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The civil war was finally ended when the SPLA/SPLM and the government of Sudan signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) on January 9, 2005, mediated by the Intergovernment Authority on Development (IGAD), a regional organization of which Sudan is a member. The CPA incorporated several previous negotiations and agreements signed in Machakos and Naivasha, Kenya: the Machakos Protocol (July 2002), the Naivasha security arrangements agreement (September 2003), the Naivasha wealth-sharing agreement (January 2004), the Naivasha power-sharing agreement (May 2004), the Naivasha resolution of the Abyei conflict protocol (May 2004), and the Naivasha resolution of the conflict in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states protocol (May 2004).
The CPA provided for a new national constitution and outlined new measures for sharing power, distributing wealth, and providing security in the country. The distribution of seats in the central parliament was satisfactorily negotiated, even in three areas disputed between the north and the south. Offices of state were allocated between the signatories, and agreement was reached on the sharing of oil revenues. The CPA also allowed for a separate administration for southern Sudan and stipulated that a referendum on independence for that region would be held in six years—key issues for the rebels. Equally significant was the ruling that Sharīʿah law would apply only to Muslims, even in the north.
Under the CPA three sensitive border areas were given special status. The disputed Abyei border region was to be jointly administered by northern and southern Sudanese state governments until its final status could be determined in a referendum scheduled to coincide with the vote on southern independence. The Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states, though in the north, saw much of the fighting during the war and were home to many who fought on the side of the south, creating a set of circumstances not found in other northern states. The CPA provided them with a different status than the other states, with a slightly different government structure, that would hopefully be better suited to addressing the issues specific to those two states. The two states were to hold “popular consultations” at a later date to evaluate the implementation of the CPA and decide whether to keep the agreement or negotiate a new agreement with the northern government.
Garang served briefly as president of the semiautonomous government in southern Sudan (GoSS) as well as first vice president in the national government under Bashir from July 9, 2005, until Garang’s untimely death in a helicopter crash later that month. Salva Kiir Mayardit, a founding member of the SPLM, succeeded him in both positions. In the 2010 elections Kiir received almost 93 percent of the vote to continue serving in that capacity.
Meanwhile, for several years after the 2005 CPA was signed, thousands of refugees who had fled from southern Sudan during the civil war returned to their homes. They were helped by nongovernmental organizations and United Nations (UN) aid agencies, but their arrival imposed a heavy burden upon the GoSS and the region’s limited resources and increased still further the south’s dependence on food aid. The GoSS also received international assistance in the onerous task of building the infrastructure necessary to support a viable state as it prepared for possible independence in the future.
Moving toward southern independence
After years of planning, preparation, and anticipation, southern Sudanese citizens began voting in the weeklong referendum on southern independence on January 9, 2011. Preliminary results, released at the end of January, indicated that almost 99 percent of voters opted in favour of seceding from the north. That was confirmed with the announcement of the final results in February. Southern independence was scheduled for July 9, 2011.
The referendum for the Abyei region—to determine whether it would be part of the north or the south in the instance that the latter opted for independence—initially had been scheduled to occur at the same time as the southern independence vote. The referendum was postponed indefinitely, however, because of disagreements between the GoSS and the national government over voter eligibility in the region.
Preparations for the south’s secession did not go smoothly. There was an increase in fighting by various southern groups who were unhappy with the SPLM-dominated GoSS. Then, in April, a draft of the new transitional constitution for southern Sudan upon achieving independence was made public. It drew criticism from several southern Sudanese opposition parties for extending the term of the current southern Sudan president. It also angered the national government for laying claim to the disputed Abyei region as part of the new country.
As the July independence date grew closer, several key matters remained unresolved between the north and the south, such as the sharing of the country’s oil wealth, distribution of the country’s collective debt, and establishing the final border demarcation. There were more problems regarding the Abyei region. With the indefinite postponement of the Abyei referendum, its final status was still pending (the south’s claim to the area, included in the transitional constitution, notwithstanding). That continued to be a source of tension among those in the region. There had been scattered amounts of low-level violence in Abyei, but tensions reached a new high in May 2011, when Bashir ordered the invasion of the region’s primary town, also named Abyei. He maintained that the invasion was a justified response to southern provocation, citing an attack by southern fighters on northern forces and their UN peacekeeping troop escorts a few days earlier, but the invasion was widely denounced in international circles and elicited cries of protest from the GoSS. Days later, when Bashir proclaimed Abyei to be northern land and refused to withdraw the northern troops, many feared that the heated situation could reignite civil war in the country. Some of those fears were quelled when shortly thereafter both sides agreed to a demilitarized border zone along their common—albeit undefined—border. Then, in June, an agreement was reached that provided for a new, temporary north-south administration of the Abyei region. It also provided for the withdrawal of both northern and southern forces from the region, with Ethiopian peacekeeping troops agreeing to form an interim security force for Abyei.
In the weeks leading up to the secession, anticipation of the south’s long-awaited independence was tempered by the reality that several contentious secession issues remained unresolved with the north. The final determination of the common border and the sharing of oil revenue were among the most critical matters. With just days left before the south was scheduled to secede, both sides agreed to continue negotiations over the remaining issues after the south’s secession. On July 8 the UN agreed to establish a new peacekeeping mission, the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS), which would be deployed after independence to support peace and development in the nascent country. South Sudan proclaimed its independence on July 9, 2011, and the declaration was greeted with widespread international recognition. The country was admitted as a member of the UN on July 14 and as a member of the African Union (AU) on July 27.
Independent South Sudan
South Sudan moved quickly to assert its newly independent status and launched its own currency, the South Sudan pound, on July 18, 2011. The country had been using Sudan’s currency, the Sudanese pound, which it planned to continue using for some months while the South Sudan pound gradually replaced it. A week later, however, Sudan introduced a new version of the Sudanese pound, months earlier than was expected. Because South Sudan had previously purchased millions of the older Sudanese pounds to be used prior to and while the South Sudan pound was rolled out, the accelerated launch of Sudan’s new currency raised fears that South Sudan would be left holding a large amount of old Sudanese pounds that would be rendered worthless. It also inflamed tensions between the two countries and heightened concerns about economic instability in the region.