- Singular:
- alga
- Related Topics:
- dinoflagellate
- seaweed
- red algae
- green algae
- phytoplankton
- On the Web:
- Nature - Scientific Reports - Algae (Feb. 15, 2025)
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Diagnostic features
The classification of algae into taxonomic groups is based upon the same rules that are used for the classification of land plants, but the organization of groups of algae above the order level has changed substantially since 1960. Early morphological research using electron microscopes demonstrated differences in features, such as the flagellar apparatus, cell division process, and organelle structure and function, that have been important in the classification of algae. Similarities and differences among algal, fungal, and protozoan groups have led scientists to propose major taxonomic changes, and those changes are continuing. Molecular studies, especially comparative gene sequencing, have supported some of the changes that followed electron microscopic studies, but they have suggested additional changes as well. Furthermore, the apparent evolutionary scatter of some algae among protozoan and fungal groups implies that a natural classification of algae as a class is impracticable.
Kingdoms are the most encompassing of the taxonomic groups, and scientists are actively debating which organisms belong in which kingdoms. Some scientists have suggested as many as 30 or more kingdoms, while others have argued that all eukaryotes should be combined into one large kingdom. Using cladistic analysis (a method for determining evolutionary relationships), the green algae should be grouped with the land plants, the chromophyte algae should be grouped with the aquatic fungi and certain protozoa, and the Euglenophyceae are most closely related to the trypanosome flagellates, including the protozoa that cause sleeping sickness. However, it is unclear where the red algae or cryptomonads belong, and the overall conclusion is that the algae are not all closely related, and they do not form a single evolutionary lineage devoid of other organisms.
Division-level classification, as with kingdom-level classification, is tenuous for algae. For example, some phycologists place the classes Bacillariophyceae, Phaeophyceae, and Xanthophyceae in the division Chromophyta, whereas others place each class in separate divisions: Bacillariophyta, Phaeophyta, and Xanthophyta. Yet, almost all phycologists agree on the definition of the respective classes Bacillariophyceae, Phaeophyceae, and Xanthophyceae. In another example, the number of classes of green algae (Chlorophyta), and the algae placed in those classes, has varied greatly since 1960. The five classes of green algae given below are accepted by a large number of phycologists, but at least an equal number of phycologists would suggest one of many alternative classification schemes. The classes are distinguished by the structure of flagellate cells (e.g., scales, angle of flagellar insertion, microtubular roots, and striated roots), the nuclear division process (mitosis), the cytoplasmic division process (cytokinesis), and the cell covering. Many scientists combine the Micromonadophyceae with the Pleurastrophyceae, naming the combined group the Prasinophyceae.
Because classes are better defined and more accepted than divisions, taxonomic discussions of algae are usually constrained at the class level. The divisions provided below, though commonly used, are by no means accepted by all phycologists.
“Phylum” and “division” represent the same level of organization; the former is the zoological term, the latter is the botanical term. The classification of protists continues to be debated, and a standard outline of the kingdom Protista has not been established. The differences between the classification presented below and the classification presented in the article on protists (see protist: Classification) reflect the taxonomic variations that arise from individual interpretations.
Annotated classification
- Division Chlorophyta (green algae)
- Chlorophylls a and b; starch stored inside chloroplast; mitochondria with flattened cristae; flagella, when present, lack tubular hairs (mastigonemes); unmineralized scales on cells or flagella of flagellates and zoospores; conservatively, between 9,000 and 12,000 species.
- Class Chlorophyceae
- Primarily freshwater; includes Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, Dunaliella, Oedogonium, and Volvox.
- Class Charophyceae
- Includes the macroscopic stonewort Chara, filamentous Spirogyra, and desmids.
- Class Pleurastrophyceae
- Freshwater and marine; includes marine flagellate Tetraselmis.
- Class Prasinophyceae (Micromonadophyceae)
- Paraphyletic, primarily marine; includes Micromonas (sometimes placed in Mamiellophyceae), Ostreococcus, and Pyramimonas.
- Class Ulvophyceae
- Primarily marine; includes Acetabularia, Caulerpa, Monostroma, and sea lettuce (Ulva).
- Division Chromophyta
- Most with chlorophyll a; one or two with chlorophyllide c; carotenoids present; storage product beta-1,3-linked polysaccharide outside chloroplast; mitochondria with tubular cristae; biflagellate cells and zoospores usually with tubular hairs on one flagellum; mucous organelles common.
- Class Bacillariophyceae (diatoms)
- Silica cell walls, or frustules; centric diatoms commonly planktonic and valves radially symmetrical; pennate diatoms, usually attached or gliding over solid substrates, with valves bilaterally symmetrical; primarily in freshwater, marine, and soil environments; at least 12,000 to 15,000 living species; tens of thousands more species described from fossil diatomite deposits; includes Cyclotella and Thalassiosira (centrics) and Bacillaria, Navicula and Nitzschia (pennates).
- Class Bicosoecaceae
- May be included in the Chrysophyceae or in the protozoan group Zoomastigophora; colourless flagellate cells in vase-shaped loricas (wall-like coverings); cell attached to lorica using flagellum as a stalk; lorica attaches to plants, algae, animals, or water surface; freshwater and marine; fewer than 50 species described; includes Bicosoeca and Cafeteria.
- Class Chrysophyceae (golden algae)
- Many unicellular or colonial flagellates; also capsoid, coccoid, amoeboid, filamentous, parenchymatous, or plasmodial; many produce silica cysts (statospores); predominantly freshwater; approximately 1,200 species; includes Chrysamoeba, Chrysocapsa, Lagynion, and Ochromonas.
- Class Dictyochophyceae
- Predominantly marine flagellates, including silicoflagellates that form skeletons common in diatomite deposits; fewer than 25 described species.
- Order Pedinellales
- When pigmented, has 6 chloroplasts in a radial arrangement; flagella bases attached almost directly to nucleus; includes Apedinella, Actinomonas, Mesopedinella, Parapedinella, and Pteridomonas.
- Order Dictyochales (silicoflagellates)
- Typically with siliceous skeletons like spiny baskets enclosing the cells; flagella bases attach almost directly to nucleus; silicoflagellate skeletons common in diatomite deposits; includes Dictyocha, Pedinella, and Pseudopedinella.
- Class Eustigmatophyceae
- Mostly small, pale green, and spherical; fewer than 15 species; Eustigmatos and Nannochloropsis.
- Class Phaeophyceae (brown algae or brown seaweeds)
- Range from microscopic forms to large kelps more than 20 metres long; at least 1,500 species, almost all marine; includes Ascophyllum, Ectocarpus, Fucus, Laminaria, Macrocystis, Nereocystis, Pelagophycus, Pelvetia, Postelsia, and Sargassum.
- Class Prymnesiophyceae (Haptophyceae)
- Many with haptonema, a hairlike appendage between two flagella; no tubular hairs; many with organic scales; some deposit calcium carbonate on scales to form coccoliths; coccolithophorids may play a role in global warming because they can remove large amounts of carbon from the ocean water; predominantly marine and planktonic; approximately 300 species; more fossil coccolithophores known; includes Chrysochromulina, Emiliania, Phaeocystis, and Prymnesium.
- Class Raphidophyceae (Chloromonadophyceae)
- Flagellates with mucocysts (mucilage-releasing bodies) occasionally found in freshwater or marine environments; fewer than 50 species; includes Chattonella, Gonyostomum, Heterosigma, Psammamonas, and Vacuolaria.
- Class Synurophyceae
- Previously placed in Chrysophyceae; silica-scaled; unicellular or colonial flagellates sometimes alternating with capsoid benthic stage; cells covered with elaborately structured silica scales; approximately 250 species; Mallomonas and Synura.
- Class Xanthophyceae (yellow-green algae)
- Primarily coccoid, capsoid, or filamentous; mostly in freshwater environments; about 600 species; includes Botrydium, Bumilleriopsis, Tribonema, and Vaucheria.
- Division Cryptophyta
- Unicellular flagellates.
- Class Cryptophyceae
- Chlorophyll a, chlorophyllide c2, and phycobiliproteins; starch stored outside of chloroplast; mitochondria with flattened cristae; tubular hairs on one or both flagella; special ejectosomes in a furrow or gullet near base of flagella; cell covered with periplast, often elaborately decorated sheet or scale covering; nucleomorph may represent reduced nucleus of symbiotic organism; approximately 200 described species; includes Chilomonas, Cryptomonas, Falcomonas, Plagioselmis, Rhinomonas, and Teleaulax.
- Division Rhodophyta (red algae)
- Predominantly filamentous; mostly photosynthetic, a few parasitic; photosynthetic species with chlorophyll a; chlorophyll d present in some species; phycobiliproteins (phycocyanin and phycoerythrin) in discrete structures (phycobilisomes); starch stored outside chloroplast; mitochondria with flattened cristae; flagella completely absent; coralline red algae contribute to coral reefs and coral sands; predominantly marine; approximately 6,000 described species; includes Bangia, Chondrus, Corallina, Gelidium, Gracilaria, Kappaphycus, Palmaria, Polysiphonia, Porphyra, and Rhodymenia.
- Division Dinoflagellata (Pyrrophyta)
- Taxonomy is contentious. Predominantly unicellular flagellates; approximately half of the species are heterotrophic rather than photosynthetic; photosynthetic forms with chlorophyll a, one or more chlorophyllide c types, and peridinin or fucoxanthin; mitochondria with tubular cristae and flagella without tubular hairs; ejectile trichocysts below surface in many members; many with cellulosic plates that form a so-called armour around cell; some bioluminescent, some containing symbionts; resting (interphase) nucleus contains permanently condensed chromosomes; several produce toxins that either kill fish or accumulate in shellfish and cause sickness or death in humans when ingested; more than 1,500 species described, most in the class Dinophyceae; includes Alexandrium, Ceratium, Dinophysis, Gonyaulax, Gymnodinium, Noctiluca, Peridinium, and Polykrikos.
- Division Euglenophyta
- Taxonomy is contentious. Primarily unicellular flagellates; both photosynthetic and heterotrophic.
- Class Euglenophyceae
- Chlorophylls a and b; paramylon stored outside chloroplasts; mitochondria with paddle-shaped cristae; flagella lack tubular hairs, but some with hairlike scales; pellicle covering of sliding sheets allows cells to change shape; approximately 1,000 described species; includes Colacium, Euglena, Eutreptiella, and Phacus.