- Arabic:
- Baḥr Al-Nīl or Nahr Al-Nīl
In the areas where no irrigation is practiced, different zones of plant life may be roughly divided according to the amount of rainfall.
Tropical rainforest is found along the Nile–Congo divide, in parts of the Lake Plateau, and in southwestern Ethiopia. Heat and copious rainfall produce thick forests with a great variety of tropical trees and plants, including ebony, banana, rubber, bamboo, and coffee shrub. Mixed woodland and grassland (savanna), characterized by a sparse growth of thinly foliaged trees of medium height and a ground covering of grass and perennial herbs, occurs in large parts of the Lake Plateau, in parts of the Ethiopian Plateau, in the area that fringes the Blue Nile near Al-Ruṣayriṣ, and in the southern Al-Ghazāl River region.
On the Sudanese plains, a mixture of thin bush, thorny trees, and open grassland prevails. This area is swampy during the rainy season, particularly in the Al-Sudd region of central South Sudan, which has an area of nearly 100,000 square miles. The vegetation there includes papyrus, tall bamboolike grasses, reed mace ambatch, or turor, water lettuce, a species of convolvulus, and the South American water hyacinth.
North of latitude 10° N there occurs a belt of thorny savanna or orchard shrub country characterized by small scattered tree stands, thornbush, and—after rain—grass and herbs. North of this, however, rainfall decreases and the vegetation thins out, so that the countryside is dotted with small thorny shrubs, mostly acacias. From Khartoum northward there is true desert, with scanty and irregular rainfall and no permanent vegetation at all except for a few stunted shrubs. Grasses and small herbs may be scattered along drainage lines after rainfall, but these die away in a few weeks. In Egypt the vegetation near the Nile is almost entirely the result of irrigation and cultivation.
Many varieties of fish are found in the Nile system. Notable among those found in the lower Nile system are the Nile perch (which may attain a weight of more than 175 pounds), the bolti (a species of Tilapia), the barbel, several species of catfish, the elephant-snout fish, and the tigerfish, or water leopard. Most of these species and the sardinelike Haplochromis, the lungfish, and the mudfish are found as far upstream as Lake Victoria. The common eel penetrates as far south as Khartoum, and the spiny eel is found in Lake Victoria.

The Nile crocodile, found in most parts of the river, has not yet penetrated the lakes of the upper Nile basin. Other reptiles found in the Nile basin include the soft-shelled turtle, three species of monitor lizard, and some 30 species of snakes, of which more than half are venomous. The hippopotamus, once common throughout the Nile system, is now found only in the Al-Sudd region and to the south.
Many schools of fish that fed in the waters of the Nile in Egypt during the flood season have been reduced or have disappeared since the construction of the Aswan High Dam. Most of the species of the Nile fish were migrants, and the dam has prevented many from migrating to Lake Nasser. The diminution in the number of anchovies in the eastern Mediterranean has also been attributed to the serious reduction in the outflow of waterborne nutrients due to the dam. Lake Nasser, however, has been developed into a commercial fishery, where the Nile perch and other species thrive.
The Nile flows through regions inhabited by a wide variety of peoples, from the Bantu-speaking populations of the Lake Victoria area to the Arabs of the Sahara and the Nile delta. The wide ethnic and linguistic diversity is mirrored in the numerous ecological relationships between these peoples and the river.
In South Sudan are Nilotic-speaking peoples including the Shilluk, Dinka, and Nuer. The Shilluk are sedentary agriculturists whose land is watered by the Nile. The Dinka and Nuer are pastoralists whose movements are dictated by the Nile’s seasonal flow. They migrate with their herds from the river’s shores during the dry season, to high ground during the wet season, and back to the river when the dry season returns.
Perhaps nowhere is the relationship between people and the river so intense as in the Nile floodplain. The average population density in the cultivated parts of the floodplain south of the delta is more than 3,320 per square mile (1,280 per square kilometre). This great population, composed mostly of peasant farmers (fellahin), can survive only by making the most careful use of the available land and water.
Before the completion of the Aswan High Dam, the large quantities of silt washed down from the rich highlands of Ethiopia were deposited by the floodwaters in Egypt, where the fertility of the riverine lands was maintained over the centuries, despite intensive cultivation. Thus, a vital feature in the life of the Egyptian people was the river’s behaviour, since a good harvest followed a good flood, and a poor flood often meant a later food shortage.
As an aid to cultivation, irrigation almost certainly originated in Egypt. A particular phenomenon that makes irrigation from the Nile feasible is the slope of the land from south to north—which amounts to about five inches to the mile—as well as the slightly greater slope downward from the riverbanks to the desert on either side.
The first use of the Nile for irrigation in Egypt began when seeds were sown in the mud left after the annual floodwater had subsided. With the passing of time, these practices were refined until a traditional method emerged, known as basin irrigation. Under this system, the fields on the flat floodplain were divided by earth banks into a series of large basins of varying size but some as large as 50,000 acres (20,000 hectares). During the annual Nile flood, the basins were flooded and the water allowed to remain on the fields for up to six weeks. The water was then permitted to drain away as the river level fell, and a thin deposit of rich Nile silt was left on the land each year. Autumn and winter crops were then sown in the waterlogged soil. Under this system only one crop per year could be grown on the land, and the farmer was always at the mercy of annual fluctuations in the size of the flood.
Along the riverbanks and on land above flood level, some perennial irrigation was always possible where water could be lifted directly from the Nile or from irrigation channels by such traditional means as the shaduf (a counterbalanced lever device that uses a long pole), the sakia (sāqiyyah), or Persian waterwheel, or the Archimedes screw. Modern mechanical pumps have begun to replace such human- or animal-operated devices.
Because of the limitations of the basin method of irrigation, perennial irrigation—in which the water is controlled so that it can be made to run into the land at regular intervals throughout the year—has largely replaced it. Perennial irrigation was made possible by the completion of several barrages and waterworks before the end of the 19th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, the canal system had been remodeled and the first dam at Aswān had been completed (see below Dams and reservoirs). Since the completion of the Aswan High Dam, virtually all formerly basin-irrigated land in Upper Egypt has been brought under perennial irrigation.
While the people of Sudan make use of the waters of the Nile for irrigation, reliance on the river is not absolute, as a fair amount of rainfall occurs in the southern parts. Basin irrigation from the Nile floods is used to a small extent, but it is less satisfactory in these areas because the surface is more uneven, with less deposition of silt; the area inundated also varies from year to year. Since about 1950 these traditional methods of irrigation have been largely displaced by diesel-engined pumps, which are used on large tracts on the banks of either the main Nile or, above Khartoum, the White Nile.
Perennial irrigation in Sudan began with the completion of the combined dam and barrage near Sannār on the Blue Nile in 1925. This made possible the irrigation of the area of the clay plain called Al-Jazīrah between the two Niles south of Khartoum. The success of this attempt encouraged the construction of more dams and barrages for large-scale irrigation schemes.