Department of Commerce v. New York
Department of Commerce v. New York, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on June 27, 2019, reversed in part, affirmed in part, and remanded the judgment of a federal district court in New York that had vacated a decision by the U.S. secretary of commerce, Wilbur Ross, to add a U.S. citizenship question to the 2020 decennial census form. (A citizenship question had been asked of all households in all but one census between 1820 and 1950. Between 1960 and 2010 it had been asked of only a small sample of households on a separate “long-form” questionnaire.) In its ruling, the Supreme Court overturned the district court’s finding that Ross’s decision had violated various provisions of the 1946 Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and the 1954 Census Act (which, among other things, delegated Congress’s authority to conduct the decennial census to the Department of Commerce) but accepted the lower court’s view that Ross’s stated rationale for including the question, which he was required to supply under the APA, was inconsistent with the evidentiary record. The Court therefore endorsed the district court’s remand of the case to the Commerce Department for the purpose of obtaining an adequate explanation of Ross’s decision. The Court’s ruling immediately made it doubtful that the Commerce Department would be able to resolve the case in its favour and add the citizenship question before early July, when printing of the census forms was scheduled to begin.
The case arose in March 2018, when Secretary Ross announced in a memo that he had decided to add the citizenship question to the census questionnaire at the request of the Department of Justice (DOJ). According to Ross, the DOJ had informed him that obtaining accurate and complete citizenship data was crucial to its efforts to enforce the 1965 Voting Rights Act (VRA). Soon after the memo’s release, Ross and other Commerce Department officials stated in sworn testimony before Congress that the decision had been taken solely in response to the DOJ’s request and that the request had originated with the DOJ.
Two immediate challenges to Ross’s decision, consolidated into a single case by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, together alleged that Ross had violated the APA and the Census Act and that his actions were inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution’s enumeration clause (which, as modified by the Fourteenth Amendment, grants to Congress the authority to conduct an “actual Enumeration” of the “whole number of persons in each state”) and equal protection clause (which effectively prohibits differential treatment under the law based on race). The plaintiffs emphasized the long-standing view of the Census Bureau that inclusion of a citizenship question would reduce the response rate among households containing noncitizens (including legal residents) and Hispanics, resulting in a significant undercount of persons living in the United States. They also argued that the undercount would cause some Democratic-leaning states—those with significant noncitizen populations—to lose billions of dollars in federal funding allocated on the basis of state population and would dilute the political representation of noncitizen and Hispanic households through redistricting based on the 2020 census data.
After dismissing the enumeration-clause claim, the district court eventually (January 2019) ruled that Ross had been responsible for “a veritable smorgasbord of classic, clear-cut APA violations”; that his decision had been “arbitrary and capricious” within the meaning of the APA; and that his rationale had been “pretextual,” amounting to a false account of his reasoning designed to conceal the real motivations of his decision. The court also held that Ross’s decision had run afoul of provisions of the Census Act that required the secretary of commerce to rely on administrative records, rather than direct surveys, “to the maximum extent possible” and to use statistical sampling, rather than asking direct questions, where “feasible.” Against the plaintiffs, however, the court found that there was not enough evidence to support their claim of a violation of the equal protection clause. In keeping with provisions of the APA, the district court vacated Ross’s decision, enjoined him from reinstating the citizenship question, and returned the case to the Department of Commerce to rectify the violations it had identified.
The court’s remand of the case was based in part on administrative records submitted by the government and on an additional memo submitted by Ross in 2018, in which he acknowledged that he had decided to add the citizenship question soon after his confirmation in 2017 and that he had solicited the DOJ’s request for citizenship data. After Ross submitted the 2018 memo, the district court ordered the government to provide additional administrative records, which demonstrated that Ross had unsuccessfully solicited requests from the Department of Homeland Security and the DOJ’s Executive Office for Immigration Review before he turned to the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division and that the Civil Rights Division’s request had been drafted with the assistance of Commerce Department officials.
Following the district court’s decision, the government appealed the case to the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit but also filed a petition for certiorari before the Supreme Court, citing the need for prompt resolution of the case before the deadline for printing the census forms. Granting the petition in February 2019, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on April 23 and issued its decision on June 27.
In a fractured ruling written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court held (5–4) that Ross’s decision had not been “arbitrary” or “capricious” under the APA and that it had not violated the relevant provisions of the Census Act. Addressing a question added to the case at the request of the government, the Court also held (9–0) that the inclusion of a citizenship question would not violate the enumeration clause of the U.S. Constitution. Finally, the Court agreed (5–4) with the district court’s finding that Ross’s stated reason for including the citizenship question was pretextual—characterizing it as “contrived” and as “more of a distraction” than an explanation—and, on that basis, endorsed the lower court’s remand of the case to the Commerce Department.
In early July, just days after the Supreme Court handed down its ruling, the Justice Department announced, and Secretary Ross confirmed, that the government would drop its efforts to add a citizenship question to the census. That decision, however, was contradicted the next day by Pres. Donald Trump, who surprised the government’s own attorneys by insisting in a tweet that “we are absolutely moving forward” with the citizenship question. Following a week of uncertainty and confusion, during which the Justice Department unsuccessfully attempted to replace the team of attorneys it had originally assigned to the case (a sign, according to some news reports, of frustration among career attorneys on the team), Trump finally declared that he would not pursue a citizenship question on the census but would direct all relevant federal departments and agencies to immediately supply citizenship data to the Census Bureau.