Sample preparation
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- assaying
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- On the Web:
- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - Understanding Chemical Analysis Results (Feb. 21, 2025)
After the sample has been collected, it may be necessary to chemically or physically treat it at the sampling site. Normally this treatment is done immediately after the sample has been collected. The nature of the treatment is dependent on the sample and the substances for which it is being analyzed. For example, natural water samples that are assayed for dissolved oxygen generally are placed in containers that are sealed, stored, and transported in a refrigerated compartment. Sealing prevents a change in oxygen concentration owing to exposure to the atmosphere, and refrigeration slows changes in oxygen levels caused by microscopic organisms within the sample. Similarly, samples that are to be assayed for trace levels of metallic pollutants are pretreated in order to prevent a decrease in the concentration of the pollutant that is caused by adsorption on the walls of the sample vessel. Metallic adsorption can be minimized by adding nitric acid to the sample and by washing the walls of the vessel with the acid.
After the samples arrive at the laboratory, additional operations might be required prior to performing the assay. In some cases, multiple samples simply are combined into a composite sample which is made homogeneous and then assayed. This process eliminates the need to assay each of the individual specimens. In other instances, the sample must be chemically or physically treated in order to place it in a form that can be assayed. For example, ore samples normally must be first dissolved in acidic solutions. Sometimes it is necessary to change the concentration of the analyte prior to performing the assay so that it will fall within the range of the analytical method. Once the specimen is prepared, enough laboratory assays are completed to allow the analyst to estimate the amount of random error. Typically a minimum of three assays are performed on each sample.
Evaluation of results
After the assays have been completed, quantitative results are mathematically manipulated, and both qualitative and quantitative results are presented in a meaningful manner. In most cases, two values are reported for quantitative analyses. The first value is an estimate of the correct value for the analysis, and the second value indicates the amount of random error in the analysis. The most common way of reporting the best value is to give the mean (average) of the results of the laboratory assays. In specific cases, however, it is better to report either the median (central value when the results are arranged in order of size) or the mode (the value obtained most often).
Accuracy is the degree of agreement between the experimental result and the true value. Precision is the degree of agreement among a series of measurements of the same quantity; it is a measure of the reproducibility of results rather than their correctness. Errors may be either systematic (determinant) or random (indeterminant). Systematic errors cause the results to vary from the correct value in a predictable manner and can often be identified and corrected. An example of a systematic error is improper calibration of an instrument. Random errors are the small fluctuations introduced in nearly all analyses. These errors can be minimized but not eliminated. They can be treated, however, using statistical methods. Statistics is used to estimate the random error that occurs during each step of an analysis, and, upon completion of the analysis, the estimates for the individual steps can be combined to obtain an estimate of the total experimental error.
The most frequently reported error estimate is the standard deviation of the results; however, other values, such as the variance, the range, the average deviation, or confidence limits at a specified probability level are sometimes reported. For the relatively small number of replicate samples that are used during chemical assays, the standard deviation (s) is calculated by using equation (1) where Σ represents summation, xi represents each of the individual analytical results, a is the average of the results, and N is the number of replicate assays.
The standard deviation is a popular estimate of the error in an analysis because it has statistical significance whenever the results are normally distributed. Most analytical results exhibit normal (Gaussian) behaviour, following the characteristic bell-shaped curve. If the results are normally distributed, 68.3 percent of the results can be expected to fall within the range of plus or minus one standard deviation of the mean as a result of random error. The units of standard deviation are identical to those of the individual analytical results.
The variance (V) is the square of the standard deviation and is useful because, in many cases, it is additive throughout the several steps of the chemical analysis. Consequently, an estimate of the total random error in the analysis can be obtained by adding the variances for each of the individual steps in the analysis. The standard deviation for the overall analysis can then be calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the variances.
A simple measure of variability is the range, given as the difference between the largest and the smallest results. It has no statistical significance, however, for small data sets. Another statistical term, the average deviation, is calculated by adding the differences, while ignoring the sign, between each result and the average of all the results, and then dividing the sum by the number of results. Confidence limits at a given probability level are values greater than and less than the average, between which the results are statistically expected to fall a given percentage of the time.
Preliminary laboratory methods
A summary, though not comprehensive, of the common laboratory measurements that can be performed to supplement information obtained by another analytical procedure is provided in this section. Many of the methods can be used in the field or in process control apparatus as well as in the laboratory.
Some physical measurements that do not require instrumentation other than an accurate balance can be useful in selected circumstances. Density, specific gravity, viscosity, and pH measurements are among the more useful measurements in this category.
Density measurements
This property is defined as the ratio of mass to volume of a substance. Generally the mass is measured in grams and the volume in millilitres or cubic centimetres. Density measurements of liquids are straightforward and sometimes can aid in identifying pure substances or mixtures that contain two or three known components; they are most useful in assays of simple mixtures whose components differ significantly in their individual densities. Densities can be used, for example, as an aid in the quantitative analysis of aqueous sugar solutions. Liquid densities usually are measured by using electronic instruments called density meters or pycnometers.
Specific gravity measurements
Specific gravity is a related quantity that is defined as the ratio of the density of the analyte to the density of water at a specified temperature. The procedure used to measure specific gravity often employs an instrument called a hydrometer, which is a glass tube that is sealed at both ends and can float when placed in a liquid. The hydrometer has a graduated scale on the side that allows one to measure specific gravity by observing where the surface of the liquid falls on the scale. Electronic density meters can also be used to measure specific gravity.
Viscosity measurements
Measurements of this kind also provide limited analytical information. Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a substance to change of shape. Often it is defined as the resistance to flow of a fluid. It is measured in units of poises (dyne-seconds per square centimetre) or a subdivision of poises. For liquids viscosity is measured with an instrument called a viscometer, of which there are various types. One type of viscometer is a calibrated glass vessel. After inversion, the upper glass bulb is filled to the lower calibration mark by applying suction with a rubber bulb and drawing the liquid analyte into the apparatus. The device is stoppered at the end near the lower bulb, inverted to its upright position, and placed in a constant-temperature bath. After temperature equilibrium has been established, the stopper is removed. The time required for the volume of liquid between the two marks to drain from the bulb is measured. The time elapsed is used in conjunction with a table supplied by the manufacturer of the bulb to determine the viscosity. The tube at the lower end of the upper bulb has a fixed length and radius that is used along with the pressure differential between the upper and lower ends of the apparatus to measure the viscosity. Other viscometers work by placing an object in a liquid and measuring the force required to spin that object at a certain speed. Viscosity measurements are common in industries that produce oils or other relatively slow-flowing liquids. They often are employed in oil refineries to determine the viscosities of refined oils.