amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Also called:
- Lou Gehrig disease or motor neuron disease
- Key People:
- Teepu Siddique
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amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), degenerative neurological disorder that causes muscle atrophy and paralysis. The disease usually occurs after age 40; it affects men more often than women. ALS is frequently called Lou Gehrig disease in memory of the famous baseball player Lou Gehrig, who died from the disease in 1941.
Course of the disease
ALS affects the motor neurons—i.e., those neurons that control muscular movements. The disease is progressive, and muscles innervated by degenerating neurons become weak and eventually atrophy. Early symptoms of ALS typically include weakness in the muscles of the legs or arms and cramping or twitching in the muscles of the feet and hands. Speech may be slurred as well. As the disease advances, speech and swallowing become difficult. Later symptoms include severe muscle weakness, frequent falls, breathing difficulty, persistent fatigue, spasticity, and intense twitching. The affected muscles are eventually paralyzed. Death generally results from atrophy or paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Most patients with ALS survive between three and five years after disease onset.
Two rare subtypes of ALS are progressive muscular atrophy and progressive bulbar palsy. Progressive muscular atrophy is a variety of ALS in which the neuron degeneration is most pronounced in the spinal cord. Symptoms are similar to the common form of ALS, though spasticity is absent and muscle weakness is less severe. In addition, individuals with progressive muscular atrophy generally survive longer than those suffering from typical ALS. Progressive bulbar palsy is caused by degeneration of the cranial nerves and brainstem. Chewing, talking, and swallowing are difficult, and involuntary emotional outbursts of laughing and tongue twitching and atrophy are common. The prognosis is especially grave in this form of ALS.

Causes of ALS
The majority of ALS cases are sporadic (not inherited) and of unknown cause. Approximately 5–10 percent of cases are hereditary; roughly 30 percent of these cases are associated with mutations occurring in genes known as FUS/TLS, TDP43, and SOD1.
Although the mechanisms by which genetic variations give rise to ALS are unclear, it is known that the protein encoded by FUS/TLS plays a role in regulating the translation of RNA to protein in motor neurons. This function is similar to that of the protein encoded by TDP43. Variations in both genes cause an accumulation of proteins in the cytoplasm of neurons, which is suspected to contribute to neuronal dysfunction. Defects in SOD1, which produces an enzyme known as SOD, or superoxide dismutase, appear to facilitate the destruction of motor neurons by harmful molecules known as free radicals (molecular by-products of normal cell metabolism that can accumulate in and destroy cells). ALS-associated mutations in SOD1 result in the inability of the SOD enzyme to neutralize free radicals in neurons.
In 2011 scientists reported the discovery of ALS-associated mutations in a gene known as UBQLN2, which shed light on the pathological process underlying neuronal degeneration in ALS patients. UBQLN2 encodes a protein called ubiquilin 2, which plays an important role in recycling damaged proteins from neurons in the spinal cord and neurons in the cortex and hippocampus of the brain. Similar to mutations in FUS/TLS and TDP43, mutations in UBQLN2 result in the accumulation of proteins in neurons. However, unlike other known molecular pathologies associated with ALS, abnormalities in ubiquilin 2 have been identified in all forms of the disease—sporadic, familial, and ALS/dementia (which targets the brain)—and also have been implicated in other neurodegenerative diseases. The universal nature of ubiquilin 2 abnormalities in ALS suggests that all forms of the disease share a common pathological mechanism.
Diagnosis and treatment
Genetic screening can identify carriers of gene mutations in families with a history of ALS. However, in most cases, diagnosis is based primarily on tests that rule out other neurological disorders, particularly in individuals who do not have a family history of the disease. Urine tests and blood analysis are commonly used when attempting to diagnosis ALS. Patients also may undergo electromyography, which records the electrical activity of muscle fibres, and nerve conduction studies, which measure the speed of neuronal conduction and the strength of neuronal signaling. In addition, some patients are examined by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which can provide information about brain structure and activity.
There is no cure for ALS. However, the progression of the disease can be slowed by treatment with a drug called riluzole. Riluzole is the only drug treatment available specifically for ALS and has been shown to increase survival by about two to three months. A surgical treatment available to patients with advanced disease is tracheostomy, in which an opening is created in the trachea in order to enable connection to a ventilator (breathing machine). Patients also may choose to undergo physical therapy involving exercises to maintain muscle strength. In addition, speech therapy and the use of special computers and speech synthesizers can help maintain or improve communication.
Some persons affected by ALS carry a variation in a gene called KIFAP3 that appears to slow the rate of progression of the disease. In fact, in those persons with ALS who carry this genetic variant, survival may be extended by as much as 40–50 percent.