Rubiaceae, the madder family (order Gentianales) of flowering plants, consisting of 611 genera with more than 13,150 species of herbs, shrubs, and trees, distributed primarily in tropical areas of the world. Several species are of economic importance as sources of useful chemicals, and a number are cultivated as ornamentals.
Physical description
Members of the family have leaves opposite each other with stipules or in whorls, unbroken leaf margins, and leaflike appendages at the base of the leafstalks. The leaves usually are large and evergreen in tropical species, deciduous in temperate species, and needlelike or scalelike in desert species. The plants may bear a single flower or many small flowers clustered together. The fruits can be berries, drupes, capsules, or schizocarps (dry fruits that split into segments of a single seed).
Major genera and species
Economically important products of the family Rubiaceae include quinine, which is derived from the bark of Cinchona species; coffee, from the seeds of Coffea species; ipecac, from the roots of Carapichea ipecacuanha; gambier, a substance that is used in tanning, from Uncaria gambir; and kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), which is used in traditional medicine and recreationally as a stimulant. Some trees in the family provide useful timber. Common madder (Rubia tinctorum) was formerly cultivated for the red dye obtained from its roots (alizarin); the roots of crosswort (Crucianella) contain a red dye once used in medicines.

Species that are cultivated as ornamentals include Gardenia, Ixora, Nertera, Crucianella, Bouvardia, bluets (Houstonia), and buttonbush (Cephalanthus).
Plants in the genus Myrmecodia have swollen stems with hollow areas that are inhabited by ants. Ants also inhabit the hollow stem segments in the genera Nauclea, Duroia, and Hydnophytum.
Two familiar genera of low herbaceous plants native to temperate areas are Galium (bedstraw, or cleavers), with small flowers and square stems, and Mitchella (partridgeberry), with twin four-petaled flowers borne at the end of each stem.