The beginning of defeat
- Date:
- January 1933 - May 1945
- Related Topics:
- antisemitism
- Nazi Party
- Wehrmacht
- totalitarianism
- Nürnberg Laws
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By the end of 1943 at the latest, Germany’s defeat seemed certain to many of its own military leaders. The fact that the war continued for another 18 months, at terrible cost, was due to the refusal of Hitler to admit defeat and his determination to drag down Germany and half of Europe with him rather than repeat the capitulation of 1918.
During the course of 1943, Mussolini was overthrown, Anglo-U.S. forces invaded Italy, and the Russians began the series of massive attacks which were to carry them deep into central Europe. In the east Hitler insisted that German troops must defend everything they held, and he obstinately refused to allow the strategic withdrawal that his generals considered the better course. In the summer of 1944, the German front in Poland broke, and the Russians pressed forward toward the frontiers of the Reich. On June 4 Rome was liberated, and on June 6 the Allies landed in Normandy.
Since the beginning of 1942, the Allied air forces had steadily increased the weight of their bombing attacks on Germany. The first 1,000-bomber raid, on Cologne, took place on the night of May 30–31, 1942. In July 1943 Hamburg was devastated in a series of such raids, while between mid-November 1943 and mid-February 1944 the Royal Air Force dropped some 22,000 tons of high explosives on Berlin. In March the United States Army Air Forces carried out its first day raids on the German capital. These combined attacks continued without respite for two years and did enormous damage.
Hitler, who had made his headquarters since the summer of 1941 in a remote part of East Prussia, was now completely cut off from the life of the nation he led. He refused to visit the bombed towns, was scarcely ever seen in public, and spoke or broadcast only on rare occasions.
The plot against Hitler
Realizing that Hitler’s refusal to consider surrender would do irreparable harm to Germany, a group of German patriots had for some time been plotting to assassinate him. The German opposition was composed of a number of loosely connected groups, fluctuating in membership, with little common organization or common purpose other than their detestation of the Nazi regime. The two senior members, who had been engaged in conspiring to overthrow Hitler from before the war, were Gen. Ludwig Beck, chief of staff of the army until 1938, and Carl Goerdeler, a former Oberburgermeister (mayor) of Leipzig. The only institution in Germany able to stage a successful coup d’etat was the army, and one of the principal centres of the plot was the Abwehr (the counterintelligence service of the armed forces). This plot was broken up by Himmler during 1943, but it was replaced by a small group in the command headquarters of the reserve army, whose outstanding personality was Col. Claus Schenk, Graf von Stauffenberg.
On July 20, 1944, Stauffenberg placed a bomb concealed in his briefcase under the table during a conference at Hitler’s headquarters in East Prussia. By chance, however, Hitler, although injured, was not among those killed. The attempt of the conspirators to seize power in Berlin and bring the army over openly to their side failed, and both there and in Paris the coup was suppressed before the morning of July 21.
The end of the Third Reich
By the end of 1944 the Western Allies had reached the Rhine, and six months’ fighting in the West alone had cost the Germans more than one million men killed, wounded, and captured. The Russians swept through the Balkans and by December 1944 were besieging Budapest and threatening East Prussia. Nazi propaganda foretold a terrible fate for the German people if they failed to hold off the enemy. Extravagant hopes were placed in secret weapons (guided missiles, jet planes, and snorkel-equipped U-boats) and in a split between the Western powers and the Soviet Union. Ignoring the danger of a Soviet breakthrough in the east, Hitler persisted in gambling his last resources on an attempt to disrupt the Allies’ front in the west by the abortive Ardennes offensive of December 1944. In January 1945 the Russians launched an attack along the whole line from the Baltic to the Carpathians and broke into Germany from the east, while in March the British and Americans crossed the Rhine and poured in from the west. At Hitler’s command, old men and young boys were pressed into service as the Volkssturm (“People’s Storm Troop”), and Germany was turned into a battlefield in a senseless campaign to delay the inevitable defeat.
Although there had been talk of the creation of a national redoubt in Bavaria, the birthplace of the Nazi Party, Hitler refused to leave Berlin. In a political testament to the German nation, he laid the blame for the disastrous war on others, principally the Jews, and expressed neither regret nor remorse for what had happened. He appointed Dönitz his successor as head of state and Goebbels as chancellor. In the early hours of April 29, Hitler married his mistress, Eva Braun, and, so far as is known, shot himself on the afternoon of April 30. Goebbels committed suicide the following day and Himmler shortly afterward. Göring, Speer, Ribbentrop and most of the other Nazi leaders were captured by the Allies and subsequently tried as war criminals at Nürnberg.
Dönitz attempted to negotiate with the Western powers, but the Allies insisted upon an unconditional surrender, and this was signed at Reims on May 7, 1945, to take effect at midnight May 8–9. With the unconditional surrender, Hitler’s “Thousand-Year Reich” ceased to exist, and the responsibility for the government of the German people was assumed by the four occupying powers—the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and France.
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