In chromatography, peak width increases in proportion to the square root of the distance that the peak has migrated. Mathematically, this is equivalent to saying that the square of the standard deviation is equal to a constant times the distance traveled. The height equivalent to a theoretical plate, as discussed above, is defined as the proportionality constant relating the standard deviation and the distance traveled. Thus, the defining equation of the height equivalent to a theoretical plate is as follows: HETP = σ 2/L, in which σ is the standard deviation and L the distance traveled. The use of the plate height is superior to the use of peak width in evaluating various chromatographic systems, because it is constant for the chromatographic run, and it is nearly constant from solute to solute.
In elution chromatography, in which the peak develops on a time scale, an equivalent form of the above equation is HETP = L σt2/tr2, in which L is now the column length, tr the time of retention of the peak by the column, and σt the standard deviation of the peak measured in units of time; this form is another expression of the equation HETP = L/N given above (see above Column efficiency).
During a chromatographic separation, three basic processes contribute to plate height (HETP): (1) Molecular diffusion, in which solute molecules diffuse outward from the centre of the zone. This effect is inversely proportional to the average linear flow velocity, u, because rapid flow reduces the time for diffusion. Mathematically, the contribution to plate height of this factor is expressed as B/u, in which B is a constant. (2) Eddy diffusion, in which solute is carried at unequal rates through the tortuous pathways of the granular bed of the packing particles. The contribution to plate height is a constant factor, A, independent of velocity. (3) Nonequilibrium or mass transfer, in which the slowness of diffusion in and out of the stationary and mobile phases causes fluctuations in the times of residence of the solute in the two phases and a consequent peak broadening. The effect is proportional to velocity and is expressed as Csu and Cmu, in which Cs and Cm are constants relating to the stationary and mobile phases, respectively.
A function of chromatographic theory has been twofold: (1) to evaluate B, A, Cm, and Cs, in terms of underlying diffusivity and flow processes, and (2) to assemble them into a total plate height equation.
The general equation used is HETP = A + B/u + Csu. This is inadequate at high velocities, however, and is replaced by the equation Knowledge of the component terms in such equations allows one to optimize chromatographic operating conditions.
Chromatographic methods will separate ionic species, inorganic or organic, and molecular species ranging in size from the lightest and smallest, helium and hydrogen, to particulate matter such as single cells. No single configuration will accomplish this, however. Little preknowledge of the constituents of a mixture is required. At its best, chromatography will separate several hundreds of components of unknown identity and unknown concentrations, leaving the components unchanged. Amounts in the parts per billion range can be detected with some detectors. The solutes can range from polar to nonpolar—i.e., water-soluble to hydrocarbon-soluble.
Substances of low critical temperature or low molecular weight, such as the gases at laboratory conditions showing dispersive or London intermolecular forces only, are separated with molecular sieves or gas-solid techniques. Gas-liquid chromatography is applicable to species with high critical temperatures and normal boiling points as high as 400 °C. Substances that are solids at normal laboratory conditions with molecular weights below 1,000 are best separated with liquid-solid or liquid-liquid systems. Lower members of the molecular weight scale range are amenable to supercritical-fluid separations. Size-exclusion methods are involved at molecular weights above 1,000. Field-flow fractionation extends the size range to colloids and microscopic particles.
Separations are fast, ranging from analysis times of a few minutes to several hours. The prechromatographic world would have considered a time of several hours to separate multicomponent mixtures to be miraculously fast. Now several hours is considered excessive, and there is much emphasis on increasing speed.
J. Calvin Giddings Roy A. Keller