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Until the 1970s, natural increase contributed more to population growth than immigration. Since the 1980s, though, the falling birth rate has meant that immigration has contributed far more to population growth than has natural increase. The vital statistics (i.e., the birth rate and the death rate) and the rate of population growth for Ontario were roughly the same as the Canadian rates for most of the 20th century. The provincial population more than doubled in the first half of the 20th century and doubled again during the next 35 years. Since then, however, owing to the declining birth rate, growth has slowed, except in the greater Toronto area. Nonetheless, Ontario’s share of the Canadian population has been gradually rising. The province is now overwhelmingly urban, with more than four-fifths of its people living in cities, towns, and suburbs.
Ontario’s strategic central location with respect to other Canadian provinces, its proximity to U.S. markets and coal supplies, its cheap power, its large and skilled labour force, its abundant natural resources and diversified transportation system, and its general attractiveness to both domestic and foreign investment have made its economy the most productive in Canada. As with all mature economies, the bulk of employment and output is concentrated in the manufacturing and service industries, the latter having grown particularly fast in the later 20th century.
Federal economic policy remains the chief agent of control acting upon the private sector, but the provincial government has played an increasingly important role. Since 1962 the provincial government has engaged in planning with a regional focus.
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
Ontario is one of the major agricultural regions of Canada; it possesses just over half of the country’s best agricultural land, almost all of it in the southern part of the province. Many farms are concerned with dairying or livestock or with providing forage for this sector. In the late 20th century, the southwestern counties saw a rapid growth of intensive livestock farming, especially the raising of hogs. Tobacco, less important than it once was, continues to be a key crop in several southern counties, while acreage devoted to growing corn (maize) has expanded greatly in recent years. Southwestern Ontario is the chief corn- and soybean-producing area. Winter wheat, barley, and beans also are grown. The Niagara Peninsula and the Holland Marsh, north of Toronto, are the chief fruit- and vegetable-producing regions. During the last two decades, viticulture has flourished on the Niagara Peninsula and in the far southwest of the province.
Although forestry in Ontario does not rank with agriculture in terms of value of production, it is still one of the most important branches of the national forest-products industry. Pulp and paper manufacture and fabricated wood products dominate the industry in the province.

Commercial fishing, once concentrated in Lake Erie, with limited activity in the other large lakes, went into decline with the spread of pollution. Sportfishing continues to be important for local residents and tourists, though consumption of the catch is increasingly affected by concerns about contamination in southern waters. The main fish caught include yellow perch, pike, smelt, white bass, whitefish, herring, and chub. In recent decades, a small aquaculture industry that specializes in the raising of rainbow trout has developed.
Resources and power
Ontario is Canada’s leading mining province. A large percentage of the world’s nickel is mined in the province and accounts for more than one-fourth of the total value of metal production. Copper is the second most important metal; uranium, zinc, gold, iron ore, platinum, and silver also are mined. There is localized production of building and semiprecious stone, as well as significant sand and gravel extraction essential to the construction industry and to the maintenance of Ontario’s vast road system.
Ontario and Quebec are Canada’s leading provinces for petroleum refining. Conventional thermal power and hydroelectric power together account for almost one-half of Ontario’s electrical energy, and nuclear power accounts for the remainder.