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The spread of some Bantu to the northern coast of East Africa during the 1st millennium ce is supported by the memory of a settlement area named Shungwaya situated to the north of the Tana River. Shungwaya appears to have had its heyday as a Bantu settlement area between perhaps the 12th and the 15th centuries, after which it was subjected to a full-scale invasion of Cushitic-speaking Oromo peoples from the Horn of Africa. There is controversy as to whether the ancestors of the present Kamba and Kikuyu of Kenya were from Shungwaya, but it would seem that they probably broke away from there some time before the Oromo onslaught. It has been suggested, indeed, that the Kikuyu spread through their present territories from 1400 to 1800. The old Cushitic wedge checked them from spreading farther westward. This extended, as it would seem to have done for two or more millennia past, over both sides of the Kenyan and northern Tanzanian Rift Valley, but in the middle of the present millennium it was subjected to one of the multiple waves of invading Nilotic peoples—who were partly agriculturists and partly pastoralists—that moved into much of the northern and northwestern parts of East Africa.
The Nilotic migrations
The supersession of the Chwezi by Luo dynasties in the northern interlacustrine region at about the end of the 15th century resulted from the migrations of Nilotic peoples southward—in this instance, it has seemed, from a cradleland in what are now Sudan and South Sudan.
For some 18 generations or so Bito rulers of Luo origin held sway over the kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara, to the east of Lake Albert. Though at first their dominion seems to have been widely extended, they began to be rivaled in the 16th and 17th centuries by the rise of Buganda, under its ruler, or kabaka. Working on interior lines and based upon a particularly fertile region, Buganda developed a strength and cohesion that from the 18th century onward was to make it—with Rwanda—one of the two most formidable kingdoms of the region.
The Luo rulers and such followers as had accompanied them were soon fully absorbed into the Bantu population of these kingdoms. Immediately to the north (where the Bantu did not extend) there occurred the greatest independent expansion of the Luo peoples, who formed the Acholi; provided ruling groups for peoples to the west who came to be called Alur; and bred the Jopaluo and Jopadhola to the east and also the sizable Luo populations who, between the mid-16th and the mid-18th centuries, came to settle on the northern side of Winam Bay to the northeast of Lake Victoria and spread thereafter to its southern shore as well.
Over to the east, into the former Cushitic domain that centred upon the Rift Valley, there appears to have been, in about the middle of the present millennium, a great expansion of Kalenjin peoples. These Highland Nilotes (as distinguished from, among others, River-Lake Nilotes such as the Luo), seem to have absorbed most of the previous southern Cushites who remained there and also to have successfully held the core of this ancient wedge, if not its earlier dimensions, against further Bantu incursions. By 1700, however, a second expansion into this old protrusion was beginning. During the 18th century the Maasai (Plains Nilotes, as they are sometimes called) spread over most of the area, until they came to be found as far south as Gogo country in central Tanzania. Already divided into pure-pastoralist and mixed-agriculturist subtribes, they were soon to be found to the east near Kilimanjaro. The earlier Kalenjin thus found themselves confined to the hillier country between the Rift Valley and Lake Victoria, where—constituting the Keyu (Elgeyo), the Suk (Pokot), the Nandi, the Kipsikis, and the Tatoga of more recent times—they entered into a variety of interactions with their various Luo and Bantu neighbours. Farther to the north in the areas beyond Mount Elgon a shorter-run series of migrations by other Plains Nilotes was simultaneously taking place. First, in the 17th century, the Lango began moving southwestward (and became much affected by their River-Lake Nilotic neighbours, the Acholi). Then, in the 18th century, the Teso, Karimojong, and others began also to move in various southward directions.

It has been suggested that all these Highland and Plains Nilotic migrations were set off, both before and after the middle of the present millennium, by successive pressures from the Oromo to the north. Like the Oromo, the Nilotic peoples lacked any firmly institutionalized political power, and their leaders were often less important than the elders of their clans. Indeed, Nilotes established “states” only where, as in the interlacustrine area over to the west, they came to rule other peoples who may very well have had traditions of rulership before they arrived. Such distinctions were to be of immense importance for the future.
Pressure on the southern chieftainships
With the breakup of their main body, at the north end of Lake Nyasa, after 1845, some parties of Ngoni moved northward. Some Ngoni groups made their way to Songea; another struck north to Lake Victoria. They carried, to the area west of Lake Tanganyika, a new style of raiding and appear to have precipitated among such peoples as the Holoholo and the Ndendehule, the Sangu, and the Bena—in part, at least, as a safeguard against Ngoni raids—the creation of new political institutions, including more powerful rulerships. The most notable of such developments were, in the first place, among the Hehe, where, under Munyigumba and then on his death, in 1879, under his son Mkwawa, a powerful state was built up; then among the Nyamwezi, where between 1870 and 1884 the warrior chief Mirambo established a powerful personal rulership; and also among the Kimbu, where, between 1870 and 1884, Nyungu and his ruga-rugas (or bands of warriors) created a dominion that survived his death.
Nothing quite so striking occurred to the northeast. Conflict persisted between the smaller Chaga rulers on Kilimanjaro. In the mid-19th century, Kimweri enjoyed a considerable dominion in the region of the Usambara Mountains, but on his death in the 1860s his rulership disintegrated. Further such disintegrations occurred in the 19th century among the rulerships of Buha and Buzinza, at the south end of Lake Victoria, and among the Buhaya kingdoms on its eastern shore. The kingdom of Mpororo, to the west of Buhaya, had already broken up. By the 1890s its neighbour Nkore seems to have been in danger of disintegrating as well. Earlier in the century Toro, to its north, had broken away from Bunyoro, previously the most extensive of the kingdoms in this area, while fragmentation was almost endemic among the Busoga kingdoms to the east.
Rwanda and Buganda
But there were also growing points in the interlacustrine area, where one of the largest kingdoms, Rwanda, consolidated its rear by annexing Lake Kivu, then, in the aftermath of a succession war, swallowed the small kingdom of Gissaka, to its east. It failed to defeat Burundi, to the south, but under its mwami, or ruler, Kigeri IV (who reorganized its military forces) it extended its control by raiding to the north.
Its power was equaled in this region only by the kingdom of Buganda. Having annexed the large area of Buddu, to its southwest, in the late 18th century, Buganda thereafter generally refrained from any further territorial extensions. Its rulers steadily increased their authority at home by enhancing the power of appointed chiefs at the expense of the clan leaders, while abroad they preferred to make satellites rather than subjects of their neighbours. They had a good deal of success eastward in Busoga and southward along the western shore of Lake Victoria and around its southern rim. In the 1870s and ’80s Buganda’s protégés were on several occasions installed in petty rulerships in Busoga. In 1869 Bunyoro successfully survived Buganda interference in one of its succession conflicts (as Nkore did in 1878) and indeed in the 1870s and ’80s was renewing its strength. Bunyoro’s improved position turned much on its new military formations, the abarasura, while Buganda’s successful predation owed a good deal to its new military efforts under the mujasi, or military commander, as well as to the building of a formidable fleet of canoes.
The Luo and Maasai
To the north and northeast the previous migrations of the Luo from west to east were followed in the 19th century by a new wave of migrations from east to west. The Lango, for example, further expanded in two southward and westward waves toward Lake Kyoga and toward the Victoria Nile, where they ran up against the Acholi. To their south the Teso and the Kumam were also moving west and south. A flourishing trading network developed around Lake Kyoga.
Activity was rife also among the pastoral peoples to the east. In about 1850 the Turkana began to migrate from a base west of Lake Rudolf. Southward stood the Maasai, the warrior people of the plains and open plateaus north and south of the string of Rift Valley lakes west of Mount Kenya. From 1830 onward their various subtribes were engaged, under the auspices of their rival laibons, or ritual leaders—among whom Mbatian, who succeeded his father, Subet, in 1866, was the most famous—in a succession of internecine conflicts largely over cattle and grazing grounds. Their wars denuded the Laikipia and Uasin Gishu plateaus of their former Maasai, the so-called Wakwavi, who, being deprived of their cattle, switched to agriculture. They also helped the Nandi, who, with the Uasin Gishu Maasai now troubling them no more, took to raiding on their own account from a base between the Rift Valley and Lake Victoria. Under the leadership of their laibon-like orkoiyots, the Nandi and their kinfolk, the Kipsikis, were soon the new powers in the land. Some of their neighbours who lived in open country put up defense works against them—the Baluyia, to the west, for example, built mud walls around their villages—while others, such as the Teita, the Kamba, and the Kikuyu, who lived on higher ground and in forest country, were rather better placed and from their carefully guarded fastnesses could defy the Maasai. On the edges of their country they even entered into some permanent trade and marriage relations with the Maasai. Where the soil was fertile, moreover, such people considerably increased their populations. Though they had no chiefs, “prominent men” were accorded a recognized status among them, and by the close of the century some of these were fighting each other for local supremacy.