blood disease
blood disease, any disease of the blood, involving the red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), or platelets (thrombocytes) or the tissues in which these elements are formed—the bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen—or of bleeding and blood clotting.
Long before the nature and composition of blood were known, a variety of symptoms were attributed to disordered blood. Red blood cells were not recognized until the 17th century, and it was another 100 years before one of the types of white blood cells, the lymphocyte, and the clotting of blood (coagulation) were described. In the 19th century other forms of leukocytes were discovered, and a number of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs were distinguished. Morphological changes—the changes in form and structure—that take place in the blood during disease and the signs and symptoms of the various blood diseases were described in the 19th century and the first quarter of the 20th century. In the years that followed, a more physiological approach began to develop, concerned with the mechanisms underlying the development of blood disease and with the ways in which abnormalities might be corrected.
Certain features of the physical examination are especially important in the diagnosis of blood disease. These include noting the presence or absence of pallor or, the opposite, an excess of colour; jaundice, red tongue, and enlargement of the heart, liver, spleen, or lymph nodes; small purple spots or larger bruises on the skin; and tenderness of the bones.
Since the blood circulates throughout the body and carries nutritive substances as well as waste products, examination of it can be important in detecting the presence of disease. Examination of the blood may be considered in two categories: the analysis of the plasma (the noncellular portion of blood) and the study of the blood cells. Examination of the plasma includes measurement of plasma proteins, blood sugar (glucose), salts (electrolytes), lipids, enzymes, urea, and various hormones. Such measurements also are useful in the identification of diseases that are not classified as blood diseases—e.g., diabetes, kidney disease, and thyroid disease. Special studies of plasma or its components can be carried out to determine the status of blood clotting. Laboratory studies of blood cells particularly valuable in diagnosis of disease include (1) determination of the number and characteristics of red cells (i.e., the existence of anemia or polycythemia), (2) study of the number and proportions of types of white cells, and (3) enumeration of the blood platelets and a study of the blood-clotting process. Microscopic inspection of films of blood dried on glass slides and stained with aniline dyes allows observation of variations in the size and colour and other abnormalities of individual red cells and also permits examination of the white cells and platelets. It is sometimes necessary to examine bone marrow or a lymph node microscopically, and X-ray examinations may be necessary for the detection of organ or lymph node enlargement or bone abnormalities. More-unusual cases may require further examinations—e.g., special serological (serum-related) or biochemical procedures or various measurements using radioactive isotopes to outline an organ or quantitate blood volume.
Disorders affecting red blood cells
The quantity of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in normal persons varies with age and sex as well as with external conditions, primarily atmospheric pressure. At sea level an average man has 5.4 million red cells per cubic millimetre of blood. From the physiological standpoint, it is the quantity of hemoglobin in the blood that is important because this iron-containing protein is required for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Red cells carry an average of 16 grams of hemoglobin per 100 millilitres of blood. If such blood is centrifuged so that the red cells are packed in a special tube known as the hematocrit, they are found on the average to occupy 47 percent of the volume of the blood. In the average woman the normal figures are lower than this (red cell count 4.8 million; hemoglobin 14 grams; volume of packed red cells 42 percent). In the newborn infant these values are higher but decrease in the course of the first several weeks of postnatal life to levels below those of the normal woman; thereafter they rise gradually. The differences in male and female blood begin to appear at about the time of puberty.

Red cells are formed within the marrow cavities of the central bones of the adult skeleton (skull, spine, ribs, breastbone, pelvic bones). In a healthy person, red cell production (erythropoiesis) is so well adjusted to red cell destruction that the levels of red cells and hemoglobin remain constant. The rate of production of red cells by the bone marrow normally is controlled by a physiological feedback mechanism analogous to the thermostatic control of temperature in a room. The mechanism is triggered by a reduction of oxygen in the tissues (hypoxia) and operates through the action of the hormone erythropoietin in the formation of which the kidney plays an important role. Erythropoietin is released and stimulates further erythropoiesis. When oxygen needs are satisfied, erythropoietin production is reduced and red cell production diminishes.
In disease, as well as in certain situations in which physiological adjustments take place, the quantity of hemoglobin may be reduced below normal levels, a condition known as anemia, or may be increased above normal, leading to polycythemia (also called erythrocytosis).