Yugoslavia through a federal structure—ultimately secured Montenegrin loyalty to the Yugoslav regime. Montenegro later became a regular recipient of the large sums of federal aid disbursed to less-developed regions, which enabled it to embark for the first time on a process of industrialization. In spite of an attempt to develop the Nikšić area as a centre of both bauxite mining and steel production, economic progress was constantly hampered by the republic’s marginality to the communication networks of the Yugoslav federation. The Montenegrin coast did not emerge as an important tourist area until the 1980s.