The economy of Vienna
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Although commerce and industry form the base of Vienna’s economy, government and public administration on all levels is also a major employer in the Austrian capital. The federally owned theatres alone employ several thousand people. Tourism is also an important economic activity with some two million travelers visiting the city annually. Vienna provides approximately one-fourth of the jobs in the country and produces almost one-third of the gross national product. The steady reduction in numbers of active workers (due to the rising proportion of older people) has necessitated the recruitment of a foreign labour force, primarily in the service sector and in menial occupations.
Industry and trade
Vienna produces more than half of Austria’s capital goods and almost half of its consumer goods. Leading industries include the manufacture of machinery (primarily electrical machinery and transportation equipment), electrical products, chemicals, and metal products. In the Vienna area oil processing, cement works, and brickmaking are important as well. Special Viennese products are silk, velvet, linen, ceramics, jewelry, scientific and musical instruments, watches, cutlery, leather goods, furniture, paper, and carpets. The service industries in Vienna, including banking, account for half of Austria’s total employment in this sector. The proportion of white-collar workers, public employees, and civil servants in the total labour force continues to grow.
The Vienna international trade fair, which takes place twice a year in March and September, is of special importance to the economy of Austria. The fair attracts exhibitors from both European and overseas countries and is attended by several hundred thousand visitors annually. Several hundred American, German, Japanese, and British firms, as well as many firms from eastern European countries, use Vienna as a base for trading operations. Approximately 10 percent of Austria’s exports go to the eastern European countries.
In the 19th century tens of thousands of immigrants from all parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire arrived at Vienna’s six major railway terminals. Today only two important stations are left, the West Railway Station and the Main Railway Station; the latter serves as the main hub for regional and international rail travel. The city’s busy international airport, Schwechat, is served by more than 30 airlines, and motorways radiate in all directions. Freight transport down the Danube to the Balkan states, Romania, and the Black Sea, and via the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal to northwestern Europe, has grown in importance.
After World War II Vienna chose to retain its tramway system instead of converting to buses. The old system, modernized and updated, continues to be an important low-cost form of public transportation. The extensive underground network has also been expanded. Consequently, within the city, most people travel by public transportation or on foot.

Administration and social conditions
Because of the dual character of Vienna as the capital city and a federal state (Bundesland) of the republic, the municipal and the state administrations are in the hands of the same elected representatives acting in institutionally separate capacities. The affairs of the city’s 23 municipal districts (Bezirke) are managed by appointed magistrates, and the city is governed by a mayor, who is assisted by two deputies, and a city council composed of 100 members. The mayor, who is elected by the city council, also serves as the governor of the federal state. Representatives to the city council are elected every five years by proportional representation. Vienna sends 28 members to the National Council, the lower house of Austria’s legislature, and 11 members to the Federal Council, the upper house.
The government not only runs the city but also operates a major business, the Vienna Holding, a combination of state and private enterprise. Its firms include low-cost restaurants, a major publishing house, an insurance company, a cold-storage depot, shopping centres, cinemas, and the large, multifunctional Stadthalle (“City Hall”), with a seating capacity of 16,000, for sporting events, concerts, dances, exhibitions, and swimming. The old Theater an der Wien and the traditional Viennese porcelain factory, which was closed in 1864, were rescued from extinction by this enterprise.
Health and welfare
Vienna’s hospitals and medical training have been widely esteemed since the mid-18th century. Emperor Joseph II founded the General Hospital in 1784, and in the 19th century Viennese medicine led the world. Vienna claims several renowned medical scientists, among them Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, discoverer of the cause of puerperal fever; Theodor Billroth, a pioneer in abdominal surgery; Karl Landsteiner, discoverer of the blood groups; and Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis.
For many reasons the city’s public health care system is regarded as one of the world’s best. The number of doctors in proportion to the population is high; there are more than 40 general and special hospitals and numerous geriatric facilities. In addition to providing model health services, the municipal government has been among the world’s pioneers in public welfare and social insurance. Vienna is also renowned for its clean drinking water, which comes from springs in the mountains around the city.
Vienna has a much higher proportion of high-school and university graduates than the other Austrian states. Of the 12 universities in the country, five are located in Vienna: the University of Vienna, the University of Technology, the University of Agriculture, the University of Veterinary Medicine, and the University of Economics in Vienna. Other notable institutions include the Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, the Academy of Fine Arts, and the Academy of Applied Arts. There are also a Roman Catholic academy, several scientific societies, and many research institutes, as well as the venerable Austrian Academy of Sciences. Vienna’s teaching of music, medicine, law, and the arts attracts many foreign students, who make up about 10 percent of the total student population.