- Date:
- November 2, 1721 - March 15, 1917
- Related Topics:
- Slavophile
- Emancipation Manifesto
- Decembrist
- Westernizer
- Related Places:
- Russia
- Moscow
- St. Petersburg
- Kyiv
The long reign of Catherine II (the Great) was a turning point in Russian history. She received the fruit of half a century’s evolution since Peter the Great’s reforms. A prolific writer herself, Catherine corresponded regularly with the foremost men of her age, including Voltaire, Diderot, Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, Baron Friedrich Melchior de Grimm and others, not to speak of fellow potentates such as Frederick II, Maria Theresa, and Joseph II. She wished to make her reign brilliant and herself an ideal enlightened monarch. She began her reforms by compiling from Montesquieu and Cesare Bonesana, marchese di Beccaria, an Instruction (Nakaz) on the basis of which a new code of laws was to be composed. In order to discuss it, she gathered an elective assembly of 564 deputies chosen from all classes except the clergy and the serfs, and from all parts of the empire. However, she met with opposition on the part of the gentry to her schemes to fix within definite limits their power over the serfs. Far from engaging in a struggle with the ruling class she yielded to their desires; their power was increased and a number of crown estates were distributed among the ranks of her favourites, thus turning their peasant population into serfs.
Catherine then began to search for glory in foreign politics. She conceived a bold scheme: (1) to annex from Poland those areas that had a Belorussian or Ukrainian population; and (2) to take possession of the Black Sea shore, drive the Turks from Europe, and found in their place a series of new states in Moldavia and Walachia, the Balkans, and Greece. She wished to take Constantinople and to place there her second grandson, Constantine, as the emperor of a new Greek empire. His very name was chosen to symbolize this project.
Catherine was favoured in accomplishing at least a part of these designs by discords between two German states, Prussia (under Frederick II and Frederick William II) and Austria (under Joseph II, Leopold II, and Francis II). In her first Turkish war (1768–74) she had Prussia on her side and Austria against her. After Pyotr Rumyantsev’s victories she concluded the peace at Kuçuk Kainarji which conferred upon Russia the right to protect Turkish Christians. This settlement laid the foundation of the Eastern Question, the contest for control of former Ottoman territories that would destabilize relations between European powers for more than a century. Moreover, in 1772 she took part in the first partition of Poland, a plan proposed by Frederick II in order to consolidate his territory and to compensate Russia for its war expenditure.
In the second Turkish war (1787–91) Catherine had Austria on her side and Prussia against her. She had to content herself, after the victories of Aleksandr Vasilievich Suvorov and Nikolay Vasilyevich, with the Treaty of Jassy, which conferred upon Russia the fortress of Ochakov and the steppe between the Dniester and the Bug. She consoled herself with new annexations from Poland (the second partition, 1793, and the third partition, 1795), while Prussia and Austria were busy fighting against the French Revolution. Catherine also annexed Courland (1795).
Catherine’s numerous lovers flattered her imperial ambitions: the bold Grigory Orlov in her early years (1759–71), the ingenious Prince Grigory Potemkin in the midst of her reign (1776–91), and the young Platon Zubov, handsome but insignificant, in her declining years (1791–96).

Between her two Turkish wars, Catherine returned to the legislative mania of her early years. Made wise by her experience with the commission of the code of 1767, she turned from Montesquieu to William Blackstone and profited by the administrative knowledge of Jakob Sievers, a skillful adviser of German Baltic origin. She then published in 1775 her statute of provinces, a good piece of organic legislation. For the first time in Russian history a local unit of administration, judiciary, and self-government was created. The statute introduced a regular system of courts of justice and separate financial and administrative offices. The system lasted until the reforms of Alexander II. The reform of 1775 was completed by two charters granted in 1785 to nobility and to burgesses. The charter of nobility introduced corporations of local gentry meeting every three years to discuss their affairs and to elect their marshals. It served to perpetuate the power of the ruling class until the liberation of the serfs in 1861, while the burgesses’ charter laid the basis for real municipal self-government.
The protection extended to the gentry inevitably created a growing disaffection among the serfs, who, since Peter III’s manifesto relieving the gentry of compulsory military service, had impatiently awaited their turn for emancipation. In 1773 the Yaik (Ural) Cossacks revolted under Yemelyan Pugachov, who called himself Peter III. He roused the Bashkirs and the serfs allotted to the factories in the Urals, assailed Kazan on the Volga, and sacked it. Through the whole empire the peasants only awaited his coming to rise, but he did not feel equal to the task, nor could his bands stand against regular troops. He therefore suddenly returned to Cossack country, where he lost his army; he was extradited by his associates, tried, and beheaded in Moscow.
Catherine definitely turned her back on the liberal ideas of her youth after the beginning of the French Revolution. She began to persecute representatives of the opinion which she herself had helped to create. Aleksandr Radishchev, the author of the spirited book A Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow, was sentenced to death as a Jacobin in 1790, but the sentence was commuted to 10 years’ exile in Siberia. Nikolay Novikov, a Freemason who accomplished admirable educational and editorial work, was sent to Shlisselburg prison in 1792.