Processing of extracted oil
- Related Topics:
- fat
- food processing
The extent of processing applied to fats depends on their source, quality, and ultimate use. Many fats are used for edible purposes after only a single processing step—i.e., clarification by settling or filtering. Most cold-pressed oils (for example, cold-pressed olive, peanut, and some coconut and sunflower oils) can be used in food products without further processing. Tremendous quantities of butter and lard are used without special treatment after churning or rendering. The growing demand for bland-tasting and stable salad oils and shortening, however, has led to extensive processing techniques. (See .)
The nonglyceride components contribute practically all the colour and flavour to fats. In addition, such materials as the free fatty acids, waxes, colour bodies, mucilaginous materials, phospholipids, carotenoids, and gossypol (a yellow pigment found only in cottonseed oil) contribute other undesirable properties in fats used for edible and, to some extent, industrial purposes.
Alkali refining
Many of these can be removed by treating fats at 40 to 85 °C (104 to 185 °F) with an aqueous solution of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) or soda ash (sodium carbonate). The refining may be done in a tank (in which case it is called batch or tank refining) or in a continuous system. In batch refining, the aqueous emulsion of soaps formed from free fatty acids, along with other impurities (soapstock), settles to the bottom and is drawn off. In the continuous system the emulsion is separated with centrifuges. After the fat has been refined, it is usually washed with water to remove traces of alkali and soapstock. Oils that have been refined with soda ash or ammonia generally require a light re-refining with caustic soda to improve colour. After water washing, the oil may be dried by heating in a vacuum or by filtering through a dry filter-aid material. The refined oil may be used for industrial purposes or may be processed further to edible oils. Usually, the refined oils are neutral (i.e., neither acidic nor alkaline), free of material that separates on heating (break material), lighter in colour, less viscous, and more susceptible to rancidity.
Water refining
Water refining, usually called degumming, consists of treating the natural oil with a small amount of water, followed by centrifugal separation. The process is applied to many oils that contain phospholipids in significant amounts. Since the separated phospholipids are rather waxy or gummy solids, the term degumming was quite naturally applied to the separation. The separated phospholipid emulsion layer from oils such as corn (maize) and soybean oils may be dried (commercially, these products are called lecithin) and used as emulsifiers in such products as margarine, chocolate products, and emulsion paints. The degumming of crude soybean oil, which has an average phospholipid content of 1.8 percent, provides the primary source of commercial lecithin. To obtain products of lighter colour, hydrogen peroxide may be added as a bleaching agent during the drying of lecithin. The degummed oil may be used directly in industrial applications, such as in paints or alkyd resins, or refined with alkalies for ultimate edible consumption.
If further colour removal is desired, the fat may be treated with various bleaching agents. Heated oils are treated with fuller’s earth (a natural earthy material that will decolorize oils), activated carbon, or activated clays. Many impurities, including chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments, are adsorbed onto such agents and removed by filtration. Bleaching often reduces the resistance of oils to rancidity, because some natural antioxidants are removed together with impurities. When many oils are heated to more than 175 °C (347 °F), a phenomenon known as heat bleaching takes place. Apparently the heat decomposes some pigments, such as the carotenoids, and converts them to colourless materials.

Destearinating or winterizing
It is often desirable to remove the traces of waxes (e.g., cuticle wax from seed coats) and the higher-melting glycerides from fats. Waxes can generally be removed by rapid chilling and filtering. Separation of high-melting glycerides, or stearine, usually requires very slow cooling in order to form crystals that are large enough to be removed by filtration or centrifuging. Thus linseed oil may be winterized to remove traces of waxes that otherwise interfere with its use in paints and varnishes. Stearine may be removed from fish oils in order to separate the solid glycerides that would detract from its use in paints and alkyd resins. At the same time, fish stearine is more suitable than whole oil for edible purposes. Cottonseed and peanut oils may be destearinated to produce salad oils that remain liquid at low temperatures. Tallows and other animal fats may be destearinated for simultaneous production of hard fats (high in stearic acid content for special uses such as in making candles) and of liquid oil called oleo oil.