- Key People:
- Antoine Lavoisier
- Otto von Guericke
- Johann Joachim Becher
- Related Topics:
- fire
- phlogiston
- flash point
- flame
- spontaneous combustion
The transition from combustion to explosion is caused by an acceleration of the reaction, induced either by a rise in temperature or by increasing lengths of the reaction chain. The first is called thermal explosion, and the second is called chain explosion.
Thermal explosions
Thermal explosion theory is based on the idea that progressive heating raises the rate at which heat is released by the reaction until it exceeds the rate of heat loss from the area. At a given composition of the mixture and a given pressure, explosion will occur at a specific ignition temperature that can be determined from the calculations of heat loss and heat gain.
The thermal explosion theory accounts for temperature rise and fuel consumption during the induction period. At sufficiently high rates of consumption the explosion will not occur.
Chain-branch reactions
It follows from the theory of branched-chain reactions that there is a limit to ignition, or to explosion, without a rise of temperature. In this case, what is called a chain explosion will occur when the probabilities of chain branching and of termination are equal. Usually, however, explosions are of a chain-thermal nature (i.e., both heat accumulation and chain auto-acceleration contribute to explosion).
The progressive acceleration of reaction accounted for by the flame front area advancing at a supersonic velocity and by transition from laminar to turbulent flow gives rise to a shock wave. The increase in temperature due to compression in the shock wave results in self-ignition of the mixture, and detonation sets in. The shock wave–combustion zone complex forms the detonation wave. Detonation differs from normal combustion in its ignition mechanism and in the supersonic velocity of 2–5 kilometres per second for gases and 8–9 kilometres per second for solid and liquid explosives.

Detonation is impossible when the energy loss from the reaction zone exceeds a certain limit. The detonation limits observed for high explosives are also eventually dependent on factors responsible for the chemical reaction rate: for example, the charge and diameter of the grain.