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- Robert Brown
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- conifer
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- Biology LibreTexts - Gymnosperms (Mar. 12, 2025)
Scottish botanist Robert Brown first distinguished gymnosperms from angiosperms in 1825. While older classifications considered all seed plants to be assignable to a single division, Spermatophyta, more-recent classifications recognize that the characteristic of naked seeds is not important enough to be used to tie all plants with that feature into one group. Classification of gymnosperms now recognizes four extant divisions.
Known as conifers, members of the division Pinophyta are among the most diverse of the gymnosperms, with some 630 living species across six families. Some of the oldest living things on Earth are conifers, including several bristlecone pines (Pinus longaeva) found in the White Mountains of California that approach 5,000 years in age. Additionally, conifers are also the tallest and most-massive living organisms: coast redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) can exceed 100 metres (328 feet) in height, and the giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) can have a girth of 31 metres (101.5 feet) in circumference. Conifers are often featured in formal gardens, and most of the commercial lumber in the Northern Hemisphere is derived from the trunks of conifers such as pine, Douglas fir, spruce, fir, and hemlock.
In most conifers the pollen-bearing and ovule-bearing components (the microsporangia and megasporangia, respectively) are borne on the same plant. A pollen-bearing cone, the microstrobilus, consists of a central axis on which are borne, in a close helical arrangement, reduced fertile leaves (the microsporophylls). On the lower surfaces of the microsporophylls are borne elongated microsporangia; two microsporangia per microsporophyll is common, but some genera have more. The ovulate cone, the megastrobilus, is more complex than the microstrobilus. The megastrobilus bears seeds on flattened dwarf branches, all parts of which are fused (ovuliferous scales). Subtending the ovuliferous scale on the cone axis is a reduced scale leaf, or bract. In some conifers the bract is unrecognizable because it has been fused to the ovuliferous scale.
Conifer leaves are always simple and often small and scalelike (e.g., Thuja) or needlelike (Abies, Picea, Pinus), though some have a broad blade (Araucaria, Agathis). Bald cypress (Taxodium), larch (Larix), and dawn redwood (Metasequoia) are deciduous, but most conifers are evergreen.
The stems of conifers are characteristically woody with a dense mass of secondary xylem. They are usually branched, with basal branches dropping off as the stem elongates, resulting in a main stem that is often tall and straight. The wood is simpler than that of angiosperms; it consists primarily of elongated tracheids (water- and mineral-conducting cells) in the xylem and vascular rays in the phloem that store materials and provide for lateral conduction. The growth tissue of the stem and branches, known as the vascular cambium, contributes more xylem each growing season, forming concentric growth rings in the wood. Tracheids produced by the vascular cambium early in the growing season are larger, and the walls thinner, than those formed later in the growing season. This results in the characteristic light and dark bands of wood. Some conifers have additional cell types, such as fibres and axially elongated xylem parenchyma cells that store food. The wood of gymnosperms is often called softwood to differentiate it from the hardwood angiosperms.
Cycads resemble palm trees with fleshy stems and leathery featherlike leaves. The 10–11 genera and 305 living species are distributed throughout the world but are concentrated in equatorial regions. Cycads are typically short and squat, although the Australian cycad Macrozamia hopei may reach 19 metres (62 feet) in height. Given their attractive foliage and sometimes colourful cones, the plants are used in gardens in warmer latitudes and some may even thrive indoors.
Cycads are dioecious, meaning an individual only produces male or female cones. All genera bear microstrobili consisting of an axis with microsporophylls inserted in a close helical arrangement. The microsporophylls are reduced leaves with abaxial sporangia. In the genus Cycas, ovules are borne among the edges of the stalk of a reduced leaf with a bladelike region still present. Those modified leaves, or megasporophylls, are clustered at the apex of the plant but not arranged in a cone. All other genera of cycads, however, have megastrobili, with the megasporophylls reduced and not leaflike in appearance. Each megasporophyll has a stalk with an expanded distal portion, on the inner face of each of which develop two seeds.
Cycad leaves are compound, with thick leathery leaflets borne in a pinnate (featherlike) arrangement on a main axis. Produced among the normal photosynthetic leaves are stiff scalelike leaves called cataphylls that contribute to the persistent “armour” on the trunk surfaces.
Cycad stems feature a large fleshy pith surrounded by a cylinder of xylem and phloem. The plants have less secondary vascular tissue than conifers, which makes the wood less dense. Many cycad species host cyanobacteria (also known as blue-green algae) in nodules in the roots and may form coralline masses on the ground surface known as coralloid roots. It is thought that those bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by the plant.