History of the Northern Territory

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Prehistory and European exploration

The Northern Territory is called a new country, but Australian Aborigines are thought to have lived there for at least 40,000 years. The settlement pattern of the Aborigines, however, remains a mystery, as does their origin. Estimates of pre-European population on the continent range from 250,000 to 1,000,000, of which perhaps one-sixth lived in the Northern Territory. Despite a multiplicity of tribal and clan structures, the groups shared cultural similarities in their indissoluble links to their lands and the importance of myth and ritual in maintaining those links.

Arnhem Land legends speak of the “Baijini,” seafaring people who came from the northwest long ago in search of the sea cucumber. These people may have been Chinese sailors, known to have reached nearby Timor early in the 15th century. It is also possible that they were Arab traders, who brought their swift dhows and the religion of Islam to the eastern islands of the Malay Archipelago (present-day Indonesia) later in the same century; they may also have been the Portuguese, who colonized Timor from 1506.

The first confirmed contact between non-Aborigines and the Northern Territory, however, came with the Dutch, the colonial successors to the Portuguese in the archipelago. In 1605 the Duyfken, commanded by the Dutch explorer Willem Jansz, explored the eastern shore of the Gulf of Carpentaria. Eighteen years later Willem van Colster in the Arnhem touched briefly at the northwestern tip of the land that today bears the ship’s name. Pieter Pieterszoon (1636), Abel Janszoon Tasman (1642 and 1644), and other Dutch voyagers followed. Because the Dutch were traders, the Aborigines, who had no trade goods, held little interest for them.

Reports of Dutch voyages may have helped to bring to Australia’s north coast the Buginese (Bugis) and Makasarese from the island of Celebes (Sulawesi) in the Malay Archipelago. These people, who became known collectively as “Makasans,” came regularly to the Northern Territory coast for sea cucumbers, possibly as early as the 17th or 18th century, although most historical records of them date from the 19th century. The British naval surveyor Matthew Flinders met them on the Arnhem Land coast in 1802. Flinders’ survey of the western shore of the Gulf of Carpentaria made him the first of a new breed of naval surveyors who worked for the rest of the century to make the oceans safe for British commerce. In 1803 the French navigator Nicholas Baudin in Le Géographe passed fleetingly along the western side of the territory coast, leaving a scattering of French names.

It was Lieut. Phillip Parker King, however, son of the third governor of New South Wales, who first charted that dangerous coast in a series of great voyages between 1818 and 1822. The last major gaps in the coastal survey of northern Australia were closed between 1837 and 1843 by John Clements Wickham and John Lort Stokes in HMS Beagle, the ship that had earlier carried naturalist Charles Darwin to South America during the 1830s. On Sept. 9, 1839, Stokes landed on the shores of a vast harbour and named it Port Darwin, for his old shipmate.

British settlement

The British desire to claim all of Australia, combined with a belief that they could harness the trade of the eastern Malay Archipelago just as the Dutch had done in Java, led to the establishment of three military settlements on the territory coast. These were Fort Dundas on Melville Island (1824–29), Fort Wellington at Raffles Bay (1827–29), and Victoria at Port Essington (1838–49). All failed when the trade did not develop and when no challengers appeared to contest the British claim to Australia. However, Victoria’s presence did attract the Prussian naturalist Ludwig Leichhardt, who made an epic overland journey from southeastern Queensland to Port Essington in 1844–45. In 1855–56 Augustus Charles Gregory, described by a contemporary as “a most competent leader…with great firmness of purpose,” led a well-organized expedition from the plains of the Victoria River eastward across the territory to the Queensland coast. In six expeditions between 1858 and 1862, the diminutive Scot John McDouall Stuart thrust northward through the central deserts and reached the coast east of Port Darwin, distinguishing himself as one of the great Australian explorers.

The journals of Gregory and Stuart held out the promise of good cattle country. South Australia moved to acquire the land, and in 1863 the British government granted it to them. South Australian governments, short-lived and controlled largely by business interests until the 1890s, could find no way to turn a profit in the territory. Their first settlement, set up in 1864 at Escape Cliffs, northeast of Port Darwin, failed two years later through poor site choice and mismanagement. South Australia’s surveyor general, George Goyder, successfully established Palmerston, on Port Darwin, in 1869. The Overland Telegraph line, spanning the continent from north to south in the early 1870s, joined Adelaide to the world and ensured the permanence of Palmerston. The town, renamed Darwin in 1911, has been the Northern Territory’s capital city ever since. The telegraph-poling parties found traces of gold in the stony hills around Pine Creek, south of Darwin, and in 1872 gold-prospecting parties began to arrive through Port Darwin. Speculation, obstructive mining laws, poor ore bodies, and bad living conditions on the goldfields meant that mild boom was followed by major bust. By 1896 gold production had gone into irreversible decline. Gold brought development, however, in the growth of Darwin and goldfields settlements, in the construction of the Darwin–Pine Creek railway (completed in 1889), and in the influx of Chinese immigrants. In 1888 the number of Chinese peaked at slightly more than 7,000; Europeans at the time numbered 1,009. Thereafter, restrictive immigration policies brought a steady decline, but the enterprising Chinese continued to dominate the goldfields and business in the northern part of the territory. In the south Alice Springs, founded as a telegraph station in 1870, grew into a small settlement. Its growth was stimulated by small gold strikes in the 1880s and, most importantly, by pastoralism.

Since the late 19th century the vast cattle runs of the north have formed the basis of the territory’s image, but sheepherding came first. In 1866 the westward movement of Queensland graziers brought sheep to the northern border area of the territory. Drought and recession forced them out within three years. In 1870 Ralph Millner led an epic drive of 7,000 sheep from South Australia to the Roper River, on the southern border of Arnhem Land. Cattlemen followed, traveling westward from Queensland into the northern section of the territory and northward from South Australia into the arid beauty of the MacDonnell Ranges country of central Australia. Most of the great cattle stations of the Northern Territory were founded between 1880 and 1885, during a prosperous period in Australia. Victoria River Downs, which covered 8,364 square miles (21,663 square km) in 1908, was said to be the world’s largest cattle run. Severe economic depression in the 1890s, accompanied by high transport costs, labour shortages, and an Aboriginal population that often showed its resistance to European encroachment on its territories by killing cattle, sent the industry into decline.

Aboriginal groups, little affected by the early settlements and transient explorers, were devastated by the wholesale confiscation of their lands for stock leases. The pattern of Aboriginal resistance and forceful white reprisal, established earlier in southern Australia, soon spread to the north, reaching a peak in the first decade of the 20th century, when the Eastern and African Cold Storage Supply Company employed gangs of armed men on their Arnhem Land station to shoot down “wild” Aborigines on sight. There were also notable examples of white settlers protecting Aboriginal communities from punitive expeditions, and indigenous peoples gradually became the mainstay of the labour force on pastoral properties. Until the last days of its Northern Territory rule in 1910, however, South Australia passed no protective legislation for its Aboriginal population.