- Also called:
- globe artichoke or French artichoke
artichoke, (Cynara cardunculus, variety scolymus), large thistlelike perennial plant of the aster family (Asteraceae) grown for its edible flower buds. The flesh at the base of the thick leathery bracts and the receptacle of the immature flower head, known as the heart, are a culinary delicacy. The artichoke’s flavour is delicate and nutlike, and the smaller heads, or buds, are usually the most tender. Artichoke heads are commonly boiled or steamed and served as a hot vegetable with a sauce or as a cold salad or appetizer. Artichokes are a rich source of potassium, vitamin C, and dietary fibre.
Native to the western and central Mediterranean and North Africa, the artichoke was domesticated and carried to the eastern Mediterranean in ancient times, though it was then valued for its young leaves rather than the immature flower heads. The edible flower form was first recorded in Italy about 1400, and today it is extensively cultivated in Mediterranean countries, the Americas, and other regions with the necessary rich soil and mild climate.
Physical description
Artichoke plants feature a rosette of deeply toothed large silvery leaves that grow up to one metre (three feet) long and that die each year after flowers are formed. The plants produce sturdy branched flower stalks with about three to five large flower buds. If left unharvested, the artichoke buds open into thistlelike compound flower heads with numerous small purple disk flowers. In a cooked artichoke, the tiny immature flowers are the inedible “fuzz” that covers the artichoke heart.

After four to eight years the cluster of rosettes becomes crowded, and the size and quality of the heads become reduced. The plant is then renewed by planting divisions of the rosette crown or rooted offshoots. Although the mature flower heads produce seeds, the seedlings do not necessarily resemble the variety of the parent plant, so vegetative propagation is preferred.
Related species
Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus) is usually understood to be the wild ancestor of the artichoke, though the latter is sometimes identified as its own species (C. scolymus) rather than as a variety of cardoon. The inner leaves and stalk of cardoon can be blanched and eaten, and the main roots are boiled and served chilled.
The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is grown for its edible tubers and does not resemble the artichoke.