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Agglomerated villages are common in river valleys and coastal lowlands in rural areas, ranging from a few houses to several hundred. Villages are frequently located along the foothills facing toward the south, backed by hills that give protection from the severe northwestern winter winds. Small clustered fishing villages are found along the coastline. In contrast to the lowlands, settlements in mountain areas are usually scattered. The pace of urbanization in South Korea since 1960 has caused considerable depopulation of rural areas, and the traditional rural lifestyle has been slowly fading away.
In contrast to rural areas, urban populations have grown enormously. Seoul, the political, economic, and cultural center of the country, is by far the largest city; satellite cities around Seoul—notably Anyang, Seongnam, Suwon, and Bucheon—also have grown rapidly, forming an extensive conurbation (Greater Seoul) to the south of the city. New towns around Seoul such as Gwacheon, Bundang, Ilsan (now administratively part of Goyang city), and Sanbon (part of Gunpo city) were constructed in the 1970s and ’80s. In addition to Seoul, other cities with populations of at least one million are Busan, Incheon, Daegu, Daejeon, Gwangju, and Ulsan. The populations of most of the small and medium-size cities serving as rural service centers, however, generally have been stagnating.
Demographic trends
South Korea’s population more than doubled over the second half of the 20th century. From 1960, however, birth rates decreased rapidly, and the population growth rate was almost negligible by the beginning of the 21st century. During the same period, mortality rates also slowed, reflecting an overall increase in living standards.
The rapid increase in the urban population and the resultant depopulation of vast rural areas are South Korea’s main demographic issues. More than four-fifths of the population is classified as urban; roughly half the population lives in the country’s seven largest cities. Thus, although the country’s rate of population growth is low, its overall population density is high—some two and a half times that of North Korea—with huge concentrations of people in the major cities.
Large numbers of Koreans emigrated before World War II: those from northern Korea to Manchuria (northeastern China), and those from southern Korea to Japan. It is estimated that in 1945 some two million Koreans lived in Manchuria and Siberia and about the same number in Japan. About half of the Koreans in Japan returned to South Korea just after 1945. The most important migration, however, was the north-to-south movement of people after World War II, especially the movement that occurred during and after the Korean War. About two million people migrated to South Korea from the North during that period, settling largely in the major cities. In addition to creating large resident populations in China and Japan, Koreans have emigrated to many other countries, notably the United States and Canada.

The South Korean economy has grown remarkably since the early 1960s. In that time, South Korea transformed itself from a traditional agrarian society to one of the world’s most highly industrialized countries. This growth was driven primarily by the development of export-oriented industries and the abundance of highly skilled and educated labor, fostered by strong government support. Government and business leaders together fashioned a strategy of targeting specific industries for development, and beginning in 1962 this strategy was implemented in a series of economic development plans. The first targeted industries were textiles and light manufacturing, followed in the 1970s by such heavy industries as iron and steel and chemicals. Still later, the focus shifted to such high-technology industries as automobiles, electronics, and information technology.
The government exercised strong controls on industrial development, giving most support to the large-scale projects of the emerging giant corporate conglomerates called chaebol. As a result, small and medium-size industries that were privately managed became increasingly difficult to finance, and many of these became, in essence, dependent subcontractors of the chaebol.
Korea joined the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1996 and took a step closer to becoming an economically advanced country. In the early 21st century, Korea’s per capita gross national income far exceeded those of most of its neighbors, other than Japan and Taiwan. These notable accomplishments, however, have at times been overshadowed by economic difficulties caused by both external and domestic factors.