Crystal structure
- Related Topics:
- plagioclase
- alkali feldspar
- celsian
- sunstone
- moonstone
Sanidine and orthoclase are monoclinic or nearly so; the plagioclase feldspars are triclinic. All, however, have the same fundamental structure: it consists of a continuous, negatively charged, three-dimensional framework that is made up of corner-sharing SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedrons (each tetrahedron consists of a central silicon or aluminum atom bonded to four oxygen atoms) and positively charged cations (e.g., the potassium, sodium, and/or calcium) that occupy relatively large interstices within the framework. Although the framework is sufficiently elastic to adjust itself to the different sizes of the A cations, the relatively large potassium cations give structures that have a monoclinic or only slightly off-monoclinic symmetry, whereas the smaller sodium and calcium cations lead to distorted structures that have triclinic symmetry.
One aspect of the feldspar—especially the potassium feldspar—structures that is of particular interest is termed ordering (see ). This phenomenon is indicative of the conditions under which the feldspar was formed and its subsequent thermal history. Ordering in feldspars is based on the distributional pattern of silicon and aluminum within the different tetrahedrons. It can be characterized as follows: silicon and aluminum have a random distribution within the tetrahedrons of sanidine, an arrangement termed disordered; they have a regular distribution within the constituent tetrahedrons of microcline, an arrangement termed ordered; and they are distributed within the tetrahedrons of orthoclase in a manner usually characterized as only partly ordered. The disordered structure of sanidine reflects formation at high temperatures followed by rapid cooling; the high degree of ordering of microcline reflects either growth at low temperatures or very slow cooling from higher temperatures; the partial ordering of orthoclase indicates either formation at intermediate temperatures or formation at high temperatures followed by fairly slow cooling. With regard to this phenomenon, it is also noteworthy that all plagioclase feldspars are more nearly ordered than their associated potassium feldspars regardless of the temperatures that prevailed when they were formed.
Crystals of all the common rock-forming feldspars tend to look alike; megascopic examination of crystal form typically cannot be used to distinguish between feldspars. The angle between the face that intersects the b axis and is parallel to a and c and the face that intersects the c axis and is parallel to a and b is 90° for the monoclinic feldspars and ranges from about 86° to roughly 89°30′ for the triclinic feldspars; the deviations from 90° are not readily discernible with the naked eye. In any case, feldspar crystals are relatively rare; almost all occur in miarolitic cavities, in pegmatite masses, or as phenocrysts within porphyries. (A porphyry is an igneous rock containing conspicuous crystals, called phenocrysts, surrounded by a matrix of finer-grained minerals or glass or both.) In most rocks, both alkali and plagioclase feldspars occur as irregularly shaped grains with only a few or no crystal faces. This general absence of crystal faces reflects the fact that crystallization of these feldspars was interfered with by previously formed minerals within the same mass.
Both crystals and irregularly shaped grains of feldspars are commonly twinned. Some individual grains are twinned in two or more ways. Two common kinds of twinning—those designated Carlsbad twinning and albite twinning—are shown in . Carlsbad twinning occurs in both monoclinic and triclinic feldspars; albite twinning occurs only in triclinic feldspars. Albite twinning, which is typically polysynthetic (i.e., multiple or repeated), can be observed as a set of parallel lines on certain crystal or cleavage surfaces of many plagioclase feldspars.
Physical properties
It is important to be able to distinguish feldspar group minerals from other rock-forming minerals and from one another because their presence (versus absence), along with their relative quantities, serves as the basis for classifying and naming many rocks, especially those of igneous origin. In the laboratory, it is relatively easy to identify the feldspars by determining their chemical compositions, their structures, or their optical properties. In some cases, staining techniques are employed. Fortunately, most feldspar grains can also be identified rather easily on the basis of macroscopic examination in the field, using properties such as those described in the remainder of this article.

Common properties of the group
As might be suspected on the basis of their similar chemical compositions and structures, all of the rock-forming feldspars have several similar properties. As indicated by the fact that they lack inherent colour, feldspars can be colourless, white, or nearly any colour if impure. In general, however, orthoclase and microcline have a reddish tinge that ranges from a pale, fleshlike pink to brick-red, whereas typical rock-forming plagioclases are white to dark gray. As a group, feldspars range from transparent to nearly opaque, have nonmetallic lustres—typically vitreous to subvitreous on fractures and pearly or porcelaneous on cleavage surfaces, exhibit two cleavages—one perfect, the other good—at or near 90° to each other, and have a Mohs hardness of approximately 6.
The presence of two cleavages at or near 90° distinguishes the feldspars from all other common rock-forming minerals except halite and the pyroxenes. The hardness (21/2) and the salty taste of halite make that distinction clear. The gray to black streak of the common rock-forming pyroxenes, which contrasts markedly with the white or slightly tinted hues of the streaks of the feldspars—including those that are dark-coloured—affords a simple way to distinguish between these minerals, even those that are similar in appearance. (Streak is the colour of a mineral’s powder, which can be produced readily by pounding or scratching the mineral with a geologic pick or hammer.)