Oswego Movement
Oswego Movement, American educational reform movement during the second half of the 19th century that contributed significantly to formalizing teacher education. It was led by Edward Austin Sheldon, who was instrumental in bringing the ideas of Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi into U.S. education through the development of the object method, which Sheldon introduced in Oswego, New York. The normal school associated with that method, founded in 1861, evolved into the State University of New York at Oswego. Upon completing their programs, teachers who had gone to study in Oswego obtained administrative and teaching positions around the country and world, spreading the object method.
Sheldon, raised as a farm boy in Massachusetts, disliked studying. He detested memorization and valued books only if they had interesting pictures. His negative attitude toward education changed only when an enthusiastic teacher inspired him at age 17 to read and reflect. At Hamilton College, located in Clinton, New York, Sheldon studied classical languages and mathematics but dropped out to pursue a newly found interest in horticulture, moving first to Newburgh, New York, and then to Oswego.
In Oswego Sheldon helped found a school for orphans in 1848. The next year he took over the direction of a small private school there, styling himself as a schoolmaster who “had never read any theories of school teaching, and certainly had none of [his] own at the outset.” After working as a school superintendent in Syracuse, New York, Sheldon returned to Oswego in 1853 to become the superintendent of the city’s newly formed free public school system. In addition to holding meetings with teachers to provide “the necessary instruction in regard to organization, classification, instruction, and discipline,” he scheduled classroom visits to discuss “principles of education and methods of teaching.”
The habit of calling on good school systems took Sheldon to Toronto, where he encountered a collection of educational materials (including pictures, charts of colours, and reading charts) that had been developed at the London’s Home and Colonial Training Institution. Having acquired those materials, Sheldon also hired British educator Margaret E. M. Jones to train the first nine teachers to attend the newly opened Oswego Primary Teachers Training School in 1861. The next year Sheldon invited a group of educators to observe the method of object teaching. Their favourable report helped draw students from farther afield to Oswego. Eagerly sought out by schools throughout the United States and abroad, those new teachers spread the influential Pestalozzi-inspired Oswego instructional method and school-reform movement.
Sheldon described three central principles of the new method: (1) a child’s education is grounded in the natural development of human faculties, (2) because sense perception produces knowledge, instruction should be based on observation of concrete objects and events, and (3) childhood education must cultivate the senses and the faculties of the mind, not simply communicate information.
The Oswego Movement organized and publicized Pestallozian principles in a transmittable format. The rather technical and narrow object method helped teachers—especially those who brought with them personal educational deficits—to develop pedagogical practices that were superior to those requiring textbook memorization and recitation. The object method eventually served as a bridge to more-progressive child-centred methods, as it addressed what were then radical notions of individual differences and developmental aspects of learning. It foreshadowed nature studies through its observations of plants and animals; its concern for “doing” led to the development of industrial arts; and its inclusion of music, arts, physical education, and wellness into the elementary curriculum revolutionized life in schools.
The Oswego method focused on children as persons. It also made teaching more methodical, requiring planning lessons in advance. Consequently, teaching became a more-distinguished occupation, a step toward professionalization. Oswego spread the call for teacher education, leading to the establishment of many normal schools offering modern education.
The influence of the Oswego Movement expanded through the work of teachers who wrote articles, textbooks, and manuals. Further applications of the object method were developed. Graduates of the Oswego School migrated everywhere. Of 948 teachers trained by 1886, more than half taught outside New York. Normal schools molded after Oswego’s plan were founded in, among other places, Washington, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Massachusetts, and Maine, as well as Argentina, Mexico, and Japan. Indeed, the modern educational system of Argentina was fashioned through the leadership of 65 women graduates of Oswego. Many Oswego graduates were women and, serving as role models as professionals, helped to bring sexism into question. Oswego also contributed its share of women’s rights activists, and a number of its graduates worked in freedmen’s schools in the South during Reconstruction.