- Related Topics:
- Welwitschiaceae
- Gnetaceae
- Gnetales
- Ephedrales
- Welwitschiales
The reproductive structures of gnetophytes are contained within strobili, or cones. Most species are dioecious; i.e., one individual plant produces either pollen-producing or seed-producing cones, called microsporangiate and megasporangiate strobili, respectively. The two types of strobili are basically the same, consisting of oppositely arranged bracts in the axils of which are short fertile shoots.
In Ephedra each fertile shoot of a pollen cone consists of an elongated modified structure, a microsporophyll or a microsporangiophore, which terminates in a cluster of sporangia, called microsporangia, that house the haploid reproductive cells (spores). The microsporangia are surrounded by a pair of bracteoles (scalelike leaves). Meiotic divisions in cells of the microsporangia produce the haploid pollen grains.
When shed from the microsporangia, the pollen grains (or male gametophytes) consist of five cells contained within the pollen-grain wall. The pollen grains are boat-shaped, with longitudinal ridges and furrows that run from one end of the grain to the other. Pollen of this type has been identified in the fossil record from the Permian Period (298.9 million to 252.2 million years ago) to the present.
Megasporangiate, or seed-producing, strobili (female cones) consist of oppositely paired bracts in the axils of which are fertile shoots consisting of paired bracteoles enclosing an ovule—the forerunner of a seed. The ovule consists of a delicate inner envelope, called an integument, that encloses a tissue (nucellus) in which a cell divides meiotically to produce a row of haploid cells called megaspores. One megaspore greatly enlarges and undergoes mitotic divisions, producing multiple nuclei that are not surrounded by walls. After 500 to 1,000 nuclei are produced, cell walls begin to form, converting the megagametophyte (or female gametophyte) into a cellular structure. At the upper end, egg-bearing protective structures called archegonia are formed, each of which contains a haploid egg cell.
Pollination and embryogeny
Just before the transfer of pollen grains to the ovule (pollination) some cells of the nucellus degenerate and a viscous solution is extruded through the opening (micropyle) of the now-extended integument. A pollination drop is formed at the tip of the integument. Transfer of pollen may be either by wind or insects. The pollination drop is very high in sugar content and attracts insects. As the sugary pollination drop dries, the pollen grains are pulled inward through the integument and come to rest on the nucellus. The pollen grain germinates, and a pollen tube enters the egg cell of the archegonium. A mature male gamete (sperm) fuses with the mature egg nucleus, bringing about fertilization. Eight or more diploid nuclei are produced and soon become surrounded by cellulose-containing walls. Each of these young embryos may develop, although only one generally reaches a fully developed stage in the mature seed. A seed consists of an embryo with two seed leaves (cotyledons), a stem axis, and a root, embedded in nutritive tissue of the female gametophyte. The pair of protective bracteoles become hard, and the seed is also surrounded by fleshy bracts that may become ivory, red, or orange in colour, perhaps an adaptation for animal dispersal. There appears to be no resting stage or dormant period for the seed, which may germinate immediately upon dispersal.
The strobili of Gnetum are compact or may become elongate with conspicuous nodes and internodes. In a microsporangiate, or pollen-producing, strobilus there are two fused bracts at each node forming a cup-shaped structure (collar) that encloses numerous fertile shoots. Each fertile unit consists of two bracteoles enclosing a microsporophyll or microsporangiophore with two sporangia at the tip. There may also be a top whorl of abortive ovules at each node.
The megasporangiate (ovulate) strobilus likewise consists of conspicuous nodes, each with a fused pair of bracts subtending several ovules. Each ovule comprises an integument and two ensheathing structures called envelops. In Gnetum, in contrast to Ephedra, fertilization occurs before the haploid female gametophyte becomes completely cellular. Nuclei become surrounded by membranes. A pollen tube pushes into the female gametophyte, and a male gamete fertilizes an egg. Several pollen tubes may enter the female gametophyte, resulting in more than one fertilization, although normally only one embryo develops to maturity. The seeds become fleshy and often are brightly coloured.
In Welwitschia, branched reproductive shoot systems arise from the meristematic tissue at the bases of the two large permanent leaves. In both types of strobili, paired bracts and fertile shoots develop from the axils, as is true of the other two genera of gnetophytes. The fertile shoot of a microstrobilus has two pairs of bracteoles, the inner pair of which are fused, enclosing six microsporangiophores and a sterile ovule. In a megastrobilus the fertile shoot is made up of a pair of basal bracteoles and a pair of fused bracteoles surrounding an ovule.
At the time of pollination the integument of a fertile ovule in the female elongates and a pollination drop is formed at the tip. A cell in the nucellus of the female ovule undergoes meiosis, but no cell walls are formed between the four haploid nuclei. The four nuclei and their derivatives undergo repeated mitoses without cell-wall formation. Only later do cell walls form around several nuclei. No archegonia are formed. Subsequent development of the female gametophyte is without parallel in other gymnosperms or in angiosperms.
Some of the multinucleate female gametophyte cells grow into the nucellus of the ovule, into which the nuclei migrate. Pollen tubes, which grow downward in the nucellus from the male pollen grains after pollination, meet and fuse with the upwardly growing multinucleate tubes of the female gametophyte. “Fertilization bulbs” are formed, within which fusion takes place between a male gamete and one nucleus of the female gametophyte cells. A zygote is formed, and the young embryo then grows downward within the female gametophyte tube toward the cellular female gametophyte.
The later stages of embryo development take place within the tissue of the female gametophyte. A mature, ripe seed consists of a dicotyledonous embryo embedded in the female gametophyte and surrounded by papery fused bracteoles, constituting a “wing,” which probably assists in seed dispersal by the wind.