- Related Topics:
- zygote
- gonad
- gamete
- viviparity
- fertility
The two testes, or testicles, which usually complete their descent into the scrotum from their point of origin on the back wall of the abdomen in the seventh month after conception, are suspended in the scrotum by the spermatic cords. Each testis is 4 to 5 cm (about 1.5 to 2 inches) long and is enclosed in a fibrous sac, the tunica albuginea. This sac is lined internally by the tunica vasculosa, containing a network of blood vessels, and is covered by the tunica vaginalis, which is a continuation of the membrane that lines the abdomen and pelvis. The tunica albuginea has extensions into each testis that act as partial partitions to divide the testis into approximately 250 compartments, or lobules.
Each lobule contains one or more convoluted tubules, or narrow tubes, where sperm are formed. The tubules, if straightened, would extend about 70 cm (about 28 inches). The multistage process of sperm formation, which takes about 60 days, goes on in the lining of the tubules, starting with the spermatogonia, or primitive sperm cells, in the outermost layer of the lining. Spermatozoa (sperm) leaving the tubules are not capable of independent motion, but they undergo a further maturation process in the ducts of the male reproductive tract; the process may be continued when, after ejaculation, they pass through the female tract. Maturation of the sperm in the female tract is called capacitation.
Each spermatozoon is a slender elongated structure with a head, a neck, a middle piece, and a tail. The head contains the cell nucleus. When the spermatozoon is fully mature, it is propelled by the lashing movements of the tail.
The male sex hormone testosterone is produced by Leydig cells. These cells are located in the connective (interstitial) tissue that holds the tubules together within each lobule. The tissue becomes markedly active at puberty under the influence of the interstitial-cell-stimulating hormone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland; this hormone in women is called luteinizing hormone. Testosterone stimulates the male accessory sex glands (prostate, seminal vesicles) and also brings about the development of male secondary sex characteristics at puberty. The hormone may also be necessary to cause maturation of sperm and to heighten the sex drive of the male. The testis is also the source of some of the female sex hormone estrogen, which may exert an influence on pituitary activity.
Each testis is supplied with blood by the testicular arteries, which arise from the front of the aorta just below the origin of the renal (kidney) arteries. Each artery crosses the rear abdominal wall, enters the spermatic cord, passes through the inguinal canal, and enters the upper end of each testis at the back. The veins leaving the testis and epididymis form a network, which ascends into the spermatic cord. The lymph vessels, which also pass through the spermatic cord, drain to the lateral and preaortic lymph nodes. Nerve fibres to the testis accompany the vessels; they pass through the renal and aortic nerve plexuses, or networks.

Structures of the sperm canal
The epididymis, ductus deferens (or vas deferens), and ejaculatory ducts form the sperm canal. Together they extend from the testis to the urethra, where it lies within the prostate. Sperm are conveyed from the testis along some 20 ductules, or small ducts, which pierce the fibrous capsule to enter the head of the epididymis. The ductules are straight at first but become dilated and then much convoluted to form distinct compartments within the head of the epididymis. They each open into a single duct, the highly convoluted duct of the epididymis, which constitutes the “body” and “tail” of the structure. It is held together by connective tissue but if unraveled would be nearly 6 metres (20 feet) long. The duct enlarges and becomes thicker-walled at the lower end of the tail of the epididymis, where it becomes continuous with the ductus deferens.
The ductules from the testis have a thin muscular coat and a lining that consists of alternating groups of high columnar cells with cilia (hairlike projections) and low cells lacking cilia. The cilia assist in moving sperm toward the epididymis. In the duct of the epididymis the muscle coat is thicker and the lining is thick with tufts of large nonmotile cilia. There is some evidence that the ductules and the first portion of the duct of the epididymis remove excess fluid and extraneous debris from the testicular secretions entering these tubes. The blood supply to the epididymis is by a branch from the testicular artery given off before that vessel reaches the testis.
The ductus deferens, or vas deferens, is the continuation of the duct of the epididymis. It commences at the lower part of the tail of the epididymis and ascends along the back border of the testis to its upper pole. Then, as part of the spermatic cord, it extends to the deep inguinal ring. Separating from the other elements of the spermatic cord—the blood vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels—at the ring, the ductus deferens makes its way through the pelvis toward the base of the prostate, where it is joined by the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct. A part of the ductus that is dilated and rather tortuous, near the base of the urinary bladder, is called the ampulla.
The ductus deferens has a thick coat of smooth muscle that gives it a characteristic cordlike feel. The longitudinal muscle fibres are well developed, and peristaltic contractions (contractions in waves) move the sperm toward the ampulla. The mucous membrane lining the interior is in longitudinal folds and is mostly covered with nonciliated columnar cells, although some cells have nonmotile cilia. The ampulla is thinner-walled and probably acts as a sperm store.