- Related Topics:
- forestry
- sustainable agriculture
agroforestry, cultivation and use of trees and shrubs with crops and livestock in sustainable agricultural systems. Agroforestry seeks positive interactions between its components, aiming to achieve a more ecologically diverse and socially productive output from the land than is possible through conventional agriculture. Agroforestry is a practical and low-cost means of implementing many forms of integrated land management (which seeks to reduce human impacts on land), and it contributes to a green economy by promoting long-term, sustainable, and renewable forest management, especially for small-scale producers. Although the modern concept of agroforestry emerged in the early 20th century, the use of woody perennials in agricultural systems is ancient, with written descriptions of the practice dating back to Roman times (see perennial agriculture). Indeed, integrating trees with crops and animals is a long-standing tradition throughout the world. In 2004 the World Bank estimated that agroforestry practices were being used by 1.2 billion people.
Benefits of agroforestry
Agroforestry can occur at a variety of spatial scales (e.g., field or woodlot, farm, watershed) in different ecosystems and cultures. When properly applied, agroforestry can improve livelihoods through enhanced health and nutrition, increased economic growth, and strengthened environmental resilience and ecosystem sustainability. In turn, such improvements can contribute to increased social sustainability in which human needs are satisfied in a way that fosters environmental health. Farm diversification is a growing strategy for economic competitiveness, especially throughout the industrialized temperate zone, and agroforestry offers great promise for the sustainable production of specialty nut and fruit crops, high-value medicinals, dairy and beef cattle, sheep, goats, and biomass for biofuel. Agroforestry systems also yield proven strategies for long-term carbon sequestration, soil enrichment, biodiversity conservation, and air- and water-quality improvements, benefiting both the landowners and society.
The benefits of agroforestry derive from the interactions between trees and shrubs and crops and livestock. Agroforestry seeks to optimize positive interactions, such as mutualism and commensalism, and to minimize predation on crops and livestock and competition within and between species. Positive interactions may reduce stress to plants and animals, enhance yields, retain soil, and capture water. For example, the moist shaded microclimate under certain crop trees is beneficial for shade-tolerant crops such as turmeric or pineapple. Negative interactions, by contrast, can result in resource competition, more pests, excessive shading, and allelopathy (the release of biochemicals by one plant to suppress the growth of another). Black walnut and various eucalyptus trees, for example, are known to allelopathically inhibit the growth of certain annual crops planted near them.

Agroforestry practices
Agroforestry systems are intensively managed to maintain their productive and protective functions through cultivation, fertilization, irrigation, pruning, and thinning. Ideally, components are structurally and functionally combined and actively managed to optimize the positive biophysical interactions between them. In some systems, for example, the trees are regularly coppiced (severely cut back), and the cuttings are applied as mulch to the soil. Such management not only encourages new tree growth but also augments the light levels reaching shaded crops, reduces weeds, and helps to maintain soil moisture.
Although American and Canadian temperate-zone agroforestry nomenclature differs from that used in the tropics and Europe, five temperate-zone agroforestry practices are generally recognized worldwide.
- Riparian and upland buffers: strips of permanent vegetation, consisting of trees, shrubs, grasses, and forbs planted and managed together
- Windbreaks: trees or shrubs planted and managed as barriers to reduce wind speed as part of a crop or livestock operation
- Alley cropping (known as silvoarable agroforestry in Europe): trees planted in multiple rows combined with crops cultivated in the alleyways between the tree rows
- Silvopasture (also known as agrosilvopastoral agroforestry or dehesa): trees combined with forage (pasture) and livestock production
- Forest farming: cultivation of high-value specialty crops under the protection of a forest overstory that provides an appropriate microclimate
In addition to many of the temperate-zone practices, tropical agroforestry systems often include a variety of other agroforestry methods. Home gardens and taungya, in which food crops are grown between tree seedlings as they mature (often used in teak or mahogany production), are useful to supplement the nutritional needs of landowners growing tree crops. Terrace cultivation, living fences, multipurpose trees (e.g., the Albida acacia [Faidherbia albida]), fodder trees, and multi-strata systems (featuring trees of different heights, as in shade-grown coffee) are also used in tropical systems to combine trees with other crops and livestock.
History of agroforestry
Agroforestry was formally outlined in the early 20th century by American economic geographer J. Russell Smith in his book Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture (1929). Smith viewed tree-based “permanent agriculture” as a solution to the destructive erosion that often followed the cultivation of sloping lands. However, his contributions were largely overlooked during the green revolution of the 1960s and the subsequent and more-inclusive farming systems research/extension (FSR/E) development approach of the early 1970s that sought sustainable agricultural alternatives. Those endeavours failed to address many basic needs of small-scale resource-limited farmers in the tropics, such as the essential timber and non-timber products derived from trees, including food, fuel, fodder, building materials, medicine, and income, as well as the ecosystem sustainability that trees maintain.
In 1977 the Canadian International Development Research Centre released a report called Trees, Food and People (part of the Project for Identification of Tropical Forestry Research Priorities) describing the critical role of trees in sustaining agricultural production in the tropics. That led to the establishment of the International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), ultimately headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1977, and in 1982 ICRAF launched the journal Agroforestry Systems to provide a global research outlet for the newly emerging field. In 2002 ICRAF was renamed the World Agroforestry Centre to reflect its global mandate.
Michael A. Gold