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Also known as: West Africa


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This situation had first arisen, and at a very early stage, in the trans-Saharan trade. Labour was needed to work the Saharan salt deposits, and the civilizations of the Mediterranean and Middle East had long had a demand for slaves. Some North African and Middle Eastern exports, particularly perhaps horses, were so valuable in the Sudan that its kings were quite ready to exchange some of their scarce human power to secure these. However, the problems involved in marching slaves across the Sahara with its scarce and widely separated resources of water were formidable. Although reliable estimates are lacking, it is generally supposed that the trans-Saharan slave trade could rarely if ever have transported more than 6,000 or 7,000 slaves a year. After the middle of the 17th century, however, the demand of the Atlantic trade for slaves was practically insatiable, and, as has been seen, at its peak during the 18th century, each year about seven times as many slaves were leaving the western African coasts.

A high proportion of these slaves, nearly a third, were being exported—as has been seen—from the Niger delta region. The communities of Ijo (Ijaw), Ibibio, and Efik fishermen and salt makers, who controlled the waterways to the interior, developed city-states whose whole fortunes came to be bound up with the slave trade. Most of their slaves were brought from their immediate hinterland. It is probably significant that some of this hinterland, particularly that inhabited by the Igbo and the Tiv, today has the highest population densities to be found anywhere in tropical Africa—some Igbo densities being as much as 1,500 persons to the square mile. Igbo country is not rich in natural resources, however, and its water supplies are poor. In the 20th century one result was the emigration of many Igbo to sell their labour in other parts of Nigeria. Some scholars believe that something of this population pressure may have already been evident during the slave-trade era.

It is noteworthy that, although the American demand for slaves was rising steadily from about 1630 onward, every other part of the coast seems quite soon to have reached a figure for slave exports which thereafter remained more or less constant until the 19th century. Then two things happened: first, there was a breakdown in the system of law and order that had hitherto operated in Yoruba country to the west of the Niger delta, with the result that exports from the Slave Coast began to increase; and second, after the early 1860s, the American demand fell off sharply. There is a strong implication that in the 17th and 18th centuries the other major slave-exporting regions with relatively large populations had developed politico-economic systems which were able more or less consciously to calculate the balance of advantage for themselves of engaging in the export slave trade. By and large their conclusion seems to have been that it was more profitable to exchange some of their labour for European goods than it was to keep it all at home, but that it was dangerous to export more than a certain controlled quantity.

The Atlantic slave trade was not simply a rape of African labour to serve European purposes in the Americas. In any case, slaves were not the sole African exports by sea during the slave-trade era. Gold, gum, hides, timbers, palm oil, and other commodities were also traded, and the European merchants needed to buy large quantities of provisions to feed the slaves during the Atlantic crossing. The slaves and other exports had to be purchased, and in exchange Africans received supplies of other goods—cloth, metals, tools, knives and other hardware, guns and ammunition, beads and small manufactures, tobacco and spirits—that, however much their prices may have been inflated in relation to their cost in Europe or America, were thought by their purchasers to be at least as valuable as the slaves or other goods they had sold.

From the African point of view, the main importance of the slave trade may have been that it led to a great growth of all kinds of trade at the coasts and to a considerable stimulation of economic and political activity and organization for some distance into the interior of Guinea, a region which had hitherto been remote from the main centres of trade in western African history, which had been in the Sudan. It is difficult to quantify this growth of commercial activity, but coastal exports and imports combined, negligible prior to about 1500, may—in contemporary values—have been worth something like $3.5 million a year by 1700 and $8 million or more by 1800. This was a considerable trade by the standards of the time, as can be seen from comparison with an estimate in the 1850s of the value of the trade of Kano, then the most prosperous of the Sudanic kingdoms, at some $500,000 a year.

Some consequences of this rapid increase of trade on the Guinea Coast were fairly general. One was the appearance on the coast itself of a new class of African merchants, who freed themselves from some of the restrictions of traditional society and were able to accumulate personal wealth and power to rival that of the local kings. Sometimes, indeed, as at Komenda on the Gold Coast or at Opobo in the delta, the new men actually set themselves up as kings. This development owed much to the direct influence of the European trade on the coast. Some Europeans settled more or less permanently in Africa, married local women, and created new merchant dynasties, such as the Brews of the Gold Coast. Others of the new men were former slaves who had returned from America, particularly perhaps from Brazil to the Slave Coast. Many were local Africans, but usually men who had started by gaining useful contacts and training in the service of European merchants. All the new men were experienced in European ways and often secured for their sons elements of a European education.

The growth of Guinea’s international trade encouraged the spread and acceptance of regular systems of currency. Many, perhaps most, of the Guinea currencies were already extant on the coast when the Europeans arrived, but the growth of trade meant that certain of these became the sole acceptable currency within relatively large and well-defined areas, such as iron bars in Upper Guinea and much of the Niger delta, ounces of gold dust on the Gold Coast, and cowrie shells on the Slave Coast. Another development was the emergence on a considerable scale of production for sale. In Asante (Ashanti), for example, some villages were given over to the production of a particular commodity, such as cloth, and some of the chief men ran plantations with slave labour (as also, in the 19th century, did the kings of Dahomey).

The emergence of the trading city-states of the Niger delta represented a social revolution as well as a political innovation. The kinship system gave way to the “House” system, by which both freemen and the large numbers of slaves needed to operate trading canoes and strategic and trading settlements were bound together by common economic interests into large corporations headed by the leading merchants. On the Gold Coast and Slave Coast, however, political development was more akin to that which had earlier taken place in the Sudan under the influence of trans-Saharan trade.

Behind the Gold Coast the original centres of Akan trade and power had been north of the forest and northward-looking. The growth of trade at the coast led to new developments among the settlements in the forest, which had hitherto served only to produce gold and kola nuts for the northern trade. In the 17th century three major forest kingdoms emerged: Denkyera in the west, Akwamu to the east, and between them, Akyem. These competed with each other in expansion parallel to the coast to control as many as possible of the paths of trade to the European forts. Akyem lost, while Denkyera achieved such an overweening power that some of its northern tributaries secured guns and new techniques of political and military organization from Akwamu and rose in revolt. This was the effective origin of the new monarchy of Asante based on Kumasi, situated in the central forest where the major trade routes from the Gold Coast converged and met with the major routes of the Hausa and the Mande-Dyula traders from the north.

By the beginning of the 18th century the power of Denkyera had been crushed, and in the next 70 years Asante armies went on to build up an empire that in the north engulfed Bono and Gonja (Guang) and levied tribute on Dagomba and in the south incorporated or made tributary virtually all the small states that had been involved in the rise of Denkyera, Akyem, and Akwamu. The only part of modern Ghana that was not under the sway of Kumasi was the central coastlands, where the small Fanti (Fante) states, gaining some measure of protection from their close association with the various European forts, began to come together in a federation to resist Asante influence.