Methods in botany
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Morphological aspects
The invention of the compound microscope provided a valuable and durable instrument for the investigation of the inner structure of plants. Early plant morphologists, especially those studying cell structure, were handicapped as much by the lack of adequate knowledge of how to prepare specimens as they were by the imperfect microscopes of the time. A revolution in the effectiveness of microscopy occurred in the second half of the 19th century with the introduction of techniques for fixing cells and for staining their component parts. Before the development of these techniques, the cell, viewed with the microscope, appeared as a minute container with a dense portion called the nucleus. The discovery that parts of the cell respond to certain stains made observation easier. The development of techniques for preparing tissues of plants for microscopic examination was continued in the 1870s and 1880s and resulted in the gradual refinement of the field of nuclear cytology, or karyology. Chromosomes were recognized as constant structures in the life cycle of cells, and the nature and meaning of meiosis, a type of cell division in which the daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes of the parent, was discovered; without this discovery, the significance of Mendel’s laws of heredity might have gone unrecognized. Vital stains, dyes that can be used on living material, were first used in 1886 and have been greatly refined since then.
Improvement of the methodology of morphology has not been particularly rapid, even though satisfactory techniques for histology, anatomy, and cytology have been developed. The embedding of material in paraffin wax, the development of the rotary microtome for slicing very thin sections of tissue for microscope viewing, and the development of stain techniques are refinements of previously known methods. The invention of the phase microscope made possible the study of unfixed and unstained living material—hopefully nearer its natural state. The development of the electron microscope, however, has provided the plant morphologist with a new dimension of magnification of the structure of plant cells and tissues. The fine structure of the cell and of its components, such as mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus, have come under intensive study. Knowledge of the fine structure of plant cells has enabled investigators to determine the sites of important biochemical activities, especially those involved in the transfer of energy during photosynthesis and respiration. The scanning electron microscope, a relatively recent development, provides a three-dimensional image of surface structures at very great magnifications.
For experimental research on the morphogenesis of plants, isolated organs in their embryonic stage, clumps of cells, or even individual cells are grown. One of the most interesting techniques developed thus far permits the growing of plant tissue of higher plants as single cells; aeration and continuous agitation keep the cells suspended in the liquid culture medium.
Physiological aspects
Plant physiology and plant biochemistry are the most technical areas of botany; most major advances in physiology also reflect the development of either a new technique or the dramatic refinement of an earlier one to give a new degree of precision. Fortunately, the methodology of measurement has been vastly improved in recent decades, largely through the development of various electronic devices. The phytotron at the California Institute of Technology represents the first serious attempt to control the environment of living plants on a relatively large scale; much important information has been gained concerning the effects on plants of day length and night length and the effects on growth, flowering, and fruiting of varying night temperatures. Critical measurements of other plant functions have also been obtained.
Certain complex biochemical processes, such as photosynthesis and respiration, have been studied stepwise by immobilizing the process through the use of extreme cold or biochemical inhibitors and by analyzing the enzymatic activity of specific cell contents after spinning cells at very high speeds in a centrifuge. The pathways of energy transfer from molecule to molecule during photosynthesis and respiration have been determined by biophysical methods, especially those utilizing radioactive isotopes.

An investigation of the natural metabolic products of plants requires, in general, certain standard biochemical techniques—e.g., gas and paper chromatography, electrophoresis, and various kinds of spectroscopy, including infrared, ultraviolet, and nuclear magnetic resonance. Useful information on the structure of the extremely large cellulose molecule has been provided by X-ray crystallography.
Ecological aspects
When plant ecology first emerged as a subscience of botany, it was largely descriptive. Today, however, it has become a common meeting ground for all the plant sciences, as well as for other sciences. In addition, it has become much more quantitative. As a result, the tools and methods of plant ecologists are those available for measuring the intensity of the environmental factors that impinge on the plant and the reaction of the plant to these factors. The extent of the variability of many physical factors must be measured. The integration and reporting of such measurements, which cannot be regarded as constant, may therefore conceal some of the most dynamic and significant aspects of the environment and the responses of the plant to them. Because the physical environment is a complex of biological and physical components, it is measured by biophysical tools. The development of electronic measuring and recording devices has been crucial for a better understanding of the dynamics of the environment. Such devices, however, produce so much information that computer techniques must be used to reduce the data to meaningful results.
The ecologist might be concerned primarily with measuring the effect of the external environment on a plant and could adapt the methodology of the plant physiologist to field conditions.
The plant community ecologist is concerned with both the relation of different kinds of plants to each other and the nature and constitution of their association in natural communities. One widely used technique in this respect is to count the various kinds of plants within a standard area in order to determine such factors as the percentage of ground cover, dominance of species, aggressiveness, and other characteristics of the community. In general, the community ecologist has relatively few quantitative factors to measure, which nevertheless gives extremely useful results and some degree of predictability.
Some ecologists are most concerned with the inner environment of the plant and the way in which it reacts to the external environment. This approach, which is essentially physiological and biochemical, is useful for determining energy flow in ecosystems. The physiological ecologist is also concerned with evaluating the adaptations that certain plants have made toward survival in a hostile environment.
In summary, the techniques and methodology of plant ecology are as diverse and as varied as the large number of sciences that are drawn upon by ecologists. Completely new techniques, although few, are important; among them are techniques for measuring the amount of radioactive carbon-14 in plant deposits up to 50,000 years old. The most important new method in plant ecology is the rapidly growing use of computer techniques for handling vast amounts of data. Furthermore, modern digital computers can be used to simulate simple ecosystems and to analyze real ones.