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Mi’kmaq First Nations (Native Americans or Indians) continue to inhabit Prince Edward Island. About 1,700 of them lived on the island at the beginning of the 21st century—more than one-tenth on the reserves of Lennox Island, Scotchfort, Morell, and Rocky Point, with the remainder “off reserve” in their traditional ancestral homelands.
More than three-fourths of current Islanders are descendants of early settlers from the British Isles: Highland Scots, English, and both southern and Ulster Irish. Many original settlement patterns can still be traced in place-names and family names. The most common family name remains MacDonald.
Other ancestral strains include several hundred British loyalists, who settled on the island after the American Revolution, and about 30 Acadian families, recorded in the census of 1765, who were the progenitors of several thousand present-day French-speaking island residents. The Acadians mostly live south of Rustico, near Cape Egmont, and west and north of Cascumpeque Bay. A stream of Syrian and Lebanese immigrants settled on the island in the late 19th century, to whom a number of island premiers traced their lineage. Since 1945 a number of Dutch farming families, looking for fertile but inexpensive land, as well as a sprinkling of other western Europeans, Americans, and Latin Americans, have settled on Prince Edward Island.
Church attendance on Prince Edward Island was the highest by province in Canada at the beginning of the 21st century, with more than half of the population reporting attending service at least once per month. Roman Catholics make up the largest religious denomination on the island, followed by United Church of Christ members, Presbyterians, Anglicans, and Baptists. There are also small Muslim and Jewish communities. English is the predominant language of the island, spoken by more than nine-tenths of residents; relatively few Prince Edward Islanders speak only French. Bilingualism is encouraged, however, by an optional French immersion program in schools, and classroom instruction in French is available.
Settlement patterns
Prince Edward Island maintains a largely rural character, and population growth in the province has been most apparent in and around the capital city of Charlottetown and in the second largest city, Summerside. With fewer than 5,000 residents each, the island’s other main towns—Alberton, Georgetown, Kensington, Montague, Souris, and Tignish—have exhibited little change in size. Prince Edward Island’s population is relatively evenly divided between rural and urban communities. Family farms are increasing in acreage but decreasing in numbers. Kings county is the province’s least-populated area.
Demographic trends
In the first decades of the 21st century, the number of people exiting Prince Edward Island’s labour force was expected to overtake the number of new job seekers. In the same period, the birth rate for the province (which was lower than that for the country as a whole) steadily declined; however, the island’s population continued to grow gradually mainly because of a net influx of new immigrants. Unlike previous waves of immigration—which, as described above, were dominated by immigrants from Europe, the United States, and Latin America—many newcomers during this period came from China, South Korea, and Taiwan. About two-fifths of these immigrants have remained longtime residents of the island.
A fertile soil and a temperate growing season favour agriculture; the island’s location makes it a base for lobster, shellfish, and groundfish (cod, hake, flounder, and redfish) operations; and its sandy beaches, warm waters, and other tourist amenities attract hundreds of thousands of summer visitors. Despite the success of these major industries, the provincial economy has lagged appreciably behind national averages for productivity, employment, and per capita income. Limited human and natural resources, distance from large markets, high transportation costs, and the country’s highest electric power rates per capita render industrial enterprise less competitive.
During the late 20th century, federal-provincial agreements enabled the province to institute a series of reforms aimed at assisting the people in creating viable economic enterprises for themselves. These included full exploitation of agriculture, development of tourist facilities, better use of forest assets, improvement of fisheries, expansion of manufacturing, public investment in housing, health, and welfare services, and the extension of programs of education and training. The reforms resulted in upgraded living standards, but with a growing dependence on public funds and a strain on provincial resources.
Agriculture and fishing
Agriculture continues to serve as a significant economic base and as the province’s iconic industry. The traditional primary crop is potatoes; turnips, hay, and grains are also grown. Dairy farming is a major industry, and there is some cattle and hog raising. Tobacco is grown in the eastern part of the island, and the raising of furbearing animals is pursued in the western part. Private woodlots yield both hardwood and softwood for lumber, pulpwood, and fuel.
Fishers depend primarily on the lobster catch, but oysters, clams, and scallops are also important. A secondary industry is the harvesting of Irish moss (a seaweed) for its carrageenan, an extract with several commercial uses. A few island fishers participate in the lucrative catches of cod, haddock, tuna, and mackerel in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Onshore plants process and freeze sea products; several aquaculture enterprises have been established, particularly involving the culture of mussels, oysters, and salmonids.
Forests cover almost half the land area of Prince Edward Island; however, only about one-tenth of that forested land is owned by the province. Most of the island’s forests are controlled by some 16,000 private woodlot owners. Apart from their ecological value, forests play a strong economic role through sales of wood products and as habitats for commercially marketed game birds, mammals, and fish. Forests also reduce wind erosion and energy consumption; provide recreation sites, campgrounds, and day-use parks; protect heritage resources, such as the Hillsborough River and Trout River watersheds; and contribute to tourism. Nontimber forest products from Prince Edward Island include maple syrup, berry-based jams and jellies, wild edible mushrooms, Christmas wreaths, and ground hemlock.