- Related Topics:
- Loasaceae
- Hydrostachyaceae
- Hydrangeaceae
- Cornaceae
- Curtisiaceae
Cornales, dogwood order of flowering plants, comprising six families and more than 590 species. Cornales is the basalmost order of the core asterid clade (organisms with a single common ancestor), or sympetalous lineage of flowering plants, in the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III (APG III) botanical classification system (see angiosperm). The plants in this order are mostly woody, with flower parts in multiples of four and unjoined petals. The flowers have inferior ovaries containing several carpels, and the fruits are fleshy with stony seeds. The major families are Cornaceae, Hydrangeaceae, and Loasaceae, with the remaining families Curtisiaceae, Grubbiaceae, and Hydrostachyaceae having only one or two genera each.
Cornaceae, the dogwood family, is the largest family in the order, though it has just two genera—Cornus (65 species) and Alangium (20 species). Cornus is noted for its woody ornamental species native to both coasts of North America and to East Asia. Cornus florida (flowering dogwood) is chiefly ornamental, whereas the European C. mas (cornelian cherry) produces edible fruit, and C. macrophylla yields wood useful for furniture. Flowering dogwoods have small flowers surrounded by conspicuously expanded coloured bracts (specialized leaves) that are frequently mistaken for petals.
Members of Hydrangeaceae, the hydrangea family, are usually rather robust herbs or shrubs, with opposite leaves and a line running across the stem between opposing leaf stalks. The family includes 17 genera and 190 species, most of them in warmer temperate zones, though a few species enter the tropics. The flowers have free petals that are valvate in bud. There are at least twice as many stamens as petals, and the ovary is half to fully inferior.

Hydrangeas (Hydrangea) are known to most gardeners as shrubs, although some are woody vines or small trees. The common hydrangea, or hortensia (H. macrophylla), is popular with horticulturists and is sold as a potted plant in cool areas. Hydrangea flowers are produced in large, showy white, blue, or pink clusters, with the flower colour of some species being related to soil acidity. The pink-flowered hortensias, for example, show a tendency to turn blue when iron filings or alum are added to the soil to increase acidity. In a number of hydrangea species, the sepals of the marginal flowers of the flower cluster are enlarged and look like petals.
Philadelphus, known as mock orange or sweet syringa, and Deutzia are two other members of the hydrangea family often grown in gardens. These shrubs and their many cultivated varieties are widely planted in shrub borders for the white flowers that appear in late spring.
Members of Loasaceae, the stickleaf family, are typically coarse herbs or shrubs, often with stinging hairs. The distinctive flowers feature separate, spreading petals, numerous radiating stamens with long filaments, and inferior ovaries. The family has 14 genera and more than 260 species, most of them North American, but there are also species from South America, Africa, and the Marquesas Islands in the Pacific. The main genera are Loasa (105 species), Caiophora (65 species), and Mentzelia (60 species).
Other families
Among the smaller families in Cornales is Hydrostachyaceae, which has a single genus (Hydrostachys) of 20 species of aquatic herbs native to central and southern Africa and Madagascar. The rosette-forming leaves can be highly divided and usually have small scaly or fringed appendages. Flowers are very reduced and unisexual, tightly arranged along a spike; the male flowers have a single anther, and the female flowers have two elongate styles and form a capsule with many tiny seeds.
The two smallest families in the order, both with a single genus, are Grubbiaceae and Curtisiaceae. Grubbia (three species) is the single genus of Grubbiaceae and features heathlike shrubs in southern South Africa. Curtisia has a single species of southern African tree that is useful as a timber source (assagai wood) for furniture and other small construction.
Paul E. Berry