Anthropocene Epoch
Anthropocene Epoch, unofficial interval of geologic time, making up the third worldwide division of the Quaternary Period (2.6 million years ago to the present), characterized as the time in which the collective activities of human beings (Homo sapiens) began to substantially alter Earth’s surface, atmosphere, oceans, and systems of nutrient cycling. A growing group of scientists argue that the Anthropocene Epoch should follow the Holocene Epoch (11,700 years ago to the present) and begin in the year 1950. The name Anthropocene is derived from Greek and means the “recent age of man.”
Although American biologist Eugene Stoermer coined the term in the late 1980s, Dutch chemist and Nobelist Paul Crutzen is largely credited with bringing public attention to it at a conference in 2000 as well as in a newsletter printed the same year. In 2008 British geologist Jan Zalasiewicz and his colleagues put forth the first proposal to adopt the Anthropocene Epoch as a formal geological interval. In 2016 the Anthropocene Working Group of the International Union of Geologic Sciences (IUGS) voted to recommend the Anthropocene as a formal geologic epoch at the 35th International Geological Congress. In order for this interval to be made official, it first must be adopted by the IUGS and the International Commission on Stratigraphy.
The scale of human activity
Changes in rock strata and the makeup of the fossils they contain are used to mark the boundaries between formal intervals of geologic time. Throughout Earth’s history, periods of upheaval characterized by mass extinctions, changes in sea level and ocean chemistry, and relatively rapid changes in prevailing climate patterns are captured in the layers of rock. Often these periods mark the end of one interval and the beginning of another. The formalization of the Anthropocene hinges on whether the effects of humans on Earth are substantial enough to eventually appear in rock strata. Most scientists agree that the collective influence of humans was small before the dawn of the Industrial Revolution during the middle of the 18th century; however, advancements in technology occurring since then have made it possible for humans to undertake widespread, systematic changes that affect several facets of the Earth system.

At present, human beings have a profound influence over Earth’s surface, atmosphere, oceans, and biogeochemical nutrient cycling. By 2005, humans had converted nearly two-fifths of Earth’s land area for agriculture. (Cultivated land accounted for one-tenth of the land surface, whereas roughly three-tenths were used for pasture.) An additional one-tenth of Earth’s land area was given over to urban areas by this time. According to some estimates, humans have harvested or controlled roughly one-quarter to one-third of the biomass produced by the world’s terrestrial plants (net primary production) on a yearly basis since the 1990s. Such sweeping control over Earth’s plant production has been attributed in large part to the development of a method of industrial nitrogen fixation called the Haber-Bosch process, which was created in the early 1900s by German chemist Fritz Haber and later refined by German chemist Carl Bosch. The Haber-Bosch process synthesizes ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen under high temperatures and pressures for use in artificial fertilizers and munitions. The industrialization of this process increased the amount of usable nitrogen in the world by 150 percent, which has greatly enhanced crop yields and, along with other technological developments, facilitated the exponential rise in the world’s human population from about 1.6 billion–1.7 billion in 1900 to 7.4 billion by 2016.
As the human population grew, energy use increased, and energy derivation from wood and easily obtained fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum, natural gas, and coal) expanded. Carbon dioxide (CO2) released by cooking fires and other sources during preindustrial times was dwarfed by the amount released by industrial furnaces, boilers, coal-fired power plants, gasoline-powered vehicles, and concrete production during the 20th and early 21st centuries. In the 1950s climate scientists began to track the annual increase in average global carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, which rose from approximately 316 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in 1959 to 390 ppmv a half century later. Many climatologists contend that the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere has contributed to a global rise in average surface temperatures of 0.74 °C (1.3 °F) between 1906 and 2005, loss of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean and the breakup of ice shelves along the Antarctic Peninsula, reduction in the size of mountain glaciers, changes in prevailing weather patterns, and more-frequent occurrence of extreme weather events in different parts of the world.
Furthermore, the oceans absorb much of the CO2 released into the atmosphere by human activities, and this absorption has driven the process of ocean acidification. Seawater pH has fallen by 0.1 between about 1750 and 2010, a 30 percent increase in acidity. Marine scientists fear that continued increases in ocean acidity will slow, and possibly cease, the construction of reefs by corals in many parts of the world, dissolve the shells and skeletons of mollusks and corals, and interfere with the metabolic processes of larger marine animals. Since coral reefs are hubs of biodiversity in the oceans, the loss of coral will likely contribute to the demise of multitudes of other marine species either directly, through habitat loss, or indirectly, through changes in marine food chains. Other human-induced changes to the hydrosphere include the damming and diversion of rivers and streams, the rapid extraction of groundwater from freshwater aquifers, and the creation of large oxygen-depleted areas near the mouths of rivers.
Evidence in layers of rock
Many scientists who support the formalization of the Anthropocene Epoch argue that the effects of some of the changes mentioned above will create unique signatures in layers of rock. Some of these scientists argue that the increased rate of soil erosion from intensive agriculture and land-use conversion will leave a mark in rock strata, whereas others contend that such a mark will be barely noticeable and that other changes will be more apparent. For example, many scientists maintain that rising air temperatures at the surface brought about by global warming have caused glaciers and polar ice to melt and seawater to expand, both of which have contributed to a measurable rise in global sea level. Rising waters will change the stratigraphy in some places by submerging low-lying areas and allowing the ocean to deliver sediments farther inland than they do at present. Furthermore, as seawater pH declines, the depth at which carbonate minerals (e.g., limestone and chalk) form in the ocean will be shallower than it was during preindustrial times. Many preexisting carbonate formations will dissolve in response to increases in ocean acidity, leaving a signature of striking dark layers of carbonate-depleted rock.
By far the most significant evidence of the Anthropocene in rock strata will be caused by a dramatic increase in extinctions occurring during this period. Several ecologists have noted that the rate of species extinction occurring since the middle of the 20th century has been more than 1,000 times that of the preindustrial period, comparable to the pace of other mass extinctions occurring over the course of Earth’s history (see, for example, K–T extinction). The rapid extinction rate stems from the ongoing conversion of forests and other natural areas to agriculture and urban land and accelerated climate change resulting from alterations to the carbon cycle. As a result, it is expected that there will be stark differences in the fossils found in layers of rock deposited worldwide during preindustrial times and those that follow.
When did the Anthropocene begin?
Although the scale of humanity’s influence over Earth is large in modern times, there is much debate in the scientific community surrounding when human activities began to dominate the planet’s natural systems. (Such a point in time would serve as the definitive beginning of the Anthropocene Epoch.) Some scientists contend that the first signs occurred approximately 14,000 years ago with the extinction of large Pleistocene mammals, such as the mammoth. On the other hand, others maintain that incontrovertible proof linking humans to the demise of those mammals is lacking. Others note that the rise of agriculture between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago might mark the onset of the Anthropocene; however, this start time may be problematic since it roughly coincides with the beginning of the Holocene Epoch. One of the more popular views among those who push for the formalization of the Anthropocene Epoch is to link its commencement with the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, a period of rapid change that brought about the advances in medicine, food production, and other technologies that fueled the recent growth in the world’s human population.
Still, many in the scientific community are attracted to more discrete moments in time. Often these moments herald significant changes in atmospheric or ocean chemistry. Some scientists, such as Crutzen, point to the year 1784—the year that Scottish inventor James Watt is frequently credited with the invention of the steam engine—as the start date of the Anthropocene, because of the device’s applicability to industrial production and transportation. By 1800, the year several other scientists give as the commencement date of the Anthropocene, the steam engine had begun to power the Industrial Revolution and set off the rush to obtain wood, coal, and petroleum to keep both the device, as well as the rising pace of industrial production, running.
Others, including Zalasiewicz and several of his colleagues, are attracted to the year 1945, but for different reasons. In 1945 the first human-generated radioactive particles—following the testing of the first atomic bomb at Alamogordo, New Mexico, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan—appear in the geologic record. Although radioactive particles were produced at smaller scales before 1945, it was not until that year that they occurred in amounts significant enough to appear in soil samples around the world. That same year also began what some have called the “Great Acceleration,” the postwar boom period characterized by exponential growth in the human population, fossil-fuel use, water use, food production, international communication, and the pace of land-use conversion. Although some scientists argue that the Great Acceleration should be used to mark the dawn of the Anthropocene, others, including Crutzen, note that the Great Acceleration simply marked the beginning of the Epoch’s more intensive second phase.
In 2016 the Anthropocene Working Group recommended that the year 1950 serve as the starting point of the interval. This recommendation was based upon the idea that by this point in Earth’s history, plutonium isotopes caused by nuclear weapons testing fallout would be concentrated enough to serve as an observable signal in rock strata.
John P. Rafferty