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Early Paleozoic events
The continent’s early Paleozoic rocks depict the breakup of the first supercontinent, an event probably related to the separation of eastern North America from the pre-Andean basement rocks of western South America. As a result of that separation, a series of passive continental margins developed along the western side of the continent from Venezuela and Colombia to central Argentina; essentially, the Precambrian platform amalgamated during the Brazilian cycle. The rifted margins today are represented mainly by clastic rocks from the Cambrian Period (i.e., roughly 500 million years old) bearing numerous trilobites and graptolites, as in the Cordillera Oriental of Bolivia. The early Paleozoic rift that produced those margins also initiated the development of several large intracratonic basins within the continent (e.g., the Amazonas, Parnaíba, Paraná, and Chaco basins). Thick deposits of sedimentary rocks have since accumulated in those basins.
The passive margins of the early Paleozoic were partially activated by subduction of oceanic crust (i.e., the forced descent of oceanic crust beneath the leading edge of an overriding continental plate) during late Cambrian to Ordovician times (about 500 to 470 million years ago). When the oceanic crust was totally consumed, subduction ceased and a series of small continental blocks collided against the western side of the continent. Allochthonous (transported) continental blocks thus were emplaced in the Cordillera Oriental of Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela at the end of the Silurian Period (about 419 million years ago). Rock ages corresponding to those of the North American Grenville orogenic belt (c. 1.3 to 1.2 billion years old), as well as affinities to North American fauna of the Devonian Period (about 419 to 359 million years ago), suggest that the blocks were once part of North America.
Farther south, another series of blocks collided against the continent. Those included the Arequipa block in southern Peru and Bolivia, the Precordillera region of west-central Argentina, and Patagonia in southern Argentina. At the same time, some minor blocks consisting of rocks exhibiting a marine affinity were accreted to the continent in the southern Patagonian archipelago of Chile.
In the course of the subduction process that preceded those collisions, a series of north–south-trending belts of plutonic and volcanic rock formed offshore of the continent and parallel to the coast. Because of the later accretions of continental crust to the coastal margin, those belts were shifted more than 250 miles (400 km) westward and today form prominent outcrops in northern Patagonia, the western Pampean Sierras, the Cordillera Oriental of Bolivia and northern Argentina, and the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia and Venezuela.
The collision of those blocks also produced a series of peripheral foreland basins, which were the result of crustal deformation and the stacking of slices of basement rocks in the orogenic areas. Examples of basins of the early Paleozoic age are the Beni basin in Bolivia and the Alhuampa and Las Breñas basins in northern Argentina. The late Paleozoic Claromecó foreland basin in northern Patagonia is now occupied by a sedimentary accumulation more than five miles thick that was formed at the same time as the Karoo basin in southern Africa, both basins resulting from the collision of the microcontinent of Patagonia against Gondwana.

The formation of Pangea
The Paleozoic ended with the final amalgamation of Gondwana, which together with Laurasia to the north constituted the late Paleozoic supercontinent of Pangea. Subduction beneath the western margin of Pangea slowly ceased. The igneous rocks formed in the volcanic arc that developed along what is now the Cordillera Central between Chile and Argentina and then along the western continental margin, are transitional in nature—i.e., the composition of the rocks changes from primarily andesitic to predominantly rhyolitic. Those changes in mineral composition indicate the passage from a subduction-related compressive regime to one of extensive magmatic activity and crustal extension. Vast sheets of magma, consisting of flood basalts and of rhyolite deposits up to 2.5 miles (4 km) thick, covered the west from southern Peru to the border between Argentina and Chile. Farther north that activity was partially obliterated in Cenozoic times by the uplifting of the Andes and by volcanic cover.
The Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras
Events in the Mesozoic
The mosaic of continental blocks accreted to form the Pangea supercontinent was unstable and remained amalgamated for only a few million years. Extensive sedimentary cover indicative of arid conditions was accumulated unevenly in the late Paleozoic basins. Desertic sandstones, mudstones, and tuffs of Triassic age (i.e., about 201 to 252 million years old) have preserved fossils of a rich fauna of dinosaurs and mammallike reptiles, as in the Ischigualasto basin of Argentina.
A series of Middle to Late Triassic basins also developed through horizontal crustal extension during the early phases of Pangea’s dispersal. Those rifted basins largely followed the previous Paleozoic sutures along the western side of the continent. Crustal extension reactivated the inner part of the supercontinent as well, with an increase in subsidence in the Parnaiba and Paraná intracratonic basins, where deposits of Triassic age have been recovered from core samples.
The opening of the South Atlantic Ocean is recorded in a series of Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins that developed along the present Atlantic margin. Most of those basins have clastic red beds that date to the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous epochs (about 160 to 100 million years ago). North of Porto Alegre, Brazil, are found evaporite salt deposits created in marine basins with restricted circulation. Sediments formed under less-restricted drift conditions began approximately 125 million years ago and are younger to the north, where they are mostly represented by clastic marine deposits. The basins of northern Brazil have carbonate deposits mixed with clastics. Deposits laid down in a restricted-circulation, anoxic (oxygen-poor) environment along the basins of Brazil and Argentina now contain abundant black shales rich in organic matter and are an important source of hydrocarbons.
Open marine conditions have prevailed in the Atlantic basins since mid-Cretaceous times. The first open oceanic circulation between the South and North Atlantic oceans was established along the passive margin of South America in the Late Cretaceous Epoch (about 100 to 66 million years ago), though marine sediments had accumulated and been lithified in those basins for some time prior to that.
The Andean orogeny
Coincident with most of the Cenozoic Era (i.e., about the past 66 million years) has been the Andean orogeny, the most significant geologic event of the era. The mountain ranges, however, display some of the same features found in the previous orogenies that developed along the western continental margin, such as the classical Andean volcanic belt, the east-vergence sub-Andean thrust and fold belt, and a series of cordilleras trending parallel to the Pacific oceanic trench. Those features are a response to subduction of the ocean crust that was accelerated by the opening of the South Atlantic; and that subduction overshadows all other geomorphic processes along South America’s Pacific margin.
The Andean orogeny has three distinct segments, each of which developed in a different geologic setting. The segments are differentiated by their relative abundances of Mesozoic-Cenozoic, metamorphic, and oceanic rocks and are divided into Northern, Central and Southern sectors.