Origin and occurrence
- Related Topics:
- calcium carbonate
- aragonite
- Iceland spar
- calcareous sinter
- vaterite
- On the Web:
- International Gem Society - Calcite Value, Price, and Jewelry Information (Feb. 21, 2025)
A large percentage of the calcite in rocks was deposited in sedimentary environments; consequently, calcite is a constituent of several diverse sediments, sedimentary rocks, and their metamorphosed products. A minor amount of the Earth’s calcite is of magmatic (i.e., igneous) origin; it is the chief constituent of the rare rock called carbonatite. Calcite also occurs widely in veins: some of the veins are wholly or largely calcite; others contain valuable ore minerals and are usually described as ore veins, even though calcite is the predominant constituent.
The sedimentary rocks composed largely of calcite include limestones of chemical and biochemical origin and also limestones usually referred to as clastic because they consist of transported fragments of previously deposited, typically biogenetic materials. Travertine (also known as tufa), chalk, and micrite, respectively, are examples of these kinds of limestones.
Many limestones have gained their mineralogical makeups and textures during diagenesis. Aragonite, the orthorhombic polymorph of CaCO3, was deposited and subsequently transformed into the calcite of some limestones; magnesian calcites that constitute some organic skeletal parts and cements of marine sediments were the precursors of the calcite of many other limestones. During diagenesis, most of the magnesian calcites were transformed into stable assemblages of rather pure calcite, often along with scattered grains of dolomite.
When sedimentary and diagenetic limestones undergo metamorphism, the calcite is frequently recrystallized and tends to become coarsely crystalline. The resulting rocks are calcite marbles. Some calcite marbles, however, appear to have had dolostone rather than limestone precursors; i.e., the dolostone underwent dedolomitization during metamorphism. The calcite grains in some marbles have cleavage planes that are curved; this is usually interpreted to reflect recrystallization during deformation or plastic flowage associated with dynamic metamorphism.
The calcite of carbonatites is generally thought to have formed from dense H2O-CO2 fluids that in many ways are more like the volatile-rich fluids from which pegmatites are believed to have been deposited than the more “normal” magmas from which igneous rocks such as granites and basalt have consolidated. These rocks closely resemble marbles, and some masses of both marble and carbonatite were originally misidentified, one as the other. In most cases, the identities of the accessory minerals serve as ready criteria for differentiating between an igneous and metamorphic origin.
Calcite is deposited by solutions, either ordinary groundwater solutions or hydrothermal solutions associated with magmatic activities. Such calcite constitutes the cement for many clastic sediments—e.g., some sandstones—and also the calcite or aragonite of speleothems and of both calcite and calcitic ore-bearing veins.
Calcite breaks down in most areas where chemical weathering takes place. It is dissolved and its products are carried in surface-water and groundwater solutions. The excavation of caves is a subsurface manifestation of these processes, just as their subsequent filling-in with speleothems is a manifestation of one of the modes whereby calcite is deposited. As might be suspected, most karst topography, which is characterized by sinkholes and underground drainage, occurs in areas underlain by limestone.
Calcite has many uses. Since ancient times, limestone has been burned to quicklime (CaO), slaked to hydrated lime [Ca(OH)2], and mixed with sand to make mortar. Limestone is one of the ingredients used in the manufacture of portland cement and is often employed as a flux in metallurgical processes, such as the smelting of iron ores. Crushed limestone is utilized widely as riprap, as aggregate for both concrete and asphalt mixes, as agricultural lime, and as an inert ingredient of medicines. Marble is used for statuary and carvings, and as polished slabs it is a popular facing stone. The term marble is used differently in the marketplace than in geology; in the marketplace, it is applied to any coarse-grained carbonate rock that will take a good polish rather than to metamorphic carbonate-rich rocks exclusively. Some coarsely crystalline diagenetic limestones are among the most widely used commercial “marbles.” Travertine and onyx marble (banded calcite) are also popular facing stones, usually for interior use. Iceland spar has been employed for optical purposes for nearly two centuries. These uses constitute only a few of the many applications of calcite.
R.V. Dietrich