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When the first Europeans arrived in the Oregon country—a region vaguely defined at the time but roughly comparable to the present Pacific Northwest—about 125 Native American groups lived in and around the area. In what became the state of Oregon, the leading tribes were the salmon-fishing Chinook along the lower Columbia River; the Tillamook, Yamel, Molala, Clackamas, and Multnomah in the northwest; the Santiam and Coos in the southwest; the Cayuse, Northern Paiute, Umatilla, Nez Percé, and Bannock in the dry lands east of the Cascade Range and in the Blue-Wallowa mountains; and the Modoc and Klamath in the south-central area. Their mode of life sustained a relatively small population: they mainly practiced seasonal forms of agriculture, relying on hunting, fishing, and gathering.
The explorers
The first Europeans to see the Oregon coast were Spanish sailors in the mid-16th century, who produced rough maps describing the area. In 1579 English seaman Francis Drake, in quest of Spanish loot and the Northwest Passage in his Golden Hind, anchored in an inlet north of the Golden Gate and took possession of a portion of the Pacific coast, which may have included what is now Oregon, for Queen Elizabeth I. Until the third quarter of the 18th century, when the Spanish renewed exploration along the coast, the Oregon country remained unexplored. In 1778 the English sea captain James Cook visited and traded in Oregon.
In 1787 Boston merchants sent two ships to the Oregon country under Captains Robert Gray and John Kendrick. On his second voyage Gray entered the harbour that bears his name (in Washington), and in May 1792 he sailed over the bar of the Columbia River and named it for his ship, the Columbia. This was the first U.S. claim to the Pacific Northwest by right of discovery.
The Northwest was also approached by land. Two British fur companies, the Hudson’s Bay Company and the North West Company, raced across the continent to open routes to the Pacific; the Americans were not far behind. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark reached the mouth of the Columbia in 1805, strengthening the U.S. claim to the region. John Jacob Astor, as the head of the Pacific Fur Company, began European American settlement of the Oregon country with the establishment of a trading post at Astoria in 1811. In 1824 the Hudson’s Bay Company established Fort Vancouver (now Vancouver, Wash.), and John McLoughlin was appointed to head the company’s far-flung operations in its Pacific Northwest territory. For the next 22 years he was the dominating figure in the region.
Permanent U.S. settlement
Beginning in 1830, thousands of people from New England and the Midwest migrated to the Pacific Northwest. Missionaries played a role in settlement. In 1834 the Methodists, headed by Jason Lee, established the first permanent settlement in the Willamette River valley. The migrations that carved the deep wagon wheel ruts still visible in the Oregon Trail began in the early 1840s. After 1838, U.S. claims and rights to the region were constantly before Congress. Settlers in the Willamette valley made known their desire to become part of the United States. In 1843 representatives met at Champoeg (near present-day Newberg) to organize a provisional government; a set of laws patterned after those of Iowa was accepted.
By 1844 the British government had concluded that the Columbia River boundary line would have to be abandoned, and the Hudson’s Bay Company moved its chief Northwest depot to Fort Victoria (now Victoria, B.C.). In spite of the “Fifty-four forty or fight” slogan of James K. Polk’s 1844 presidential campaign, the 49th parallel was accepted by both the United States and Canada as the boundary, and the Oregon country became a U.S. territory in 1846. Its territorial boundaries, which extended initially between the 49th and 42nd parallels and from the Pacific Ocean to west of the crest of the Rocky Mountains, were revised to include what is now Idaho.
Statehood and growth
Territorial Oregon did not keep its boundaries for long. An influx of Free Staters in the years before the American Civil War (1861–65) led to political tensions, and in 1853 the portion of the territory north of the Columbia River was given independent status as Washington Territory—which, unlike Oregon, allowed African Americans to migrate freely. The question of where the territorial seat would be was another point of division; contenders included Corvallis, Oregon City (where the legislature was located for a brief period), and Salem. The question was finally settled by the U.S. Congress, which declared that Salem would be the territory’s seat of government.
Oregon became the 33rd state in 1859. During the Civil War Southerners who had settled in the timber-producing areas along the southwestern coast of the state threatened secession. To placate these potential rebels, free blacks were constitutionally forbidden from entering Oregon, and only a handful of them migrated there before the late 19th century, when the exclusion law was relaxed—although it was not formally repealed until 1926.
By 1883, following several conflicts with the U.S. settlers, most of the Native Americans of Oregon had been moved to reservations. That same year a railroad was begun, linking Oregon with the rest of the country and vastly improving the opportunity for economic growth. Agriculture and forestry were especially stimulated, and, by the turn of the 20th century, two-thirds of the people of Oregon lived in rural areas. Soon, however, the cities began to grow rapidly as Oregon’s industrial and manufacturing bases expanded, and by the early 21st century more than three-fourths of the people were living in urban areas.
Despite some measures to discourage immigration, the state experienced explosive growth. Newcomers frequently cited the state’s clean air and water, small cities, and scenic natural environment as reasons for migrating to Oregon. By the early 21st century, however, Oregon’s urban areas faced severe traffic congestion, pollution, and an infrastructure in need of expansion. The state’s leadership sought solutions to such problems in land-use and environmental planning and in promoting new, less resource-intensive forms of production and consumption. These measures resulted in diversification of the economy, with Oregon assuming a leading role in bio- and high-technology manufacture and aquaculture. Portland is now considered one of the most attractive cities in the country in terms of quality of life, while Eugene, Corvallis, and other urban areas have seen steady but not overwhelming growth of a kind that the San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle, and other West Coast urban centres have experienced. The rural portions of the state remain strongly conservative, while the urban areas are liberal in the political and cultural senses, yielding new political tensions in the first years of the 21st century.
Richard M. Highsmith Gregory Lewis McNamee