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- artificial intelligence
Connectionism, or neuronlike computing, developed out of attempts to understand how the human brain works at the neural level and, in particular, how people learn and remember. In 1943 the neurophysiologist Warren McCulloch of the University of Illinois and the mathematician Walter Pitts of the University of Chicago published an influential treatise on neural nets and automatons, according to which each neuron in the brain is a simple digital processor and the brain as a whole is a form of computing machine. As McCulloch put it subsequently, “What we thought we were doing (and I think we succeeded fairly well) was treating the brain as a Turing machine.”
Creating an artificial neural network
It was not until 1954, however, that Belmont Farley and Wesley Clark of MIT succeeded in running the first artificial neural network—albeit limited by computer memory to no more than 128 neurons. They were able to train their networks to recognize simple patterns. In addition, they discovered that the random destruction of up to 10 percent of the neurons in a trained network did not affect the network’s performance—a feature that is reminiscent of the brain’s ability to tolerate limited damage inflicted by surgery, accident, or disease.
The simple neural network depicted in the figure illustrates the central ideas of connectionism. Four of the network’s five neurons are for input, and the fifth—to which each of the others is connected—is for output. Each of the neurons is either firing (1) or not firing (0). Each connection leading to N, the output neuron, has a “weight.” What is called the total weighted input into N is calculated by adding up the weights of all the connections leading to N from neurons that are firing. For example, suppose that only two of the input neurons, X and Y, are firing. Since the weight of the connection from X to N is 1.5 and the weight of the connection from Y to N is 2, it follows that the total weighted input to N is 3.5. As shown in the figure, N has a firing threshold of 4. That is to say, if N’s total weighted input equals or exceeds 4, then N fires; otherwise, N does not fire. So, for example, N does not fire if the only input neurons to fire are X and Y, but N does fire if X, Y, and Z all fire.
Training the network involves two steps. First, the external agent inputs a pattern and observes the behavior of N. Second, the agent adjusts the connection weights in accordance with the rules:
- If the actual output is 0 and the desired output is 1, increase by a small fixed amount the weight of each connection leading to N from neurons that are firing (thus making it more likely that N will fire the next time the network is given the same pattern);
- If the actual output is 1 and the desired output is 0, decrease by that same small amount the weight of each connection leading to the output neuron from neurons that are firing (thus making it less likely that the output neuron will fire the next time the network is given that pattern as input).
The external agent—actually a computer program—goes through this two-step procedure with each pattern in a training sample, which is then repeated a number of times. During these many repetitions, a pattern of connection weights is forged that enables the network to respond correctly to each pattern. The striking thing is that the learning process is entirely mechanical and requires no human intervention or adjustment. The connection weights are increased or decreased automatically by a constant amount, and exactly the same learning procedure applies to different tasks.
In 1957 Frank Rosenblatt of the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, began investigating artificial neural networks that he called perceptrons. He made major contributions to the field of AI, both through experimental investigations of the properties of neural networks (using computer simulations) and through detailed mathematical analysis. Rosenblatt was a charismatic communicator, and there were soon many research groups in the United States studying perceptrons. Rosenblatt and his followers called their approach connectionist to emphasize the importance in learning of the creation and modification of connections between neurons. Modern researchers have adopted this term.
One of Rosenblatt’s contributions was to generalize the training procedure that Farley and Clark had applied to only two-layer networks so that the procedure could be applied to multilayer networks. Rosenblatt used the phrase “back-propagating error correction” to describe his method. The method, with substantial improvements and extensions by numerous scientists, and the term back-propagation are now in everyday use in connectionism.
Conjugating verbs
In one famous connectionist experiment conducted at the University of California at San Diego (published in 1986), David Rumelhart and James McClelland trained a network of 920 artificial neurons, arranged in two layers of 460 neurons, to form the past tenses of English verbs. Root forms of verbs—such as come, look, and sleep—were presented to one layer of neurons, the input layer. A supervisory computer program observed the difference between the actual response at the layer of output neurons and the desired response—came, say—and then mechanically adjusted the connections throughout the network in accordance with the procedure described above to give the network a slight push in the direction of the correct response. About 400 different verbs were presented one by one to the network, and the connections were adjusted after each presentation. This whole procedure was repeated about 200 times using the same verbs, after which the network could correctly form the past tense of many unfamiliar verbs as well as of the original verbs. For example, when presented for the first time with guard, the network responded guarded; with weep, wept; with cling, clung; and with drip, dripped (complete with double p). This is a striking example of learning involving generalization. (Sometimes, though, the peculiarities of English were too much for the network, and it formed squawked from squat, shipped from shape, and membled from mail.)
Another name for connectionism is parallel distributed processing, which emphasizes two important features. First, a large number of relatively simple processors—the neurons—operate in parallel. Second, neural networks store information in a distributed fashion, with each individual connection participating in the storage of many different items of information. The know-how that enabled the past-tense network to form wept from weep, for example, was not stored in one specific location in the network but was spread throughout the entire pattern of connection weights that was forged during training. The human brain also appears to store information in a distributed fashion, and connectionist research is contributing to attempts to understand how it does so.
Other neural networks
Other work on neuronlike computing includes the following:
- Visual perception. Networks can recognize faces and other objects from visual data. For example, neural networks can distinguish whether an animal in a picture is a cat or a dog. Such networks can also distinguish a group of people as separate individuals.
- Language processing. Neural networks are able to convert handwritten and typewritten material to electronic text. Neural networks also convert speech to printed text and printed text to speech.
- Financial analysis. Neural networks are increasingly being used for loan risk assessment, real estate valuation, bankruptcy prediction, share price prediction, and other business applications.
- Medicine. Medical applications include detecting lung nodules and heart arrhythmias and predicting adverse drug reactions.
- Telecommunications. Telecommunications applications of neural networks include control of telephone switching networks and echo cancellation on satellite links.
Nouvelle AI
New foundations
The approach known as nouvelle AI was pioneered at the MIT AI Laboratory by the Australian Rodney Brooks during the latter half of the 1980s. Nouvelle AI distances itself from strong AI, with its emphasis on human-level performance, in favor of the relatively modest aim of insect-level performance. At a very fundamental level, nouvelle AI rejects symbolic AI’s reliance upon constructing internal models of reality, such as those described in the section Microworld programs. Practitioners of nouvelle AI assert that true intelligence involves the ability to function in a real-world environment.
A central idea of nouvelle AI is that intelligence, as expressed by complex behavior, “emerges” from the interaction of a few simple behaviors. For example, a robot whose simple behaviors include collision avoidance and motion toward a moving object will appear to stalk the object, pausing whenever it gets too close.
One famous example of nouvelle AI was Brooks’s robot Herbert (named after Herbert Simon), whose environment was the busy offices of the MIT AI Laboratory. Herbert searched desks and tables for empty soda cans, which it picked up and carried away. The robot’s seemingly goal-directed behavior emerged from the interaction of about 15 simple behaviors.
Nouvelle AI sidesteps the frame problem discussed in the section The CYC project. Nouvelle systems do not contain a complicated symbolic model of their environment. Instead, information is left “out in the world” until such time as the system needs it. A nouvelle system refers continuously to its sensors rather than to an internal model of the world: it “reads off” the external world whatever information it needs at precisely the time it needs it. (As Brooks insisted, the world is its own best model—always exactly up-to-date and complete in every detail.)
The situated approach
Traditional AI has by and large attempted to build disembodied intelligences whose only interaction with the world has been indirect (CYC, for example). Nouvelle AI, on the other hand, attempts to build embodied intelligences situated in the real world—a method that has come to be known as the situated approach. Brooks quoted approvingly from the brief sketches that Turing gave in 1948 and 1950 of the situated approach. By equipping a machine “with the best sense organs that money can buy,” Turing wrote, the machine might be taught “to understand and speak English” by a process that would “follow the normal teaching of a child.” Turing contrasted this with the approach to AI that focuses on abstract activities, such as the playing of chess. He advocated that both approaches be pursued, but until nouvelle AI little attention was paid to the situated approach.
The situated approach was also anticipated in the writings of the philosopher Bert Dreyfus of the University of California at Berkeley. Beginning in the early 1960s, Dreyfus opposed the physical symbol system hypothesis, arguing that intelligent behavior cannot be completely captured by symbolic descriptions. As an alternative, Dreyfus advocated a view of intelligence that stressed the need for a body that could move about, interacting directly with tangible physical objects. Once reviled by advocates of AI, Dreyfus is now regarded as a prophet of the situated approach.
Critics of nouvelle AI point out the failure to produce a system exhibiting anything like the complexity of behavior found in real insects. Suggestions by late 20th-century researchers that their nouvelle systems would soon be conscious and possess language were entirely premature.