Air-conduction and bone-conduction testing
- Related Topics:
- audiometry
- hearing test
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- audiometer
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Hearing loss generally is categorized into two types: conductive and sensorineural. Conductive hearing loss occurs when a condition of the outer or middle ear prevents sound from being conducted to the cochlea in the inner ear. Sensorineural hearing loss involves a problem with either the sensory transducer cells in the cochlea or, less commonly, the neural pathway to the brain. In some instances, conductive and sensorineural hearing loss occur together, resulting in so-called mixed hearing loss. Whereas conductive hearing loss often can be corrected via surgery and is relatively common in childhood, sensorineural hearing loss usually is permanent. Therefore, it is important for the audiologist to distinguish between the two conditions.
One method of differentiating between conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss is to compare air-conduction and bone-conduction hearing threshold levels. This involves measuring hearing sensitivity by using two different types of earphone. In air-conduction testing, a pure tone is presented via an earphone (or a loudspeaker). The signal travels through the air in the outer ear to the middle ear and then to the cochlea in the inner ear. In bone-conduction testing, instead of using an earphone, an electromechanical earphone is placed on the skull. This allows for stimulation of the cochlea via mechanical vibration of the skull with almost no stimulation of the outer and middle ear.
Normal hearing individuals typically have a hearing threshold level close to 0 dB for both air and bone conduction. Individuals with a hearing disorder of any part of the auditory pathway have poor air-conduction thresholds. Poor air-conduction threshold is the primary indication of conductive hearing loss, since abnormalities of the conduction mechanism have relatively little effect on bone-conduction measurements. In sensorineural hearing loss, the thresholds for both air conduction and bone conduction are affected such that the air-bone gap (air conduction minus bone conduction) is close to zero. The presence of an air-bone gap signifies conductive hearing loss.
The dynamic range between the threshold of hearing and loudness discomfort level is around 100 dB in normal hearing listeners. Listeners with sensory hearing loss have raised hearing thresholds, but their loudness discomfort levels are essentially similar to those of normal hearing listeners. Listeners with a sensory hearing impairment have a reduced dynamic range and experience loudness recruitment, or an abnormal rate of loudness growth characterized by an abnormally disproportionate increase in loudness for a small increase in sound intensity. This has implications for the design of hearing instruments, since nonlinear amplification, in which soft sounds require greater amplification than loud sounds, is required. Although a nonlinear hearing instrument can compensate by increasing amplification for soft sounds, it cannot compensate for the loss of suprathreshold abilities such as impaired frequency resolution. As a result, background noise remains a problem for many listeners.
Pediatric assessment procedures
Between age six months and two or three years, the measurement technique of choice usually is visual reinforcement audiometry. This involves pairing a head turn response to a sound with an interesting visual reward, such as a flashing light or an animated toy animal. Once this classical conditioning has been established, operant conditioning then takes place, in which a visual reward is presented after an appropriate sound-elicited head turn. This technique is used to determine the minimum response level that will elicit a head turn. Although it is usual to attempt ear-specific measurements in children, in some cases earphones are not tolerated, requiring that the signal be presented from a loudspeaker; this is known as sound field audiometry. In general, infants tend to be more sensitive to high-frequency sounds than low-frequency sounds; whether this is related to physiological development or is associated with other factors, such as infant-directed speech (which is characterized in part by high-frequency pitches), is unclear.
Before six months, behavioral testing is of limited use in determining hearing threshold levels. However, a small amount of sound is generated in the healthy cochlea, and this otoacoustic emission can be measured with a small sensitive microphone in the ear canal. The normal response from a healthy ear forms the basis of a clinical procedure that can be used to screen hearing in a newborn. If no otoacoustic emission can be recorded, event-related potentials (brain activity produced by a sensory or cognitive response to a stimulus) can be used to estimate hearing sensitivity. This involves the measurement of electrical potentials via recording leads attached to the scalp. The method of choice in infants is the auditory brainstem response, because this can be obtained during sleep. A typical procedure is to commence at a high level and reduce this until the evoked response can no longer be detected. The presence of a response is based on the tester’s subjective interpretation of the waveform. Event-related potentials can also be used to estimate hearing sensitivity in adults who are unable or unwilling to provide reliable information via pure-tone audiometry. Newborns who do not pass initial hearing screening may undergo auditory steady state response testing, in which brain activity in the sleeping infant is measured in response to tones of differing frequency and intensity. The presence of a steady state response is determined on the basis of statistical data.
A commonly used procedure that provides information about the condition of the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and the middle ear is known as tympanometry. Tympanometry frequently is used to evaluate the eardrum in children who are prone to ear infections, in which fluid accumulates in the normally air-filled middle ear space. During the procedure, a pure tone is produced, and air pressure is changed inside the ear with a handheld instrument. The procedure is based on the principle that some sound entering the ear canal is reflected back from the eardrum; the reflected sound can be measured with a sensitive microphone. When the eardrum is stiff, air pressure in the ear canal is increased, resulting in an increased reflection of sound by the eardrum. Stiffening of the eardrum is associated with various conditions of the middle ear.
Vestibular assessment
The vestibular system of the inner ear functions in the perception of balance and motion. Sudden changes in the function of the vestibular organ can result in rotatory vertigo, which gives the illusion that the environment is spinning around. Useful information about vestibular function can be obtained by observing eye movements during certain visual and vestibular stimulation. The audiologist is particularly interested in the presence of a slow-quick oscillatory movement of the eyes known as nystagmus. This eye movement will be present spontaneously after a change in vestibular function and may continue for days or weeks until the brain has had time to compensate. Nystagmus may also be provoked by changes in body position, such as rising out of bed in the morning. The sensitivity of the right and left vestibular organs can be compared in a caloric test, in which the external ear canal is irrigated with hot or cold water to induce a response. In vestibular assessment, a force platform may be used to measure body sway, which can provide information about the use of the visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems for balance function and postural control.
Rehabilitative procedures generally involve head and eye exercises that aid the central compensation mechanism. In severe cases, surgery may be considered. Surgical procedures to treat vestibular disorders generally are either corrective, attempting to stabilize inner ear function, or destructive, removing the parts of inner ear structures responsible for the patient’s condition. An example of a corrective procedure is endolymphatic sac decompression, which is used to relieve pressure on the vestibular system, particularly in the case of Ménière disease. Examples of destructive procedures include labyrinthectomy (removal of the balance and hearing organs of the inner ear) and vestibular nerve section (the vestibular nerve is cut to prevent the transmission of balance information to the brain).
Kevin J. Munro