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Population composition
The population of Texas has long been ethnically diverse. Throughout the 19th century there were mass migrations into Texas. One of the largest influxes occurred between 1821 and 1836, when an estimated 38,000 settlers, in response to promises of 4,000 acres (1,620 hectares) of land per family, trekked from the United States into the territory. Moreover, in the three decades before the American Civil War, shiploads of German, Polish, Czech, Swedish, Norwegian, and Irish immigrants made their way from the Eastern Seaboard to Texas. These Europeans were generally adherents to the Roman Catholic and Protestant faiths. As a result, some churches in Texas still conduct services in Swedish, Czech, and other languages.
In the years following the Civil War, numerous families moved from devastated Southern plantations to farms and ranches in Texas. Farming families of Swedish, Polish, and Irish descent arrived from the north-central U.S. states, seeking relief from the devastated economy. Belgians, Danes, Italians, and Greeks also went to Texas, and many of them became craftsmen and shopkeepers. Whites, excluding those of Hispanic descent, constitute less than half the total population.
Nearly two-fifths of Texans are of Hispanic descent. Many of the communities along the U.S. side of the southwestern border are almost completely Hispanic, and larger cities such as Brownsville, Laredo, Corpus Christi, El Paso, and San Antonio carry the mark of Spain and Mexico in their architecture and place-names. With the urbanization of the state in the late 20th century and the decrease in the demand for agricultural workers, large Hispanic populations have converged on the major metropolitan centres that lie farther from the border. Spanish remains the language of many people in these communities.
Native Americans account for less than 1 percent of the Texas population. Most of them are city dwellers, but three tribes remain as cohesive units. The Alabama-Coushatta people occupy one of the three reservations in the state, in East Texas. The Tigua live on a reservation in El Paso, and the Kickapoo live near Eagle Pass.
The Civil War brought freedom for thousands of enslaved African Americans in Texas. In the early 21st century the African American population, slightly less than one-eighth of the state’s total population, was clustered in the central parts of the larger cities, and more than two-fifths of African Americans resided in Dallas and Houston.

Settlement patterns
Some four-fifths of Texans live in urban areas. Access to water transportation, reservoirs of natural gas and oil, and availability of raw materials have made the coastal area the centre of industry in Texas. It is also the most densely populated part of the state. Houston, Texas’s largest city, is a focal point, while Fort Worth, Dallas, Waco, Austin, and San Antonio form a line at the inner edges of the Coastal Plains. About one-third of the population lives in the metropolitan areas of Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio, all 3 of which are among the 10 most populous metropolitan areas in the United States.
Demographic trends
Rapid population growth has been a major factor in the history of the state; in fact, since Texas became a U.S. state, its average population growth has exceeded that of the country as a whole. Since the 1970s urbanization, high-technology industries, and massive migration have drastically altered the state’s demographics. Texas has become increasingly ethnically diverse, especially since 1990. One of the most notable changes has been a decrease in the Anglo (a term that refers to those of European descent, not only those of Anglo-Saxon heritage) population and a continuously growing Hispanic population. This was partly due to the entrance of thousands of political and economic refugees into the state from Latin America. In the early 21st century, nearly four-fifths of the foreign-born population in Texas was of Hispanic origin. The state’s overall population is aging, and about one-tenth of Texans are over age 65.
Cotton, cattle, and petroleum—all based on land resources—dominated the successive stages in Texas’s economic development until the mid-20th century, and they have continued to undergird the state’s basic wealth. Since then, retailing and wholesaling, banking and insurance, and construction have been among the activities reflecting the general affluence, urbanization, and diversification of the state’s economy. Despite the growth of manufacturing and other industries, however, the Texas economy has remained heavily dependent on oil and gas, and any fluctuations in oil prices have had a major impact on the state.
Numerous national and international corporate headquarters are located in Texas. The Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, an installation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is in Houston and is among many federal air installations in Texas, including a number of large military bases. Texas also has become preeminent in its oceanographic investigations into uses of the continental shelf and in the areas of medicine and surgery. The growth of the aerospace, military-related, and health industries has further diversified the state’s economy.