- Key People:
- Georg Brandt
The most stable form of elemental antimony is a brittle silvery solid of high metallic luster. Electrolytic deposition of antimony under certain conditions produces an unstable amorphous form called “explosive antimony,” because, when bent or scratched, it will change in a mildly explosive manner to the more stable metallic form. There is also an amorphous black form of antimony that results from sudden quenching of the vapor, and a yellow form is produced by low-temperature oxidation of stibine, SbH3, with air or chlorine. Metallic antimony is not affected by air or moisture under ordinary conditions, but it is gradually converted to an oxide if the air is moist. Antimony can be oxidized easily by sulfur and the halogens when heated. When it is heated in air, it burns with a brilliant blue flame and gives off white fumes of the trioxide Sb2O3. The trioxide of antimony is soluble in either acids or alkalies.
The electronic structure of antimony closely resembles that of arsenic, having three half-filled orbitals in the outermost shell. Thus, it can form three covalent bonds and exhibit +3 and −3 oxidation states. The electronegativity of antimony is lower than that of arsenic. It can act as an oxidizing agent and reacts with many metals to form antimonides that, in general, resemble nitrides, phosphides, and arsenides but are somewhat more metallic. The promotion of one of the lone-pair electrons to an outer d orbital apparently occurs more easily with antimony than with arsenic, since antimony exhibits the +5 oxidation state in forming both the pentafluoride and the pentachloride.
Analytical chemistry
Antimony may be separated and weighed for analysis as the sulfide, Sb2S3. Alternatively, the sulfide may be converted to the oxide and, after careful ignition, weighed as Sb4O6. Numerous volumetric methods are also available, including several methods of oxidizing antimony in the +3 oxidation state with potassium permanganate, potassium bromate, or iodine. In the absence of arsenic, small amounts of antimony may be determined by a modified Gutzeit method.
Biological and physiological significance
Antimony and a number of its compounds are highly toxic. In fact, the use of antimony compounds for medicinal purposes was temporarily outlawed several centuries ago because of the number of fatalities they had caused. A hydrated potassium antimonyl tartrate called “tartar emetic” is currently used in medicine as an expectorant, diaphoretic, and emetic. The maximum tolerable concentration of antimony dust in air is about the same as for arsenic, 0.5 milligram per cubic meter.
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