Yukon River
Yukon River, major North American river that flows through the central Yukon territory of northwestern Canada and the central region of the U.S. state of Alaska. It measures 1,980 miles (3,190 km) from the headwaters of the McNeil River (a tributary of the Nisutlin River). The Yukon discharges into the Bering Sea after flowing northwestward and then generally southwestward through a low plateau that slopes down across Alaska. The main east- and north-bank tributaries are the Teslin, Big Salmon, Pelly, Stewart, Klondike, Porcupine, and Koyukuk; the west- and south-bank tributaries are the Takhini, White, and Tanana. Its headwater tributaries drain an area of about 328,000 square miles (850,000 square km) out of a surrounding semicircle of high mountains. This huge area—larger than Turkey—was occupied solely by North American Indians until the mid-19th century, when peoples of European descent (including explorers from the eastward-expanding Russian Empire) began to move into the region, first as fur traders and then in search of mineral wealth. The discovery of gold on the Klondike in 1896 precipitated an influx of settlement that created an international mythology of romantic frontier existence associated with the name Yukon.
Physical features
Physiography and hydrology
The McNeil headwaters rise in the Pelly Mountains of south-central Yukon territory and flow south into Teslin Lake and thence into the Teslin River. The main headwaters of the Yukon River, however, flow from Atlin Lake and Tagish Lake in the vicinity of the border between British Columbia and the Yukon territory. About 50 miles (80 km) downstream the Yukon once rushed through the rocky walls of narrow Miles Canyon and tumbled over rock ledges at Whitehorse Rapids. These obstacles to river travel during the gold rush era necessitated the construction of the short railroad from Skagway, Alaska, to Whitehorse in the Yukon territory, the latter becoming the southern terminal of water transport northward. The river has since been dammed south of Whitehorse for hydroelectric power; the rapids are buried under the reservoir lake, and deep water fills the former canyon.
River ice begins to break up at Whitehorse, the territorial capital, in early May and loosens northward on Lake Laberge a few days later. The snow-fed tributaries from the Mackenzie Mountains to the east reach their flood peak in June, but glacier-fed streams such as the White, draining the north slopes of the St. Elias Mountains, do not have their greatest runoff until July. Once these peak runoff flows have passed, the Yukon River becomes a shallow braided stream, as summer precipitation in the Yukon basin is low—about 6 inches (150 mm) of summer rainfall is recorded at Whitehorse and Dawson.
North of Lake Laberge, the Yukon flows through a broad, generally flat-bottomed valley; riverbanks are not high, and the river meanders lazily across the valley floor, with numerous sandbars and small islands dotting the channel. About 25 miles (40 km) north of the village of Carmacks, four small rocky islands split the river into the Five Finger Rapid area, and the current flows swiftly past these islands. At the village of Selkirk, the junction of the Pelly River swells the Yukon’s volume considerably, for the Pelly drains about 19,700 square miles (51,000 square km) of the generally uninhabited western slopes of the Mackenzie Mountains. North of Selkirk, the Yukon is a clear and gentle river, with numerous low islands breaking the channel. The White River, with a drainage area of about 19,500 square miles (50,500 square km), adds silt from the glaciers and mountains to the southwest. The Stewart River, having about the same drainage area as the White River, flows out of the former mining area of Mayo–Keno City to the east. At Dawson the Yukon has an average flow of 74,000 cubic feet (2,095 cubic metres) per second, but there is a wide difference between the high-water flows of June and the low water beneath the ice in March. There is little hydroelectric power development on the Yukon even though the river is thought to have considerable generating potential. However, demand for power is limited because of the sparse population in the region. There are a modest-sized plant at Whitehorse and two other small installations on tributaries of the Yukon in Canada, including at Mayo.
The Klondike is a small east-bank tributary that joins the Yukon at the historic territorial town of Dawson. The Klondike valley floor is covered with sinuous wormlike ridges of gravel deposited behind the gold dredges that have worked their way through the valley gravels over a period of nearly a century.

Downstream from Dawson the river valley narrows, and the low plateau is broken by mountains that rise to elevations above 4,000 feet (1,200 metres), about 15 miles (25 km) north of the Yukon River. The river itself is about 1,000 feet (300 metres) above sea level before it crosses the border into Alaska. The next large tributary, the Porcupine River, joins the Yukon at Fort Yukon, Alaska; the Porcupine drains the northern Yukon territory and the southeastern slope of the high and rugged Brooks Range in Alaska, a land occupied by a small population of Indians. The Yukon then flows generally westward for about 150 miles (240 km) across a broad, flat valley; the many channels of the braided river thread their way through numerous islands and sandbars. Much of this region is within Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge. At the western end of the “flats” is a narrow gorge, where the river rushes through a low mountain barrier known as the ramparts.
At the junction of the Tanana River, the main southern tributary in Alaska, the Yukon is less than 300 feet (90 metres) above sea level. Upstream on the Tanana lies Fairbanks, the largest city in the Yukon River basin. The snow- and glacier-fed waters of the Tanana drain the north slopes of the high Alaska Range, but, after the peak runoff in July, the Tanana becomes a shallow stream by late summer. West of the Yukon’s confluence with the Tanana, the Yukon valley broadens south of the river; but within 5 miles (8 km) of its northern banks rise the low Kokrines Hills, with peaks over 3,000 feet (900 metres) in elevation. About 175 miles (280 km) downstream from the Tanana confluence, the last major tributary, the Koyukuk, drains southward from the south-central slopes of the Brooks Range. The Yukon there is only 117 feet (36 metres) above sea level and only about 100 miles (160 km) due east of Norton Sound, but the river is forced to detour several hundred miles to the south and west around mountainous terrain.
As the Yukon nears the Bering Sea, it bends sharply northward to empty into Norton Sound. The river delta is about 40 miles (65 km) across, swampy, and lake-covered. Many of the distributary channels are shallow, but the northeastern one, Apoon Pass, was once used by riverboats.
The valleys of the Yukon River basin, where nearly all of the population lives, have a subarctic climate with relatively warm, short summers; but the treeless upper mountain slopes, where there are no weather stations, are classified as having an Arctic climate. Bitterly cold air masses from Siberia or the Arctic Ocean cross Alaska and Yukon territory throughout the long, dark winter, but occasional warm air masses from the Pacific Ocean can penetrate over the high barrier of the St. Elias Mountains and bring warmer winter temperatures to the Whitehorse area. January mean temperatures are about -24 °F (-31 °C) at Dawson and about -6 °F (-21 °C) at Whitehorse. In 1947 the lowest temperature officially recorded in North America, -81 °F (-63 °C), was reported at Snag along the Alaska Highway in southwestern Yukon.
Average summer temperatures in the valleys of this high-latitude region, with its long hours of summer daylight, are moderately warm, with July mean temperatures of about 60 °F (16 °C) at Dawson and slightly lower at Whitehorse. Annual precipitation is low, as it is in most of northwestern Canada and central Alaska, with an average of about 10 inches (260 mm) recorded at Whitehorse and 12 inches (305 mm) at Dawson. Almost half of the precipitation falls as rain during the four summer months.
Plant and animal life
Coniferous forests grow to low height and low densities across the valley floors and lower mountain slopes of the Yukon River basin. The upper tree line is at an elevation of about 3,500 to 4,500 feet (1,070 to 1,370 metres), depending on local exposure and drainage; thus, about two-thirds of the mountainous Yukon territory is treeless. The largest stands of potentially commercial forest are along the Alaska Highway in the Liard River valley in the southeastern Yukon, but this area is far from markets. White spruce is dominant on the valley floors, and black spruce grows in the poorly drained areas. Outbreaks of spruce budworm threaten large areas of these forests. In addition, Alpine fir and lodgepole pine are found in the lower areas along the Alaska Highway across the southern Yukon.
A varied animal life inhabits the forested valleys. The larger mammals include black and brown (grizzly) bears; caribou, deer, and moose; and mountain goats and sheep at higher elevations. Timber wolves are common. Game birds such as grouse and ptarmigan are found, and waterfowl include many species of geese, swans, and ducks. The usual furbearers trapped by the Indian population include muskrat, mink, marten, lynx, weasel, fox, fisher, and squirrel. In the river itself are found species of such fish as Arctic grayling, burbot, pike, salmon, and whitefish.