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French, and later British, settlers built communities in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, accessible areas of the Appalachian Uplands, and the far southern parts of the Laurentians. More than four-fifths of Quebec’s population now lives within an area about 200 miles (300 km) long and roughly 60 miles (100 km) wide, stretching from Quebec city to Montreal. This corridor has one of the highest concentrations of population in Canada. About four-fifths of all Quebecers live in towns, a very small number are classified as rural farmers, and the balance of the population is scattered in small settlements focused on forestry, fishing, mining, and other types of activity. The historical movement of the population in Quebec has been from large numbers of scattered, diversified settlements to an increasing concentration in a few urban areas. The shortage of fertile land suitable for cultivation prevented the development of a truly agricultural economy.
The rural settlements were created under a variation of the French seigneurial system of landlords and tenants, under which the latter, who came to be called habitants, had considerable autonomy because land was plentiful and because they could supplement their livelihood with work in the fur trade or in the burgeoning forestry industry after 1800. These dispersed rural settlements, which existed during and after the period of French control, were limited to the banks of the St. Lawrence, forming a continuous line between the urban centres of Montreal and Quebec city. Outside of Quebec city, Trois-Rivières, and Montreal, the land was divided into long, narrow individual strips. Habitant families built houses at the end of each of these strips, on the side of a road, which eventually created nascent villages, thereby forming a type of ribbon settlement pattern. As each river road became fully settled, a parallel road was opened farther inland, a process that was repeated until the whole of the St. Lawrence Lowlands was occupied. As a result, rural Quebec had no formal villages until the late 18th century, and most rural parishes, controlled by the Catholic Church, were created during the 19th century. This system of colonization, in which houses were located equidistantly along a road, allowed for maximum settlement density but was responsible, along with the seigneurial system, for delaying the introduction of commercial agricultural activities even when the regional and international markets developed. The demise of the seigneurial system in the 1850s and the advent of railroads in the 1870s and ’80s brought about an agricultural revolution based on feed grains and hay that sustained dairy farming and the raising of livestock.
The Appalachian region was first inhabited by Abenaki people. The southeastern corner of the province that includes the towns of Granby, Sherbrooke, and Magog is known as the Eastern Townships, which were originally settled by loyalists seeking asylum during the American Revolution in what remained British territory. Settlement of the Eastern Townships was by freehold tenure, and this attracted considerable numbers of British settlers following the end of the War of 1812. Throughout the latter half of the 19th century, a great many American and British settlers sold out to French Canadian habitants, who received encouragement and financial support from French Canadian Catholic colonization societies.
The very rapid urbanization of the province prior to World War II relied heavily on British and European immigration. The migration of French Canadian families to Montreal and other Quebec cities did not entail the breakdown of a traditional peasant society, since no such society existed for the large majority of rural Quebecers. The rural Catholic French Canadian communities, comprised largely of habitants and day labourers, experienced serious out-migration beginning in the 1940s and accelerating dramatically over the next three decades. Although relatively isolated, self-subsistent rural and fishing settlements existed on the north shore of the St. Lawrence and in mining and foresting settlements in the Laurentians and throughout northwestern Quebec. These communities did not constitute—as was claimed by the Chicago school of sociologists of the 1930s (see Robert E. Park)—a distinctive “folk” society that overly influenced the cultural orientation of the mainstream rural French Canadian Catholic society. These vibrant agroforestry communities continued to expand as long as the mining and forestry industries thrived, which was the case in most regions well into the 20th century.
Because of the present distribution of the population, Quebec can be thought of as divided between metropolitan Montreal—which includes the city of Laval on Jesus Island to the north and several communities on the south shore—with more than two-fifths of the population, and the remainder of the province. Although there are other fairly substantial urban communities, including Quebec city, Chicoutimi-Jonquière, Trois-Rivières, and the Ottawa (Ontario)-Gatineau conurbation, the divide between Montreal and the rest of Quebec remains the most significant demographic division. The dichotomy is most evident when outlying regions of the province are compared with Montreal. The Gaspé Peninsula is the poorest and least urbanized region in Quebec; nearly one-fifth of its population earns its living through agriculture, fishing, forestry, and tourism (in the summer months), while the unemployment rate remains consistently higher than of that of Montreal or of several other regions of Quebec.

Demographic trends
The size of Quebec’s and Canada’s Francophone populations is somewhat surprising given that France actively discouraged immigration during the colonial period and that most French Protestants fled to other parts of Europe rather than the New World. The growth of the Francophone population in Canada is largely due to the high birth rate among all French Canadian and Acadian Catholics from the 1700s to the mid-20th century. Between 1700 and 1760 the average yearly rate of birth was around 55–60 per 1,000 inhabitants, while the death rate was relatively low for the time (25–40 per 1,000). After 1763 this extremely rapid natural growth of the population continued, climbing from 70,000 in 1763 to 1,000,000 in 1860 to 4,000,000 by 1961—all of this despite the out-migration of 1,000,000 French Canadians to the New England states between 1840 and 1930.
In the 1921 census more than 50 percent of Quebec’s population was classified as urban, but it was not until the 1941 census that a majority of the French Canadian community was designated as urban. The birth rate declined to about 38 per 1,000 while the death rate hovered around 20 per 1,000. From then on, both figures declined steadily, especially the death rate. Beginning in the late 1960s, the introduction of the birth control pill drastically affected the birth rate. Now the birth rate in Quebec is among the lowest in the country. The infant mortality rate is among the lowest in the world.
Other types of demographic changes have also been taking place. The large majority of Anglophones and members of ethnic-cultural minorities, called Allophones, reside in the central and western sections of Montreal Island. Québécois nationalists have expressed concerns that, as increasing numbers of well-off, middle-class Francophone Montrealers move to the suburban communities in Laval, the West Island, and the South Shore, the old city of Montreal will become, as it was in the mid-19th century, an English-speaking city. The provincial government responded in 2002 by merging all the municipalities on the island into the new megacity of Montreal so as to preserve its status as the largest French-speaking city in North America. This action proved unpopular, however, and in 2006 many of the majority English-speaking municipalities regained their independent status.