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Alloys are solid mixtures of atoms with metallic properties. The definition includes both amorphous and crystalline solids. Although many pairs of elements will mix together as solids, many pairs will not. Almost all chemical entities can be mixed in liquid form. But cooling a liquid to form a solid often results in phase separation; a polycrystalline material is obtained in which each grain is purely one atom or the other. Extremely rapid cooling can produce an amorphous alloy. Some pairs of elements form alloys that are metallic crystals. They have useful properties that differ from those exhibited by the pure elements. For example, alloying makes a metal stronger; for this reason alloys of gold, rather than the pure metal, are used in jewelry.
Atoms tend to form crystalline alloys when they are of similar size. The sizes of atoms are not easy to define, however, because atoms are not rigid objects with sharp boundaries. The outer part of an atom is composed of electrons in bound orbits; the average number of electrons decreases gradually with increasing distance from the nucleus. There is no point that can be assigned as the precise radius of the atom. Scientists have discovered, however, that each atom in a solid has a characteristic radius that determines its preferred separation from neighbouring atoms. For most types of atom this radius is constant, even in different solids. An empirical radius is assigned to each atom for bonding considerations, which leads to the concept of atomic size. Atoms readily make crystalline alloys when the radii of the two types of atoms agree to within roughly 15 percent.
Two kinds of ordering are found in crystalline alloys. Most alloys at low temperature are binary crystals with perfect ordering. An example is the alloy of copper and zinc. Copper is fcc, whereas zinc is hcp. A 50-percent-zinc–50-percent-copper alloy has a different structure—β-brass. At low temperatures it has the cesium chloride structure: a bcc lattice with alternating atoms of copper and zinc and a cubic unit cell. If the temperature is raised above 470° C, however, a phase transition to another crystalline state occurs. The ordering at high temperature is also bcc, but now each site has equal probability of having a copper or zinc atom. The two types of atoms randomly occupy each site, but there is still long-range order. At all temperatures, thousands of atoms away from a site, the location of the atom site can be predicted with certainty. At temperatures below 470° C one also knows whether that site will be occupied by a copper or zinc atom, while above 470° C there is an equal likelihood of finding either atom. The high-temperature phase is crystalline but disordered. The disorder phase is obtained through a partial melting, not into a liquid state but into a less ordered one. This behaviour is typical of metal alloys. Other common alloys are steel, an alloy of iron and carbon; stainless steel, an alloy of iron, nickel (Ni), and chromium (Cr); pewter and solder, alloys of tin and lead (Pb); and britannia metal, an alloy of tin, antimony, and copper.
Crystal defects
A crystal is never perfect; a variety of imperfections can mar the ordering. A defect is a small imperfection affecting a few atoms. The simplest type of defect is a missing atom and is called a vacancy. Since all atoms occupy space, extra atoms cannot be located at the lattice sites of other atoms, but they can be found between them; such atoms are called interstitials. Thermal vibrations may cause an atom to leave its original crystal site and move into a nearby interstitial site, creating a vacancy-interstitial pair. Vacancies and interstitials are the types of defects found in a pure crystal. In another defect, called an impurity, an atom is present that is different from the host crystal atoms. Impurities may either occupy interstitial spaces or substitute for a host atom in its lattice site.
There is no sharp distinction between an alloy and a crystal with many impurities. An alloy results when a sufficient number of impurities are added that are soluble in the host metal. However, most elements are not soluble in most crystals. Crystals generally can tolerate a few impurities per million host atoms. If too many impurities of the insoluble variety are added, they coalesce to form their own small crystallite. These inclusions are called precipitates and constitute a large defect.
Germanium is a common impurity in silicon. It prefers the same tetrahedral bonding as silicon and readily substitutes for silicon atoms. Similarly, silicon is a common impurity in germanium. No large crystal can be made without impurities; the purest large crystal ever grown was made of germanium. It had about 1010 impurities in each cubic centimetre of material, which is less than one impurity for each trillion atoms.
Impurities often make crystals more useful. In the absence of impurities, α-alumina is colourless. Iron and titanium impurities impart to it a blue colour, and the resulting gem-quality mineral is known as sapphire. Chromium impurities are responsible for the red colour characteristic of rubies, the other gem of α-alumina. Pure semiconductors rarely conduct electricity well at room temperatures. Their ability to conduct electricity is caused by impurities. Such impurities are deliberately added to silicon in the manufacture of integrated circuits. In fluorescent lamps the visible light is emitted by impurities in the phosphors (luminescent materials).
Other imperfections in crystals involve many atoms. Twinning is a special type of grain boundary defect, in which a crystal is joined to its mirror image. Another kind of imperfection is a dislocation, which is a line defect that may run the length of the crystal. One of the many types of dislocations is due to an extra plane of atoms that is inserted somewhere in the crystal structure. Another type, called an edge dislocation, is shown in . This line defect occurs when there is a missing row of atoms. In the figure the crystal arrangement is perfect on the top and on the bottom. The defect is the row of atoms missing from region b. This mistake runs in a line that is perpendicular to the page and places a strain on region a.
Dislocations are formed when a crystal is grown, and great care must be taken to produce a crystal free of them. Dislocations are stable and will exist for years. They relieve mechanical stress. If one presses on a crystal, it will accommodate the induced stress by growing dislocations at the surface, which gradually move inward. Dislocations make a crystal mechanically harder. When a metal bar is cold-worked by rolling or hammering, dislocations and grain boundaries are introduced; this causes the hardening.
Determination of crystal structures
Crystal structures are determined by scattering experiments using a portion of the crystal as the target. A beam of particles is sent toward the target, and upon impact some of the particles scatter from the crystal and ricochet in various directions. A measurement of the scattered particles provides raw data, which is then computer-processed to give a picture of the atomic arrangements. The positions are then inferred from the computer-analyzed data.
Max von Laue first suggested in 1912 that this measurement could be done using X rays, which are electromagnetic radiation of very high frequency. High frequencies are needed because these waves have a short wavelength. Von Laue realized that atoms have a spacing of only a few angstroms (1 angstrom [Å] is 10−10 metre, or 3.94 × 10−9 inch). In order to measure atomic arrangements, the particles scattering from the target must also have a wavelength of a few angstroms. X rays are required when the beam consists of electromagnetic radiation. The X rays only scatter in certain directions, and there are many X rays associated with each direction. The scattered particles appear in spots corresponding to locations where the scattering from each identical atom produces an outgoing wave that has all the wavelengths in phase. shows incoming waves in phase. The scattering from atom A2 has a longer path than that from atom A1. If this additional path has a length (AB + BC) that is an exact multiple of the wavelength, then the two outgoing waves are in phase and reinforce each other. If the scattering angle is changed slightly, the waves no longer add coherently and begin to cancel one another. Combining the scattered radiation from all the atoms in the crystal causes all the outgoing waves to add coherently in certain directions and produce a strong signal in the scattered wave. If the extra path length (AB + BC) is five wavelengths, for example, the spot appears in one place. If it is six wavelengths, the spot is elsewhere. Thus, the different spots correspond to the different multiples of the wavelength of the X ray. The measurement produces two types of information: the directions of the spots and their intensity. This information is insufficient to deduce the exact crystal structure, however, as there is no algorithm by which the computer can go directly from the data to the structure. The crystallographer must propose various structures and compute how they would scatter the X rays. The theoretical results are compared with the measured one, and the theoretical arrangement is chosen that best fits the data. Although this procedure is fast when there are only a few atoms in a unit cell, it may take months or years for complex structures. Some protein molecules, for instance, have hundreds of atoms. Crystals of the proteins are grown, and X rays are used to measure the structure. The goal is to determine how the atoms are arranged in the protein, rather than how the proteins are arranged in the crystal.
Beams of neutrons may also be used to measure crystal structure. The beam of neutrons is obtained by drilling a hole in the side of a nuclear reactor. The energetic neutrons created in nuclear fission escape through the hole. The motion of elementary particles is governed by quantum, or wave, mechanics. Each neutron has a wavelength that depends on its momentum. The scattering directions are determined by the wavelength, as is the case with X rays. The wavelengths for neutrons from a reactor are suitable for measuring crystal structures.
X rays and neutrons provide the basis for two competing technologies in crystallography. Although they are similar in principle, the two methods have some differences. X rays scatter from the electrons in the atoms so that more electrons result in more scattering. X rays easily detect atoms of high atomic number, which have many electrons, but cannot readily locate atoms with few electrons. In hydrogen-bonded crystals, X rays do not detect the protons at all. Neutrons, on the other hand, scatter from the atomic nucleus. They scatter readily from protons and are excellent for determining the structure of hydrogen-bonded solids. One drawback to this method is that some nuclei absorb neutrons completely, and there is little scattering from these targets.
Beams of electrons can also be used to measure crystal structure, because energetic electrons have a wavelength that is suitable for such measurements. The problem with electrons is that they scatter strongly from atoms. Proper interpretation of the experimental results requires that an electron scatter only from one atom and leave the crystal without scattering again. Low-energy electrons scatter many times, and the interpretation must reflect this. Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) is a technique in which a beam of electrons is directed toward the surface. The scattered electrons that reflect backward from the surface are measured. They scatter many times before leaving backward but mainly leave in a few directions that appear as “spots” in the measurements. An analysis of the varied spots gives information on the crystalline arrangement. Because the electrons are scattered strongly by the atoms in the first few layers of the surface, the measurement gives only the arrangements of atoms in these layers. It is assumed that the same structure is repeated throughout the crystal. Another scattering experiment involves electrons of extremely high energy. The scattering rate decreases as the energy of the electron increases, so that very energetic electrons usually scatter only once. Various electron microscopes are constructed on this principle.