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Circulation of magnetic field lines in a pattern of closed loops within the magnetosphere is a consequence of the tangential drag of the solar wind. This circulation produces another important magnetic field source, the field-aligned current system. The field-aligned currents flow on two shells completely surrounding Earth (see the ). The higher latitude shell is usually referred to as Region 1 and the lower one as Region 2. These two current sheets are caused by different physical mechanisms, but they are connected through the ionosphere and form a single circuit.
The Region 1 current originates in the region of the interface between field lines dragged tailward by the solar wind and field lines returning to the dayside of Earth, as can be seen from the above figure. This interface is electrically charged, positive on the dayside of Earth and negative on the nightside. The charge on this interface is a consequence of the Lorentz force. Positive charges attached to field lines moving tailward on the dawn side of Earth are deflected earthward toward the interface. In contrast, positive charges moving sunward just inside the interface are deflected away from Earth (because their velocity is opposite to those on the other side of the interface). This is again toward the interface; hence, a positive charge accumulates. On the dusk side the deflections are the same, but a negative charge accumulates at the interface. Because of this charge, the centres of the loops become charged like the terminals of a battery.
In Earth’s field, magnetic field lines are almost perfect conductors of current, as there are no collisions to cause resistance. This allows the effects of the charge separation in the magnetosphere to be connected to the ionosphere at the feet of the charged field lines. Because the ionosphere conducts current, current can flow from the positive to negative terminals. Thus, current leaves the positive terminal of the magnetospheric “battery” and flows down field lines on the dawn side, then across the polar ionosphere, and finally out on the dusk side.
The actual current path is not nearly so simple, because the ionospheric conductivity is not uniform. One source of nonuniformity is solar illumination of the dayside. Another is loss of particles from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere. This loss occurs in two rings centred around the north and south magnetic poles. Inside these rings the ionosphere is constantly bombarded by particles that ionize the atmosphere and generate auroras. Because auroras are almost always present in these ovals, they are usually referred to as auroral ovals.
On the dayside the particle bombardment is a result of the neutral points about which the magnetopause currents flow. These neutral points are natural funnels that allow solar wind particles to pass through the magnetopause. On the nightside the particles also originate in a natural funnel but, in this case, one produced by the projection of the plasma sheet onto the ionosphere. The particle bombardment increases the electrical conductivity of the ionosphere inside the auroral ovals relative to that in the surrounding ionosphere.
To understand the closure of the Region 1 current system, the Region 2 system must be considered. This second system is a result of charge separation by drift in the main field. As discussed in relation to the ring current, negative charges (electrons) drift eastward (in a right-handed sense) around Earth, while positive charges (protons and heavy positive ions) drift westward. These particles preferentially approach Earth on the nightside because of the magnetospheric convection system. As they approach Earth, they tend to separate owing to drift, with more negative charges drifting around Earth on the dawn side and more positive charges around the dusk side. The centres of these regions also become electrically charged. Because field lines connect the regions to the ionosphere, currents can flow from them as well. In this case the polarity is reversed from that of Region 1. Accordingly, in Region 2 current is drawn from the ionosphere on the dawn side and expelled to the magnetosphere on the dusk side.
The field-aligned current system shown in the illuminated portion of the polar cap and some flowing equatorward across the morning side of the auroral oval. The current that turns equatorward flows out along lower-latitude field lines connected to the accumulation of negative charges and then flows westward across midnight as a partial ring current carried by the oppositely drifting particles. Near dusk it flows down along field lines to the ionosphere, then poleward, and finally out along field lines to the dusk interface.
is a superposition of all the elements discussed above. The path of this current can be summarized as follows. Current leaves the region of interface between counterstreaming magnetic field lines on the dawn side and flows down all field lines lying in a volume connected to this region. The current then splits, some flowing across theAt the dawn and dusk magnetopause, particles of opposite sign undergo certain actions. For example, at dawn negative charges are pushed outward toward the flowing solar wind. At dusk the opposite occurs. These charges also can discharge via field lines connected to Earth in the region near the feet of field lines emanating from the dayside neutral points or perhaps through the solar wind by mechanisms not yet completely understood. This closure completes the electric circuit.
A surprising characteristic of the field-aligned current system is that its effects are almost completely invisible on the ground, even though it profoundly changes the field in space. Because the field-aligned current system consists of two oppositely directed, nearly parallel current sheets, its magnetic field is almost entirely confined between the sheets. The existence of this system is, however, apparent in one way. It drives a secondary ionospheric current system consisting of two convective electrojets.
Convective electrojets
The auroral electrojets are two broad sheets of electric current that flow from noon toward midnight in the northern and southern auroral ovals. The dawn-side current flows westward, creating a decrease in the magnetic field on the surface. The dusk-side current flows eastward and produces an increase in the magnetic field. Both currents flow at an altitude of approximately 120 kilometres in a region known as the E region of the ionosphere. In this region the collision rate between positive ions and atmospheric neutral particles is much larger than it is between electrons and neutrals. Higher in the ionosphere there are almost no collisions, while in the lower region there is little ionization. Because of the different collision rates, ions in the E region drift more slowly than electrons and thus create an electric current. At higher altitudes where equal numbers of positive and negative charges drift at the same rate, no current is produced because no net charge is transported. In the E region positive charges moving backward relative to the drift create a current opposite to the drift.
The ionospheric drift results from magnetospheric convection. Field lines with “feet” in the auroral ovals drift toward the dayside, so that the electrojet currents are toward the nightside. The electrojet currents flow at right angles to the sheets of ionospheric current connecting the field-aligned currents of Region 1 and Region 2 at the poleward and equatorward boundaries of the auroral ovals. As these currents are driven by the electric field produced by charge accumulation in the magnetosphere, they flow in the same direction as the electric field. The electrojet currents are thus at right angles to the electric field. Such a current, called a Hall current (after the Hall effect), is always present when an electric field is applied to a conductor containing a magnetic field.
The electrical conductivity parallel to the electric field in Earth’s ionosphere is referred to as the Pedersen conductivity, and it is usually a factor of two less than the Hall conductivity perpendicular to the electric field. Consequently, the electrojet currents are actually stronger than the north–south ionospheric currents connecting the Region 1 and Region 2 currents. Typical disturbances produced by the westward electrojet are 500–1,000 nanoteslas, whereas those produced by the eastward electrojet are about half as large.