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Global glacier melt is accelerating, scientists say Feb. 21, 2025, 5:08 AM ET (VOA - Voice of America English News)

In this discussion the term mountain glaciers includes all perennial ice masses other than the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Those ice masses are not necessarily associated with mountains. Sometimes the term small glaciers is used, but only in a relative sense: a glacier 10,000 square kilometres (4,000 square miles) in surface area would not be called “small” in many parts of the world.

Classification of mountain glaciers

Mountain glaciers are generally confined to a more or less marked path directing their movement. The shape of the channel and the degree to which the glacier fills it determine the type of glacier. Valley glaciers are a classic type; they flow at least in part down a valley and are longer than they are wide. Cirque glaciers, short and wide, are confined to cirques, or amphitheatres, cut in the mountain landscape. Other types include transection glaciers or ice fields, which fill systems of valleys, and glaciers in special situations, such as summit glaciers, hanging glaciers, ice aprons, crater glaciers, and regenerated or reconstituted glaciers. Glaciers that spread out at the foot of mountain ranges are called piedmont glaciers. Outlet glaciers are valley glaciers that originate in ice sheets, ice caps, and ice fields. Because of the complex shapes of mountain landscapes and the resulting variety of situations in which glaciers can develop, it is difficult to draw clear distinctions among the various types of glaciers.

Mountain glaciers also are classified as polar, subpolar, or temperate and their surfaces by the occurrence of dry-snow, percolation, saturation, and superimposed-ice zones, as for ice sheets.

Surface features

The snow surface of the accumulation area of a mountain glacier displays the same snow dune and sastrugi features found on ice sheets, especially in winter, but normally those features are neither as large nor as well developed. Where appreciable melting of the snow occurs, several additional features may be produced. During periods of clear, sunny weather, sun cups (cup-shaped hollows usually between 5 and 50 centimetres [2 and 20 inches] in depth) may develop. On very high-altitude, low-latitude snow and firn fields these may grow into spectacular narrow blades of ice, up to several metres high, called nieves penitentes. Rain falling on the snow surface (or very high rates of melt) may cause a network of meltwater runnels (shallow grooves trending downslope) to develop.

Other features are characteristic of the ablation zone. Below icefalls (steep reaches of a valley glacier), several types of curved bands can be seen. The surface of the glacier may rise and fall in a periodic manner, with the spacing between wave crests approximately equal to the amount of ice flow in a year. Called wave ogives (pointed arches), these arcs result from the great stretching of the ice in the rapidly flowing icefall. The ice that moves through the icefall in summer has more of its surface exposed to melting and is greatly reduced in volume compared with the ice moving through in winter. Dirtband ogives also may occur below icefalls; these are caused by seasonal differences in the amount of dust or by snow trapped in the icefall. In plan view, the ogives are invariably distorted into arcs or curves convex downglacier; hence the name ogive.

The ice of the ablation zone normally shows a distinctive layered structure. This can be relict stratification developed by the alternation of dense and light or of clean and dirty snow accumulations from higher on the glacier. This stratification is later subdued by recrystallization accompanying plastic flow. A new layering called foliation is developed by the flow. Foliation is expressed by alternating layers of clear and bubbly or coarse-grained and fine-grained ice. Although the origin of this structure is not fully understood, it is analogous to the process that produces foliated structures in metamorphic rocks.

The ice crystals in strongly deformed, foliated ice invariably have a preferred orientation, relative to the stress directions. In some situations, more often in polar than in temperate ice, the hexagonal axes are aligned perpendicularly to the plane of foliation. This alignment places the crystal glide planes parallel to the planes of (presumed) greatest shearing. In many other locations the hexagonal crystal axes are preferentially aligned in four different directions, none perpendicular to the foliation. This enigmatic pattern has resisted explanation so far.

Crevasses are common to both the accumulation and ablation zones of mountain glaciers, as well as of ice sheets. Transverse crevasses, perpendicular to the flow direction along the centre line of valley glaciers, are caused by extending flow. Splaying crevasses, parallel to the flow in midchannel, are caused by a transverse expansion of the flow. The drag of the valley walls produces marginal crevasses, which intersect the margin at 45°. Transverse and splaying crevasses curve around to become marginal crevasses near the edge of a valley glacier. Splaying and transverse crevasses may occur together, chopping the glacier surface into discrete blocks or towers, called seracs.

Crevasses deepen until the rate of surface stretching is counterbalanced by the rate of plastic flow tending to close the crevasses at depth. Thus, crevasse depths are a function of the rate of stretching and the temperature of the ice. Crevasses deeper than 50 metres (160 feet) are rare in temperate mountains, but crevasses to 100 metres or more in depth may occur in polar regions. Often the crevasses are concealed by a snow bridge, built by accumulations of windblown snow.

Mass balance of mountain glaciers

The rate of accumulation and ablation on mountain glaciers depends on latitude, altitude, and distance downwind from sources of abundant moisture, such as the oceans. The glaciers along the coasts of Washington, British Columbia, southeastern Alaska, South Island of New Zealand, Iceland, and southwestern Norway receive prodigious snowfall. Snow accumulation of three to five metres of water equivalent in a single season is not uncommon. With this large income, glaciers can exist at low altitudes in spite of very high melt rates. The rate of snowfall increases with increasing altitude; thus, the gradient of net mass balance with altitude is steep. This gradient also expresses the rate of transfer of mass by glacier flow from high to low altitudes and is called the activity index.

Typical of the temperate, maritime glaciers is South Cascade Glacier, in western Washington. Its activity index is high, normally about 17 millimetres per metre (0.2 inch per foot); the yearly snow accumulation averages about 3.1 metres of water-equivalent; and the equilibrium line is at the relatively low altitude of 1,900 metres. This glacier contains only ablation and saturation zones; the winter chill is so slight that no superimposed ice is formed.

In the maritime environment of southeastern Alaska are many very large glaciers; Bering and Seward-Malaspina glaciers (piedmont glaciers) cover about 5,800 and 5,200 square kilometres (2,200 and 2,000 square miles) in area, respectively. Equilibrium lines are lower than those in Washington state, but the rates of accumulation and ablation and the activity indices are about the same. Because these mountains are high, and some glaciers extend over a great range of altitude, all surface zones except the dry-snow zone are represented.

In more continental (inland) environments, the rate of snowfall is much less, and the summer climate is generally warmer. Thus, glaciers can exist only at high altitudes. High winds may concentrate the meagre snowfall in deep, protected basins, however, allowing glaciers to form even in areas of low precipitation and high melt rates. Glaciers formed almost entirely of drift snow occur at high altitudes in Colorado and in the polar Ural Mountains and are often referred to as Ural-type glaciers. Superimposed ice and soaked zones are found in the accumulation area; in higher areas the percolation zone is found, and in some local extreme areas the dry-snow zone occurs. Because of the decrease in melt rates, continental glaciers in high latitudes occur at lower altitudes and have lower accumulation totals and activity indices. McCall Glacier, in the northwestern part of the Brooks Range in Alaska, has the lowest activity index (two millimetres per metre) measured in western North America. Glaciers in intermediate climates have intermediate equilibrium-line altitudes, accumulation or ablation totals, and activity indices.